Jarvis Profile picture
Lawyer, writer, painter, poet, gentleman of culture.
17 subscribers
Feb 10 8 tweets 3 min read
I'm a big fan of judicial impeachments and we should do it more often! Only 8 US judges in history have been impeached and convicted, and we need to get that number up!

There's this one dude in Nevada who can only be described as an unrestrained lunatic. Here is his story. Image Bob Jones is his name! He seemed like a sensible guy as a bankruptcy judge and was actually on the Judicial Conference Committee where he handled ethical issues for other judges.

George W nominated him and he was confirmed unanimously by the Senate in 2003. Good start!
Jan 13 8 tweets 2 min read
Good afternoon, friends. A bit of "personal news" as they say.

I am thrilled to announce that I have resigned effective immediately from my lucrative $4M/yr law partnership in order to devote my time to my new Substack vertical, THE CULTURAL ENGAGER.

I want to reiterate that I resigned due to me being brave and bold and I was not at all fired by my management that objected to me spending 16 hours a day hitting on girls on X The Everything App.Image I can hear you ingrates now. "Oh, another centrist blog. Yawn."

Well shut the hell up and listen a minute because that's not what this is AT ALL.

I mean it is, but it's THE CULTURAL ENGAGER has so much more than that!
Dec 2, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
I have decided to do a NEW KEITH THREAD. I really enjoyed my last one where he demanded that everyone get arrested for insane reasons, but this new one is made up of people he demands to RESIGN.

Now, Keith demands that people resign every day. So to keep it of reasonable length, I’m limiting it to (i) Dems - people on his own side and (ii) demand issued within the last year.

Even with those restrictions, there’s still a lot of content.

As with the last thread, I will name the person who should resign and identify the reason why they should resign.

Alright, LFG.Image Senator Gary Peters: Being a pine cone and criticizing the Hunter pardon. Image
Nov 5, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Thread: I thought I would take a little "trip down memory lane" so we can remember what a FUN election season it's been, maybe the best ever.

During the first six months, Biden kept spacing out and wandering off like a goddam child. It was wild. The journos assured us that these videos were deceptively edited and FAKE NEWS, possibly Russian. Image
Oct 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
This is the beauty of America though. Every President is Hitler. A Hitler of defined powers and subject to checks and balances, but Hitler nonetheless. George Washington was our First Hitler, and him along with our other Founding Hitlers put a system in place that would stand the test of time and allow regular people to put a new Hitler in office every four years. A lot of people don't like this or that Hitler, but everyone gets a say and sooner or later there will be a Hitler in power that represents your interests, your views - your own personal Hitler. Four of the best Hitlers we've ever had. Image
Sep 11, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
On my deathbed so I’m watching Tombstone. Image No buildup no nothing the bad guys just show up out of nowhere and start shooting everyone hahahahahahaha
Sep 4, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Alright I'm angry. Jamal Khashoggi took money from Qatar to write columns for the Washington Post. Max Boot's wife took money from Korea and co-wrote his columns too.

Mehdi Hasan has been off and on Qatar's payroll his whole career.

Qatar invested $50M in Newsmax.
The Bidens are all on Ukraine's payroll and China's payroll. The NBA is also owned by China, which is why Steve Kerr and LeBron James spend so much time hating the US on their behalf.

China also apparently funds and staffs every high profile Democrat in the country.
Aug 14, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Lots of folks calling other people "weird" lately, and that's a real shame. Did you know that WEIRD Americans have actually contributed a lot to this country? Here are some of my favorites:

1. Jim Henson!

What kind of a grown man is obsessed with puppets?? Talk about WEIRD! But this hero went on to create the Muppets and entertain and educate generations of kids and adults alike. Thank you Jim!Image 2. Fred Rogers!

Fred is known for his famous TV show, but did you know that he was also a GIANT weirdo? It's true! After college, Fred went to seminary like a religious nutjob and became a minister for the world's dumbest religion (Presbyterianism). He also enjoyed swimming naked, the freak. We like you Fred, but you're WEIRD!Image
Aug 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Anna Merlan has a long piece about how some people skeptical of public health officials during covid ended up going deep into conspiratorial thinking and disbelieving basic facts about AIDS.

But nowhere does she even consider the possibility that skepticism of public health messaging increased because officials set their own credibility on fire.
technologyreview.com/2024/08/07/109… It's not even clear that the villains of her piece were wrong about covid (at least she doesn't try to make that case). She vaguely mentions that the bad guys had "fringe theories" about covid origins, vaccines, social distancing, and masks.

Maybe public health officials said inaccurate things about those topics too? Maybe?Image
Aug 2, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Keith Olbermann has called for Elon’s arrest so I thought I would do a thread of my favorite times Keith has demanded someone be arrested along with why he wants them locked up.

