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Jun 27 6 tweets 3 min read
AG Merrick Garland CREATED AN OFFICE in the US gov't THAT DOESN'T EXIST; he had NO AUTHORITY TO APPT A Special Counsel

Jack Smith WAS NOT NOMINATED by "Resident" Biden NOR CONFIRMED BY THE SENATE; "Special Counsel" statue was EXPIRED

CONGRESS KNEW IT WAS ILLEGAL & LET IT HAPPEN Merrick Garland oversaw Oklahoma ff👇

"In 1993 Garland joined the new Clinton admin as deputy assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Division of the US DoJ & the next year principal associate deputy AG to Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick (on Amazon's BOD since 2012)... Image
Jun 27 7 tweets 4 min read
See Ben Affleck's name👇on this email fr Hillary to Barack about the "pizza & hotdogs"?

Here's a pic of Ben & Matt Damon in 1998 w/Bill Clinton (l)👇& Ben & Matt winning an Oscar on 3-23-98 for Best Original Screenplay for "Good Will Hunting" (r); Castle Rock bought their script

"Castle Rock president Rob Reiner urged them to drop the thriller aspect of the story and to focus on the relationship between Will & his therapist.

At Reiner's request, screenwriter William Goldman read the script. Goldman consistently denied the persistent rumor that...
Jun 23 5 tweets 2 min read
Creating the Department of Education DoED (cleaved out of the already existing Dept of Health, Education, & Welfare) was Carter's fulfillment of a 1976 presidential campaign promise to the largest labor union in the United States—the Nat'l Ed Association (NEA)👇
Image DYK that Mika Brzezinski's father Zbigniew along w/David Rockefeller started the Trilateral Commission (1973) which recruited & pushed the candidacy of then unknown GA gov Carter? & then served as Carter's Nat'l Security Advisor👇
May 18 4 tweets 2 min read
Investiture Ceremony of Lugard Kubeyinje👇


Investiture: The act or formal ceremony of conferring the authority and symbols of a high office


May 9 4 tweets 2 min read
Christos is the New Testament Greek word for Christ=Χριστός

The first letter of the Greek word Christos (Χριστός) is called "chi" & is transliterated into our alphabet as an X.

That X has come through church history to be a shorthand symbol for the name of Christ. Image A miracle attributed to Christ is multiplying fish & loaves of bread, though that's not the reason a fish is used as a symbol for Him.

Greek for fish=ἰχθύς or ichthys from which an acrostic phrase was created

Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter = Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior Image
Apr 18 4 tweets 2 min read
Dr Reiner Fuellmich update from prison👇

"German journalist Paul Schreyer won a huge victory in court under the German version of the Freedom of Information Act. His court victory forced the German equivalent of the CDC to make secret documents...


Image ...available, which proved that the so-called pandemic was in reality a plandemic.

In light of the fact that the same thing happened simultaneously all over the world, it is very likely that — I mean, it was a lockstep thing — that this victory will have massive implications...
Apr 7 4 tweets 2 min read
NASA is a liars' club where they cook up a notion of space & perpetuate it w/actors in film studios.

Why do the sun & moon eclipse one another so perfectly? These PLASMA PHENOMENA are the SAME SIZE & emerge from inner toroidal Earth as a product of the INNER SUN👇known as... Image ...the inner electromagnetic BLACK SUN. The light of this BLACK SUN shines up from below & hits the inner side of the electromagnetic toroidal energy field👇where it splits into + (observable sun) & - (moon); they engage in a repeating 28 day cycle.
Mar 28 7 tweets 4 min read
Randy Quaid👇 "many do not realize his Bohemian Grove BrotherHood connection to people who have been involved in the most inhumane acts.

Charlie Sheen
Clint Eastwood
Danny Glover

Are all in "The Club". They play by an entire set of different rules."
Image SC Justice Scalia died '16 while at the W Texas Cibolo Creek Ranch among owner John Poindexter & 35 other guests-many of them high-ranking officials in the Int'l Order of St Hubertus incl C Allen Foster "a prominent Wash lawyer who traveled to the ranch w/Scalia by private plane" Image
Mar 21 7 tweets 3 min read
A French dictionary from 1906 lists the word "Tartary" & refers to "Turkestan"👇[1914 map] defining the the region that on modern maps is listed as Kazakhstan (upper limits) & Turkmenistan (south of Kazakhstan); as of 1906 the pop is listed as 5-6 million.

Astana, the capital... Image ...of Kazakhstan, is on what is considered the "silk road of child trafficking"👇

Since 1997 when it was made the capital "it has grown & developed economically into one of the most modern cities in Central Asia. In 2021, the gov't selected Astana as one of the 10 priority... Image
Mar 16 4 tweets 2 min read
Coincidence that parts of the Grand Canyon look like remains from Egypt?👇 No; much of our history has been hidden to keep us in the dark.

