Jarod Steffes Profile picture
DTC operator, agency owner, & working on my next big thing. I founded https://t.co/5vN5eaj3an and I love to golf. Tweets on business, design, & life!
Nov 5, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
Making money online really isn’t that hard.

Just need to learn a skill and then monetize it.

Here’s how I made $500-$2,000 awhile I was still in college to pay for for my tuition, rent, & more... 👇🏼

// SIDE HUSTLE THREAD // 🔥 What is ONE thing ALL local businesses have that is really bad?

Their website...

So I would reach out to local businesses via business forums, cold emails, Facebook messages, etc. then ask to redo their website.

I had no prior experience designing Wordpress sites so...