Jennifer Bendery Profile picture
Senior politics reporter for HuffPost. President emeritus @washpressclub. Mama. 🏳️‍🌈 Got a tip?
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Sep 12 4 tweets 1 min read
Ben & Jerry’s co-founders have created a new limited edition ice cream flavor in support of Kamala Harris' campaign: "Kamala’s Coconut Jubilee." 🥥

MoveOn is raffling off free, signed pints as part of a new "Scoop the Voter" tour of swing states.… MoveOn will be driving an ice cream truck to more than 20 cities in swing states -- PA, MA, NV, AZ, MI -- handing out ice cream and engaging with voters.

Other Harris-themed ice cream flavors on the truck: "Unburdened By What Has Vanilla Bean" and "Fight For Our Rights Sorbet."
Jun 11 7 tweets 2 min read
Today, a group of House Dems is launching a new task force to fight Trump's "dystopian" policy plans if he wins in Nov.

“We have to mount the resistance in real time," said Rep. Jared Huffman. "If we’re caught off guard by it, we’re going to be too late."… Huffman is very, very concerned that most people don't realize what Trump is planning to do if he gets back into the White House. And how quickly he can act.

"I believe we’re really close to having our democracy replaced by a dystopian, right-wing theocracy," he told HuffPost.
Jun 9 16 tweets 4 min read
NEW: Leonard Peltier, the Native American rights activist the U.S. govt put in prison ~50 years ago, is getting what may be his last chance at freedom.

FBI director Chris Wray says the bureau remains opposed to his parole.

His statement is full of holes.… Things to know about Peltier's case.

The U.S. govt put him in prison after he was convicted for killing 2 FBI agents in a shoot-out on a S.D. reservation.

There was never evidence he committed a crime.

The FBI + U.S. Atty's office never did figure out who killed those agents.
Jun 7 6 tweets 2 min read
Morning! ☕️

ICYMI: In a full-blown conspiratorial rant, Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.) said Donald Trump's felony conviction is proof that Democrats are akin to Nazis taking power in Germany in the 1930s… “The historical references and the similarities, the similarities to what the Democrat Party has been doing, they cannot be denied at this point," Van Orden claimed. "You simply cannot deny them.”

(You can.)
Mar 19 11 tweets 3 min read
JUST IN: The Senate just confirmed Nicole Berner, a longtime SEIU lawyer and former Planned Parenthood litigator, to a lifetime federal judgeship on a U.S. appeals court.… The final vote was 50-47.

No Republicans voted to confirm Berner. Not even the two GOP senators who identify as pro-choice, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.
Mar 18 25 tweets 7 min read
Morning. ☕️

ICYMI: Biden's historic Muslim judicial nominee Adeel Mangi may not have the votes because 1) the GOP has spent months falsely casting him as an antisemitic, anti-cop terrorist sympathizer and 2) a coupla Dems are cowering.

Ugly, ugly stuff.… The attacks on Mangi have been so offensive I can't believe this hasn't gotten more attn.

For starters, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton + Josh Hawley demanded in his Senate hearing that he share his *personal views* on 9/11, the Oct. 7 attack in Israel + the Israeli-Hamas conflict.
Feb 17 8 tweets 3 min read
Not sure what's more insane, the fact that 1) someone set up a GoFundMe to raise $350,000,000 for Trump because that's how much he owes in damages for decades of fraudulent business practices in NY or 2) it has raised more than $80K. Image The person behind this GoFundMe effort is Elena Cardone, who @lizskalka just wrote about.

She is married to get-rich-quick guru Grant Cardone, whose firm has been accused of overhyping his investment fund and luring followers into expensive contracts.…
Feb 6 15 tweets 2 min read
GOP Rep. Mike Gallagher, who has refused to say how he'll vote on impeaching Mayorkas and could potentially make or break this whole thing, is here on the House floor.

He is huddling with... Dem Rep. Dean Phillips. This vote is happening any minute now.

Mike Johnson just left for some reason.
Jan 30 23 tweets 5 min read
Here we go. House GOP kicks off its hearing to mark up impeachment articles for DHS Sec Mayorkas for... no real reason.

"We're here today not because we want to be, but because we have exhausted all other options," says Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.).

(In fact, they have not.) Image If you haven't been following this, here is what is happening:

House Rs have been screaming about border security. But they don't know how to legislate. And Trump ordered them not to pass any bipartisan border bills bc it would give Biden a win.

So, impeach a cabinet secretary!
Jan 25 6 tweets 2 min read
NEW: Today, Trump privately pressured Senate Republicans to “kill” a bipartisan deal to secure the U.S. border because he doesn’t want Biden to chalk up a win ahead of the 2024 presidential election, per a source familiar with negotiations.… Trump directly reached out to several GOP senators today to tell them to reject any deal, said this source, who requested anonymity to speak freely.