Elon Musk: Donating to a PAC that gathers voter info. Image Ron DeSantis: Flying migrants to Martha’s Vineyard Image
May 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
For serious though I think we're past the era where partisans see any benefit to submitting to debate and hard questions. In the old days, it was thought that politician and public both would benefit from the aggressive scrutiny of ideas because doing so would help find the truth John Stuart Mill wrote about this - don't censor, don't hide from the testing and debate of ideas. If you're right, you can persuade; if not, it's good that the bad idea was identified. Hiding from debate showed that you were not confident in your own ideas.
Apr 21, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
Let's talk about Winnipeg. Winnipeg is ASS. No one from Winnipeg will go to heaven or even be eligible for consideration.

Winnipeg is the greatest city in the "province" (French for "state") of Manitoba, which is sort of like being the smartest guy at Boston College. Not great. Here is the city flag of Winnipeg, which looks like it was designed by a third grader in Ms. Hodgkins' class of slower kids using the Windows Vista version of MS Paint.

I am normally against flag burning but I don't think anyone would miss this. Image
Apr 19, 2024 12 tweets 7 min read

I do not care for Los Angeles. You will NEVER EVER EVER find a city with such a radical combination of huge ego and utter shittiness. Like Detroit sucks but it KNOWS it sucks and there's a refreshing authenticity about it. NOTHING is authentic in LA, where the people are as fake as their own cheek bones.Image
It's next to an ocean, but it has no water. It has all the rich celebrities, but 90% of it is a drug-infested skid row. They legalized crime, yet still manage to kill unarmed black people daily. A CITY OF CONTRASTS!
Mar 30, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read

A lot of people are upset with Biden for declaring Easter to be Trans Day of Visibility, but to be fair, the date of was selected only because the LGBCalendar was already rather full.

The Trans Day of Visibility is March 31. Do not confuse this with the Trans Day of Remembrance, which is November 20. We must also take care to honor Transgender Parent Day (Nov 6) Trans Awareness Week (Nov 13-19) and International Pronoun Day (Oct 20).

Trans is distinct from drag. International Drag Day is July 16.
Mar 14, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
They’re still mad hahahaha As a reminder Jarvis and a 9-0 SCOTUS were correct and Dumbass George Conway - who is a dumbass - and Dumbass J Michael Luttig - who is also a dumbass - were wrong.

But sure let’s just pretend Sonia Sotomayor is MAGA so we don’t have to concede how smart and handsome Jarvis is.
Mar 4, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
Feb 18, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Back in April 2023 when Trump was indicted for the first time in the victimless New York false records indictment, I said he was going to get convicted despite the fact that the charge was dumb. The overwhelming majority of my fellow legal commentators disagreed with me, saying mean things to me like “you fat dumbass” and “fat.”

But the reason I stuck to my guns was that once the charge is handed down, there are limited off-ramps to get rid of it no matter how lame it is.

The combination of intensely partisan judges and juries in these districts and the less than ideal attorneys and clients on the Trump side would make it hard to get a good outcome for Trump.Image
Now that Trump is Ofer infinity in court cases in the lib districts, does anyone want to change their mind on this one?
Feb 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Damn dude this is madness. I thought Matt was joking, but no -- the Department of Justice actually concluded that Biden was too old and feebleminded to commit a crime.
Image MY.

Jan 19, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Mini-thread: Trump's Supreme Court brief on the Colorado ballot case makes 5 arguments:

1. The president is not an "officer of the United States"
2. Trump did not "engage in insurrection"
3. Section 3 can be enforced only through Congress's chosen methods
4. Section 3 cannot be used to deny President Trump access to the ballot
5. Colorado violated the Electors Clause and the Colorado Election Code Argument 2: Trump did not engage in insurrection.

This is exactly the sort of fact-based argument that SCOTUS likes to avoid. SCOTUS tends to prefer to rule on legal principles as opposed to debatable questions of fact.

I don't think they touch this argument.
Dec 20, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
I forgot I have an actual job so this will have to be fast. Thread:

There are five judicial opinions out of Colorado on this Trump ballot thing: the trial court opinion, the Supreme Court majority opinion, and three Supreme Court dissenting opinions.

None of the opinions agree with each other (except maybe the dissenting opinions of Chief Justice Boatright and Justice Berkenkotter). The most compelling and - in my view - correct decision was the dissent from Justice Samour.

Justice Samour reached holdings that none of the other four groups did.

He examined the issues with the depth and close examination of the case law that is most like how SCOTUS does it.

I think SCOTUS will reverse the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court, and will largely follow the dissent of Justice Samour. I think the SCOTUS decision will be either 9-0 or 7-2.

When the SCOTUS does so, I will remind of you this tweet and gloat. There will be no dealing with me after that.
Oct 4, 2023 33 tweets 4 min read
10 minutes into that Brad Pitt movie Bullet Train and I want the train to explode. What is happening