Eyes On - Unacceptable Profile picture
partner, editor, curator, #PPC Pronoun: "Your Grace" (aristocratic or ecclesiastical - your call) SubStack: https://t.co/84MGme2vWp
Mar 24 12 tweets 2 min read
Long of tooth National Post columnist wants us to know that @PierrePoilievre has to win in Ontario to win nationally. In other news, water is wet. 1/ McParland is pretty convinced that Pierre will have to hew closer to the middle ground of the @TashaKheiriddin Party of Toronto Conservatives if he is to stand any chance against the Carney led Liberals. 2/
Mar 23 17 tweets 3 min read
And we're off. April 28 election day. Leave aside party politics and the horse race here are the issues which matter to me. 1/ Immigration and other newcomers: Canada is well past full. Immigrants, temporary workers, foreign students all use housing and services stretched beyond their limits. I will vote for the party which proposes the greatest reduction in numbers. 1/
Mar 20 26 tweets 5 min read
As I expected, Carney is going to call an election on Sunday for either the end of April or first week of May. The Liberal war room are taking no chances with Carney's uneven performance off script. 1/ Carney will run on anti-Trump, Team Canada messaging and will be "seeking a mandate" from all of Canada to stand up to the bad orange man. We are about to see a spasm of ersatz Canadian patriotism. 2/
Mar 1 10 tweets 2 min read
Reaction to today's Oval Office activities are an absolutely accurate indicator of the pro or anti-Trump sentiments of those reacting. From Euro astroturf in support of Z to subsidy journalists rising as one to condemn the bullying, they all hate Trump. 1/ For those of us who are not particularly offput by Trump 2.0 and his team, it was a rare glimpse into the way serious politicians are able to spot and slap down a phoney if he goes off script. 2/
Jan 20 11 tweets 2 min read
Trump just ended the Libs cunning plan of running a campaign against tariffs, Trump and Alberta. Twitch and Carney were trying to wrap themselves in the Maple Leaf to avoid actually talking about real issues. That's over. 1/ Trudeau and Doug Ford's "Team Canada" is stillborn but Alberta now knows exactly what it is up against. I suspect one of the EOs signed today will reverse the halt of the Keystone pipeline. 2/
Jan 12 16 tweets 3 min read
Excellent, very simple, thread on the WEF from Dr. Jacobs (who annoyingly, has blocked me for my COVID response scepticism). 1/ The WEF's favourite "intellectual", Yuval Harari, has said that "globalism is dead if Trump was elected". Part of the globalist project is the WEF. It is where crazy ideas like "net zero" intersect with policy makers and corporate titans. 2/
Jan 6 22 tweets 4 min read
It's official. The Lady of the House has decreed that as Trudeau is still PM no bubbly wine shall be drunk this morning. She's right, as always. There is nothing to celebrate. The goof is still in office. 1/ So Canada has three months of no Parliament and a lame duck PM who no foreign leader will even pretend to take seriously. And then? Well the grand Canadian institution of the Liberal Party will spit up a new leader who will have no mandate at all. 2/
Jan 2 12 tweets 2 min read
There is much buzz but very little action around calls for Trudeau to resign. Various regional Liberal caucuses have called for resignation, individual Liberal MPs have said it was time to go. But he's not. 1/ At a certain point the legitimacy of a person's occupation of the Prime Minister's office collapses. Normally the sort of person who becomes Prime Minister is astute enough to recognize this and resign. Trudeau is not astute. 2/
Dec 28, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
Robyn Urback writing in the collapsing Globe and Mail suggests that Canada has lost its national identity and with it our pride in country. You can read the link in the first reply. I think she's wrong. 1/ Here's the link: 2/archive.ph/ya5MS
Dec 16, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Things are happening fast in Ottawa. If a couple more Cabinet Ministers quit Trudeau is done. (He's likely done in any event.) If Singh somehow finds a back bone, the gov't is done. 1/ My son tells me that JWR has pointed out that losing your generals before a major battle (Trump tariffs) is a great way to lose that battle. She's right of course. My bet is that Twitch said, "You can't fire me, I quit." 2/
Dec 15, 2024 25 tweets 4 min read
As ever Max cuts right to the heart of the idiocy which informs much of Canadian politics. But I am pretty sure he misses the actual point of Trudeau's response to Trump. 1/ Trudeau is a politician who does best when he is running against something. Last election he ran against the COVID virus and the filthy, selfish, unvaccinated. It was good enough to secure a minority gov't. 2/
Jul 17, 2024 14 tweets 2 min read
