Jarred Amato Profile picture
Dad. Husband. English Teacher. Author of JUST READ IT (@CorwinPress). @projectlitcomm Co-Founder. Views my own. 📧Jarred.amato@gmail.com
Christine Hunter Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 25, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Why is remote learning still starting at 7 am for high schoolers?! Students have been out of school since March. Over the past five months, has anyone asked them when, what, and how they’d like to learn this fall? Or are we just expecting them to accept the same old “because I said so”?
Aug 11, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
A quick thread as I look through survey results from 50 high school freshmen. #ProjectLITchat 14 out of 50 students reported they read 0 books last year. 10 said 1, and another 4 said 2.
Jun 21, 2018 22 tweets 5 min read
Students do not need to read The Scarlet Letter (or any other “classic” text) to become successful readers & writers. Crazy how many adults think they do. #ProjectLITchat Just b/c it’s easier and cheaper and “safer” to run back the same books and lessons and units year after year doesn’t mean it’s right. Especially when it’s not working for a lot of our students and teachers.