Solidarity with #ShutDownADOC2022 Profile picture
"How do you defend yourself from a fantasy that shoots real bullets" - Fred Moten. Co-host/Producer @MAKCapitalism Formerly: Producer @Beyond_Prison. He/Him.
Ella Sanders Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I really want to encourage folks writing about the Alabama prison strike not to put the words "against conditions" or "against prison conditions" or "against horrendous conditions" somewhere in the headline/subheader. The demands quite clearly articulate a struggle for ways out The specific *conditions* which is being most struggled against are being confined in a prison, and not being allowed any foreseeable avenue for release from the prison. So while I don't disagree that there are many contributing factors, which include conditions inside
Oct 7, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
My latest: @saveuctownhomes fights gentrification in West Philadelphia… I hope this piece does some justice to a struggle that has been building for a year and also includes many orgs and groups in integral roles that I didn't fully have space to explore in this piece alone. In the future if love to write more about the breadth of the coalition
Oct 6, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
The lack of even acknowledgement Alabama prisoner strike (on day 11 today) by the realm of even "new" labor is extremely telling. it's interesting in some respects, bc if the prisoners got their way (a total refusal to perform any duties without pay long term), this would mean more paid labor, likely an expansion of unionized jobs in the carceral realm. That's just objective reality
Sep 30, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
A motion to intervene has been filed on behalf of prisoners in Alabama, citing the failure of ADOC to provide adequate meals, in retaliation to the strike and especially putting the lives of prisoners with medical/dietary needs in severe danger (ALT text below in 🧵) #ShutDownADOC2022 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, V. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT C3. Plaintiffs are the subjects of an ongoing Department of JPlaintiffs, this intervention is necessary. 8. Plaintiffs' s
Sep 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Spoke to an Alabama prisoner with knowledge of how strike organizing efforts have taken shape earlier today. He strongly disputed the claims that are circulating that this strike was somehow organized by people on the outside. 🧵 While prisoners are very happy to have support on the outside. This person confirmed that such reports & claims are totally bogus. I'm going to be looking to write something up about this (feel free to hmu outlets if you're looking for a story), but just wanted to clear that up
Sep 29, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The demands of prisoners on strike in Alabama comprise a program of decarceration through available legal means #ShutDownADOC2022 They haven't asked for anything that is not actionable or even that goes against available legislative maneuvers by those holding the levers of power. They've demanded changes that would be very simple for the state of Alabama to put in place
Sep 28, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
This is a remarkable admission by @ALCorrections. They're admitting that 1) the strike is still underway across most of their prisons 2) #ShutDownADOC2022 has dramatically affected their ability to provide basic food and other services KAY IVEY GOVERNOR September 28, 2022 State of Alabama Departservices given that inmate workers make up a large part of t I've been doing media support work for prison strikes since 2016. I've never seen an admission like this. As they note, families are worried. As they don't note, prisoners are posting ADOC's pathetic "holiday" meal options which don't meet dietary requirements of many prisoners
Sep 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
One has to laugh at this to keep from crying. In our Journalism for Liberation & Combat series back in the Spring, we talked about this exact framing as a common method of media counterinsurgency New York Times" "Alabama Inmates Strike, DenouncinMarshall Project 2 (Nicole Lews, 8/24/18) Analysis: What's R"Tactics of Pig Media counterinsurgency Between the Vox it's also funny because while there are some other issues in the article I'm not particularly happy about, the article itself says nothing about questioning the size and scale which is pretty self-evident, and the strike has been confirmed by ADOC & the governor's office
Sep 27, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The strike in Alabama prisons is still going strong in Day 2. Free Alabama Movement has confirmed strike still underway at Donaldson, Bibb, Easterling, St. Clair, Fountain, and certainly more facilities (perhaps all) that have not yet been confirmed today Keep following @FREEALAMOVEMENT for more updates from inside.
Sep 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
What are the demands of the current Alabama prison strike? According to Free Alabama Movement, they are the following: 🧵 1) repeat habitual offender law immediately
2) make the presumptive sentencing retroactive immediately
3) repeal the drive-by shooting statute
4) create a statewide conviction integrity unity
Sep 26, 2022 26 tweets 6 min read
There's a massive prison strike underway in Alabama today, perhaps system wide, but at very least across a number of facilities. Prisoners not doing trash collection, refusing kitchen work and more. Lots of updates coming out of @FREEALAMOVEMENT video and photo evidence of the strike, reasons behind it. Etc
Sep 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
If it hasn't already been done, can someone please take this and the next QT'd video together to the music of "Push It To The Limit" Second video, pls. You'll win the internet
Sep 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
It's worth noting that regarding that Aretha Franklin FBI file, yes it exposes how sinister the FBI is, but also Franklin and her father both at times materially supported those fighting for Black Liberation. Which this country will always see as an existential threat important that it not just be a story of how vulgar FBI "overreach" was in this case. It shows a small part of how extensive their counterinsurgency was against Black radicalism. That is a core part of their historical role. That hasn't changed and it won't.
Jun 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
We'll be doing a study group on starting in July on Night-Vision:Illuminating War & Class on the Neo-Colonial Terrain
"A foundational analysis of post-modern capitalism, the decline of u.s. hegemony, and the need for a revolutionary movement of the oppressed to overthrow it all." Image description:  Cover for the book: Night-Vision:Illumin You can get a copy from the good people at @kersplebedeb…
Jun 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I hope folks connect the destruction of rights, the ungodly increases in funding for police, the money for the war machine, the settler violence, the violent patriarchal shit, the anti-trans laws, the outlawing of teaching history and anti-racism.

None of it is by accident. this is the project of the ruling class of Empire.
Dec 3, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
3 very simple fundamental problems with @lhfang's twitter rant:

1) A basic misunderstanding of what policing is.
2) Thinking the issue is state murders and not policing itself
3) A belief that "crime" is a meaningful & coherent category which negatively impacts the oppressed if someone is addled with these misunderstandings they cannot have a coherent critique of abolitionist demands, because they are speaking in the grammar of a white supremacist bourgeois criminology, which is the precise vantage point we seek to destroy
Dec 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
holy shit this guy is fucking unbelievable
Dec 2, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
we have the right demands, just not the level of organization, tactics and strategy to make them a reality. If they thought our demands were bad, they wouldn't even waste their energy/ink
Dec 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
A picture of Rebecca Hensley next to the surviving members of the Angola 3 (Albert Woodfox & Robert King) from the Millions for Prisoners Human Rights March in 2017 was in one of my write-ups related to that event. Hensley organized in solidarity w them.… .@bsonenstein also coauthored this write-up. The march was the first time we met in person. Hensley was there, Angola 3 members, veterans of the RNA, BLA, BPP were there, former political prisoners, Central Park 5, M4P, IWOC, HUResist comrades many others…
Dec 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The 2016 prison strike was really a watershed moment for a lot of us I think in relation to prison abolition, and perhaps different experiments in inside-outside collaboration & praxis. I don't want to overstate the uniqueness or novelty, bc lots of solidarity organizing before but for many of us, that was how we first began to build a different kind of radical community. Still very imperfect with plenty of warts and issues. Anyway, salute to Karen again. She was one of my favorite people who does this. And I wish I'd said that to her directly.
Dec 1, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
the internet rewards weak analysis especially social media