Moving on...I talk a lot about how establishment/blob politics is all about managing decline, about scarcity - real or imagined - and how major parties and subsidy media accept that decline and scarcity as inevitable. 1/ I have been catching snippets of the Republican Convention and I have been struck by the fact the speakers seem to have trashed the whole climate change, net zero, sharing the scarcity fairly, script. 2/
Apr 12, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
CSIS delivered information on foreign election interference to the PMO/PM and there things get murky. Trudeau testified he didn't get, or at least didn't read the material. He may be lying but, no matter what, it speaks volumes about the current PMO. 1/ A properly run PMO recognizes that not every document sent for the PM's review needs to be read by the PM. There are a lot of documents and not a lot of time. So one of the functions of the PMO is to sort and set priorities. 2/
Apr 2, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
A Nanos poll indicates that Liberal support is less than 20% in all the tabs under 50. Apart from asking WTF is wrong with us old folks, this brings up some very good questions. 1/ I have three sons under 35, two in their early 20's. Smart, resourceful, able and hard working (except for the middle one at the moment but that's about to change. They are all social socialists in much the same way that I am a social Anglican. 2/
Mar 13, 2024 20 tweets 3 min read
Seven premiers are calling on Ottawa to put a hold on the April 1 hike in the carbon tax which is smart politics. Will the Libs do it? I suspect they might simply because the carbon tax is increasingly unpopular and the hike will infuriate the public. 1/ Premier Smith of Alberta met with Trudeau this morning and came out saying that she saw JT as coming into alignment with Alberta's intention of reaching "net zero" by 2050. Smith has adopted the "net zero" language. Another win for the blob. 2/
Jan 9, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
By now most people have seen David Menzies of Rebel News get manhandled, arrested and handcuffed while trying to ask Twitch a question on a public street. Assorted lefties and Liberal apologists have chimed in with "but he's not a journalist, he's not the press." 1/ Canada now has two classes of jouralists: those who work for CRA certified news organizations and have memberships in the Parliamentary Press Gallery and those who do not. The Libs feel perfectly justified in ignoring all but the officially accredited. 2/
Jan 1, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Dr. Ponesse emerged during the COVID hysteria as one of the strongest rights advocates in Canada. She thinks we need to start over with our institutions. I am not sure that will work. 1/ The institutions may well be "broken beyond repair" but they are not so broken as to cease to function, to suck up resources and to exercise authority and power. They may have lost the point but they retain their momentum. 2/
Sep 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Looks like the Lich/Barber trial is turning into a Crown induced shitshow. Basically, from what I can make out, the Crown wants to rely upon evidence it has not previously disclosed to the defence. Which is very much not how it is done. 1/ If the Crown neglected to disclose a single, minor, piece of evidence it would be improper but likely not fatal; but it appears that the Crown wants to get in reams of material which the defence was given no notice of or disclosure. 2/
Jul 25, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
ELECTION WATCH The odds are shortening on Trudeau calling a Fall election. Cabinet shuffle tomorrow, Ministers announcing they will not be running, Trudeau storming through the Liberal backyards of the nation. 1/ I expect Trudeau will use his usual tactic of running against something. Last time it was the unvaccinated. This time my bet is that he'll run against "Alberta and Big Oil", "American Tech Giants" and the unCanadian protestors showing up to heckle him. 2/
Feb 17, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
The cops screwed up, things were not improving and could, maybe have gotten worse, so it was reasonable to invoke the Emergencies Act.

Mr. Justice Rouleau was not even trying. 1/ Which, while disappointing, is not surprising. And no, not because he is Trudeau's relative by marriage or was once employed by the Liberal Party. Rather because any other conclusion would have required a belief in the rule of law. 2/
Feb 17, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Tomorrow we get the report of the POEC and a lot of spin. Meanwhile, gas is $1.79 a litre, eggs are $6 a dozen, decent meat is $25 a kilo. Interest rates look to be rising again. People are being squeezed, hard. Does the report of the POEC even matter? 1/ For a lot of people the next federal election, still likely two years away, is going to come down to money. An effective inflation rate of over 10% means we are all 10% worse off than we were a year ago. That is an excellent reason to throw the bums out. 2/