Jie Lei Profile picture
Research scientist @MetaAI, PhD @unccs, @AdobeResearch Fellow, working on vision and language. Interned @TencentGlobal @Microsoft @MetaAI. Love🏂
Jul 21, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Presenting "QVHighlights": 10K YouTube videos dataset annotated w. human written queries, clip-wise relevance, highlightness/saliency scores & Moment-DETR model for joint moment localization + highlight/saliency prediction


tlberg @mohitban47 @uncnlp

1/n Detecting customized moments & highlight saliencies from videos given NL user queries is an important but under-studied topic. One of the challenges in pursuing this direction is lack of annotated data. Thus, we present Query-based Video Highlights (QVHighlights) dataset!