Even China could have had a settlement near by. @mind_unveiled's latest y/t looks into China & finds "there are even maps that show... Image ...that there was a Chinese colony in America...some maps depict Fusang as an island of California near British Columbia others show it as a large area on the west coast perhaps the land mass changed following a large disaster...how would the Chinese know what North America...
Mar 15 9 tweets 4 min read
"If a beautiful woman appeared in the company of Bob Hope, you can bet she was raped in the most horrific ways, and programmed to forget her abuse." reveals an mkultra survivor (article link)👇who reveals early programming included "The Banana Splits".
Image "Danger Island, nested in The Banana Splits, is nothing but one big rape fantasy. In the show Professor Irwin Hayden & his daughter Leslie are kidnapped by pirates after being separated from their friend Lincoln Simmons. There is constant threat of rape, as much as tv censors...
Mar 3 5 tweets 2 min read
"Is Racine WI connected w/rigged elections, COV*D, vacc*nes, censorship, propaganda, riots, Ukra*ne, China, Afghanistan, intelligence agencies, think tanks, blackmail & corrupt officials, secret societies, UN Agenda 2030, trafficking, community policing, smart cities & AI?"👇 Image "Racine is what pierces the veil of deception. It is the Root that connects every branch of the Agenda...a small city of such national & global significance near the center of the American & the world on the largest freshwater lakes"

Rotary's founder Paul Harris was born there👇 Image
Feb 10 4 tweets 2 min read
The Khazarian Mafia (KM; the Satanic Talmudic Globalist baddies) laid bare their plans to divide & conquer the Slavic nations & destroy Russia👇

"The Bolsheviks were actually created & deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long-planned revenge on...
Image ...the Russian Czar & the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD (for its repeated robbery, murder, & identity theft).

Feb 7 4 tweets 2 min read
Did you know that before 1973 it was ILLEGAL TO PROFIT FROM HEALTHCARE?

The Health Maintenance Act (HMO) of 1973 passed by Nixon changed everything-then medical insurers, hospitals, clinics, & doctors could function as FOR PROFIT entities👇

Most docs follow the money👇 Image The first insurance company to get a taste of FEDERAL SUBSIDIES to implement the HMOA73 was Nixon's buddy & CAMPAIGN FINANCIER Edgar Kaiser-then President & CEO of Kaiser-Permanente👇 Image
Feb 3 5 tweets 2 min read
Jupiter Island is a barrier island on the east coast of Florida. George HW Bush's father Prescott bought a family estate there. Other notables include Les Wexner, Celine Dion, & Tiger Woods👇 Image Image
Jan 25 7 tweets 3 min read
Black/Venetian nobility are the generational Predator dynasties from the 14th-18th century centered in Venice who had a lock on religion, education & international trade. They wrote the HISTORY BOOKS to their benefit.

Controllers have been playing the disinfo game for Ages. Image Part of the series "Shadow Rome" about falsification of history👇

Not only was the Bible purposely mistranslated by a coalition of Romans & Hebrew Illuminati, this vid explores Italy in the Age of Transition when history & text was completely fabricated👇
Jan 22 9 tweets 3 min read
Ukraine a sovereign nation?
Declaration of State Sovereignty July 16, 1990

On 2-21-2022👇Putin denied Ukraine’s legitimacy as a sovereign nation, along w/that of the other former Soviet republics that broke away after the collapse of the Soviet Union starting in the late 1980s.
Image "Ukraine is not a sovereign state-it does not have internationally recognized sovereign borders; it's still part of Russia & has been since the 10th century.

Ukraine's been the center of of the Globalists for decades & decades & decades. C*A-they've been working the scene...
Jan 12 6 tweets 3 min read
There's been a market for CerebroSpinal Fluid which is not synthesized (adrenochrome can be synthesized) but siphoned from living humans (mostly children) as an 'elixir of life' used by a generational cult of VAMPIRES & CANNIBALS that create addicts as a control mechanism👇 Image This is why the "lady who's sure all that glitters is gold" is "buying the stairway to heaven"

33 vertebrae in the spinal column aka "Stairway to Heaven" aka "Tree of Life"

The golden elixir of life that flows up the column & into the brain is called "CerebroSpinal Fluid"/CSF Image
Dec 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
"the Pandora papers is a tracking of 935 billion dropped right into the state of New Hampshire"

"what did they drop this money into? into a laundering Network that's the Deep state that connects to the corrupt politicians in the American cartels & the human traffickers... ...across this country"

"what did they put it in? limited corporations protected by the banking commissioner banking Department the IRS the Department of Revenue...what I uncovered was the laundering network itself the non uh auditing of the banking Department the corrupt...
Nov 28, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
MSDNC's Ari Melber's been giving alleged SERVICE-TO-SELF SATANIST ROB REINER a platform to tout Biden "not only making gaffes but making great policy" & diss Trump who HE FALSELY CLAIMS will "put people in camps" days b/f pushing his "Who shot JFK?" podcast

(Kab thread: clones👇
Image OCCULTISTS use popular music & movies as ATTUNEMENTS through which they PROJECT THEIR EVIL INTENTIONS to manipulate the minds of the public

In the case of JFK "That Old Black Magic" was used as an attunement to put everyone in a state of shock & denial about the MURDER of JFK. Image
Nov 12, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
"As a private art dealer, Georges Bergès prefers working w/collectors & artists he likes personally — not just professionally...A frequent traveler, Bergès said “My collectors were going to be global anyway,” he said. (There is also a Georges Bergès Gallery in Berlin.)"👇
Image Bergès, who's called Hunter Biden a "great artist", opened his SoHo gallery in 2014 (LA one opened in 2021)

This July 14, 2021 article👇reveals the funky deal the Biden White House cooked up in order for Hunter to sell his art to "anonymous" buyers.
