Now dormant account. Follow me over on the open web via Mastodon: ✌️ Peace!
Nov 18, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Not buying the @tailwindcss kool-aid I’m afraid.
> I’ve written a few thousand words on why traditional “semantic class names” are the reason CSS is hard to maintain
So don’t use semantic class names! Use custom elements. app-card. image-viewer. Use HTML attributes for behavior
<custom-modal size=“large” open>…</custom-modal>
then simply write:
custom-modal[size=“large”] { … }
Use CSS variables as design tokens for site-wide theming. Shadow DOM yes/no? Up to you!
Tailwind is a really interesting idea…for the era prior to the one we’re in now!
May 24, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Spent a few hours researching @polymer LitElement today. It's been on my todo list for ages.
It takes *everything* that's great about Web Components, and makes them 10 times better.
Essentially, for most things most of time,
You. Don’t. Need. React. !!!
The hydration story is also *really* interesting. You can ingest plain ol’ HTML markup including data from child nodes or element attributes (even JSON data) from a static site generator…
…and then sprinkle in ALL the interactive bits you need.