ObGyn and Maternal Fetal Medicine with 45 years of OB experience. Board Certified. Extensively Published - 245 total w 50 on COVID. Jesus Christ Follower 🙏🙌✝️
May 1, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
My Findings published earlier this year used the Government’s own data documented that the COVID-19 “Vaccines” are strongly associated with Cognitive - Intellectual disorders, and Psychiatric Disorders including PSYCHOSIS, Suicidal Ideation, AND Suicide.
My study is now confirmed by Lazareva and colleagues in another study published April 12 in the medical journal “Frontiers in Psychiatry”.
The etiopatholophysiological basis for this can be explained by a multitude of mechanisms including but not limited to spike protein induced brain inflammation, thrombo-embolism, prion disease, and accelerated autoimmune dysfunction.
It is interesting that there has been a concerted effort from the government and the governments bribed academic institutions including Harvard, John’s Hopkins, UCSF, UAB-Birmingham, and many more. Follow the NIH FUNDING TRAIL! These institutions have received hundreds of millions of tax payers dollars and are incentivized to publish manipulated data from closed data sources that they can control. The Government’s own Data in the legally mandated VAERS also has been extensively manipulated and throttled by our fraudulent totalitarian government BUT the danger signals are so massive that their egregious efforts still cannot support their own LIES.
This data reported here explains the explosion of intellectual defects and psychiatric illnesses globally and the delusion that the most lethal and most injurious “vaccines” in the history of humanity are still claimed to be “safe, effective, and necessary”.
13+ billion shots in 5+ billion global citizens have contributed to mass delusion, cognitive-intellectual dysfunction, a large range of psychiatric disorders, suicidal ideation, and suicide.
#ABOG #ACOG #SMFM @unbridledmd @DOCBISS @drmcdyer1 @P_McCulloughMD @FLSurgeonGen @SenRonJohnson @naomirwolf @GovDes @CurtisCost @JesslovesMJK
@TexasLindsay_ @Hugh_mankind @Beck_All
@IamBrookJackson @drpoppyBHRT
@VigilantFox @drscottjensen
@MalcolmOutLou d @TheChiefNerd @TerynGregson
@MdFarella @DrChrisNorthrup @BusyDrT
@donoharmmed @MegynKelly @thegree20600288
@ArkMedic @marybethpf @agawilsonshow
@MolsJames @TWC_Health
@FosterCoulson @ElonMusk @RobertKennedyjr
@Fynnderella @joerogan @tuckercarlson
@stkirsch @JesslovesMJK @Hugh_mankind @Beck_All
Feb 29, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Notice to the Board of Directors and / or Officers of the following Organizations, American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists , American Board of ObGyn , and the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine .
You are placed on formal notice. You must call for an immediate moratorium on the use of the COVID-19 “Vaccines” in pregnancy or you will be subject to Civil and/or Criminal charges for negligence, intent to harm, assault / battery and murder.
There is now overwhelming published literature of over 3000 peer-reviewed medical journal articles associating death and injuries from these alleged vaccines that the most recent AJOG article admits are in fact gene therapies. ACOG, ABOG, and SMFM you appear to have colluded not only with yourselves but also to have received what appears to be large sums of money from HHS / CDC entering into apparent illegal cooperative care contracts and you have threatened your constituents to adhere to your lethal and injurious vaccine pushing narrative under threats of punitive actions. This is a clear violation of the first amendment.
The recent published literature regarding implications of the Vaccine mRNA and potential for it being reversed transcribed permanently into the human genome mandates an immediate global moratorium on the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy.
The overwhelming literature published- well in excess of 3000 manuscripts documenting the death and severe injuries from the COVID-19 “vaccines” necessitates an IMMEDIATE GLOBAL MORATORIUM.
Best estimates are 585 million global citizens killed or injured from the COVID-19 “vaccines” and you have inflicted massive harm to pregnant women, preborns, and newborns on a global scale.
ACOG, ABOG, and SMFM, you have ignored the overwhelming evidence for far too long and you must immediately call for a moratorium on the use of these investigational dangerous products in pregnancy or face civil and/or criminal charges.ACOG.org ABOG.org SMFM.org
Tags #ABOG #ACOG #SMFM @unbridledmd @DOCBISS @drmcdyer1 @P_McCulloughMD @DoNoHarmMed @FLSurgeonGen @SenRonJohnson @naomirwolf @stkirsch @GovDes @JesslovesMJK
@TexasLindsay_ @Hugh_mankind @Beck_All
@IamBrookJackson @drpoppyBHRT
@VigilantFox @Jikkyleaks @drscottjensen
@MalcolmOutLoud @TheChiefNerd @TerynGregson
@MdFarella @DrChrisNorthrup @BusyDrT
@MegynKelly @thegree20600288
@ArkMedic @marybethpf @agawilsonshow
@MakisMD @MolsJames @TWC_Health
@FosterCoulson @ElonMusk @RobertKennedyjr
@Fynnderella @joerogan @tuckercarlson
@Hugh_mankind @Beck_All
@AmothersAnthem @OutLoudNews
Feb 22, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
We have known of this for quite sometime. It only follows that a trillion lipid nano particles containing synthetic mRNA injected into human beings freely cross EVERY God-made barrier in the human body, including the blood brain barrier. Thus, most every cell in the brain is likely exposed to spike protein - an extremely inflammatory substance. It is obviously not surprising that previously rational, intelligent individuals will suffer varying degrees of neurological injury including cognitive impairment and psychiatric disorders. This would at least in part potentially explain why physicians like Viki Male and Peter Hotez would continue to push the most dangerous drug ever rolled out to the public to the most vulnerable population-pregnant WOMEN, preborns, and newborns. Now of course there are likely many other factors contributing to these physicians irrational recommendations including cognitive dissonance, a large stakeholder bias, and the extreme difficulty in admitting that they have contributed to the C19 vaccine killing & injuring 585 million global citizens.
In groundbreaking research presented Wednesday, statistician and Luzern University professor Dr. Konstantin Beck said data show miscarriages and stillbirth rates in 2022 corresponded directly to COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant women in Switzerland nine months earlier — and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Just consider how the American people are being RAPED by the medical military industrial complex (MMIC) . Look at the difference in per capita annual healthcare expenses in US (~$1200) versus India (~$65). Check my calculations- an excess of $30 Billion per year for what? For… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Thorp, J.A.; Thorp, M.M.; Thorp, E.M.; Scott-Emaukpor, A.; Thorp, K. Global COVID-19 Pandemic Outcomes: Dissecting a Failed Strategy. Preprints 2022, 2022110480 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202211.0480.v1) Global COVID-19 Pandemic Outcomes: Dissecting a Failed Strategy[v1] | Preprints