Javad Khazaeli Profile picture
Shah of Shaw. Published in @jrwyrsch’s favorite newspaper. Civil rights and immigration attorney at
Jan 18, 2024 23 tweets 6 min read
Update on Bar:PM where a St. Louis police SUV slammed into our clients 'bar. Then officers handcuffed the owners, beat one up & charged him. Here's video of initial interaction that shows police had no basis to cuff James & escalated this whole thing (Please RT for visibility) Let's break this down. Off. Ramelle Wallace pulls out cuffs within TWENTY TWO SECONDS of talking to James. And James was breaking no laws. The Supreme Court ruled in Cohen v. California (1971) and Lewis v. New Orleans (1974) that you can yell at cops & even tell them to fuck off
Dec 21, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Oh boy. Today, police announced that they did not give a breathalyzer exam to the St. Louis police officer who crashed into my clients bar bc other officers determined he was not impaired. Well here video of him running a red light seconds before he crashed into Bar:PM 1 This is at the intersection of Broadway and Nagle. Thats a 15 second walk from the bar. Here's a freeze frame of the SLMPD car in middle of intersection. 2/ Image
Dec 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Sooo. You all heard about the cop car that slammed into Bar PM Sunday night. And they arrested the owner for having the audacity to question him. Well here’s the video. 1/ We represent the owners. And this morning the prosecutors office agreed that Chad will be released on his own recognizance. we are awaiting him walking out of the jail right now. 2/
Apr 5, 2021 45 tweets 12 min read
New thread on police brutality, corruption & how the criminal justice system bends over backward to protect crooked cops. THIS CASE HAS ALL THE PLAYERS. Its a long one but hits on everything. RTs and follows are appreciated Today was to be the criminal trial of former @slmpd officer William Olsten for assaulting our clients with pepper spray
Jun 27, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
This isn’t @LydaKrewson’s first time doing this. On 9/17/17, two days after a window was broken at her house, @SLMPD arrested and beat 100+ peaceful and compliant people. Whole thing is on video. 1/ Video is here. Watch from the 4 min mark.

Jun 20, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
Thread on new Immigration detention Executive Order. THIS. WAS. ALL. A. TRAP.

(Background) I spent 10 years as a counterterrorism prosecutor at ICE and then 4 years as a manager w/ the Dept of Labor’s Immigration program.

Toward the end of the Bush administration, there was a huge controversy regarding the detention of young immigrant children with their families. The visuals of 3 year olds walking around in orange jumpsuits was shocking. 2/x