Jonny Axelsson Profile picture
Born. Not dead yet. RT policy: If I know it's false I won't retweet. Doesn't mean it's true if I do.
Nov 7, 2022 19 tweets 5 min read
This author built a strawman so big that burning it could power a small town. Gist is "What would happen if we stopped eating meat right now?"

If "we" had meat as a major part of our diet we'd eventually die from starvation. Conclusion: Eat meat or die.… The attempt to sell the ICE car as "efficient" rankled most.

Driving in an ICE car is monstrously inefficient use of primary energy (though purely seen as a piece of engineering engine has greatly improved over time).…
Oct 28, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Europe has a social media #infosec issue. Most social media are American, some Chinese, a few Russian. No European. They were taken over by Facebook on its rise.

Primary issue is their near monopoly power, but this event highlights that ownership is a risk as well. Concentrated media ownership is nothing new. English language mass media has been dominated by the Murdoch family for decades. Media mogul Berlusconi is back in government in Italy. The US had Hearst.

Would seem media are natural monopolies that can be owned&taken. But are they?
Oct 10, 2018 19 tweets 20 min read
@aditimukherji @ReisingerAndy @IPCC_CH @climate_haiku #Accessible (text) version, original (picture) version found above:

We wrote this report

at your request, and with care.

Will you listen, please?

(1/9) @aditimukherji @ReisingerAndy @IPCC_CH @climate_haiku We're at 1 degree

now and it will hit 1.5

within three decades

(2/19, 17 more tweets to go)