He also personally reached out to some Senate Republicans over the weekend to do the same.
Jan 23 12 tweets 3 min read
Catching up on last week's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with gazillions of Biden's judicial picks on the agenda, I see John Cornyn hailed Dick Durbin for honoring "blue slips" and ripped Dem groups for calling for ditching them.

Oh boy, where to begin with this. "Seems to me that given the track record of cooperation last Congress + this Congress by red-state senators, there'd be no basis to change the current policy," Cornyn said of keeping the committee's "blue slip" courtesy, which lets a single senator tank a president's court pick.
Nov 28, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Ted Cruz to reporters: Biden's judges are "extreme!"

Me: Lots of Trump's judges were unqualified.

Cruz: "Ackchyually, the caliber of judges that Trump nominated was exceptional."

Me: Ten were rated "not qualified" to be judges by ABA. Zero of Biden's.

Cruz: ABA is partisan. Let's look at some of those unqualified judges that Ted Cruz supported.

There was Steven Grasz, who earned an embarrassing and unanimous “not qualified” rating for being “unable to separate his role as an advocate from that of a judge."…
Nov 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
NEW: Before coming to Congress, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) spent years taking up lawsuits in defense of Christian speech and activities in public elementary schools and universities.… "The ultimate goal of the enemy is silencing the Gospel," Johnson said in 2004 amid one lawsuit involving Jewish parents suing a public elementary school for pushing Christianity on their children.

“This is spiritual warfare.”
Nov 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Biden more judicial nominees today, including Nicole Berner, a former Planned Parenthood litigator.

She litigated cases protecting medication abortion in Ohio, defending young people's access to abortion in Missouri + increasing abortion access in New Mexico. Berner is also a longtime union lawyer.

She's nominated to a lifetime seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
Oct 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Get to know Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), the GOP's latest speaker nominee.

He voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election by fueling a lie about widespread voter fraud that led to an insurrection at the Capitol building. Johnson also signed onto a Texas amicus brief in support of throwing out votes in swing states.
Oct 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Rep. Omar is facing some very, very scary death threats right now and has said she is worried for her children's safety, and yet, here is the NRCC a few minutes ago, fanning this disgusting propaganda. Image In one voicemail left for her office, a male caller says, “I wish that someone would kill you and put you in hell.”

Another male caller says she should “drop dead for supporting f------ terrorists.”…
Oct 20, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
And... we're back.

Jim Jordan, whose insistence that he be the next House speaker has resulted in his colleagues being bullied and facing death threats, is now on his THIRD attempt at finding the votes. Image We're on "H" in the roll call vote.

Jordan has already lost 13 GOP votes.

As in, he already does not have the votes to be speaker.
Oct 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
NEW: North Carolina's top GOP candidate for governor has a history of demeaning successful women.

A review of Mark Robinson's Facebook posts reveals a pattern of disgusting language about Michelle Obama, VP Harris, AOC, Taylor Swift and lots of others.… A sampling of how Robinson, who is currently N.C.'s lieutenant governor, has talked about prominent women in politics and entertainment.

He has repeatedly referred to Michelle Obama as a man, said she speaks “ghetto” and that she emanates “the stench of human waste.” Image
Aug 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A guy in North Carolina believes that Beyoncé is "satanic," that the 1969 moon landing may have been fake and that there's a ruling class of secretive reptiles.

This guy is Mark Robinson, the leading GOP candidate to be the state's next governor.… Imagine every conspiracy theory you've ever heard.

The moon landing wasn't real. 9/11 was an inside job. The CIA was behind JFK's murder. ISIS carried out the Las Vegas mass shooting. David Hogg is a paid actor, not a gun violence survivor.

Robinson has pushed all of these.
Aug 16, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I see that a U.S. appeals court just imposed new restrictions on the abortion pill, mifepristone.

It will stay on the market for now, until SCOTUS decides whether or not to take this case.

But let's look at the judges who made this decision. Judges Jennifer Walker Elrod and Cory Wilson were the majority.

Judge James Ho dissented.

Elrod and Wilson called for restrictions like banning mail orders of the abortion pill, requiring a prescription, having 3 folo-up appts with a doc.

Ho wanted to go further.
Aug 8, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
This judge, Brantley Starr, is a classic Trump judge.

He's young (he was 39 when appointed in 2019).

He's a member of the very anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, anti-voting rights Federalist Society.

He drew opposition from hundreds of national civil rights and human rights groups. Starr's record before becoming a judge:

-Defended Trump’s Muslim ban
-Tried to nix protections for Dreamers
-Led Texas' efforts to restrict trans rights
-Misrepresented info to support the Texas AG's takeover of the criminalization/prosecution of abortion from local officials.