Joost de Valk Profile picture
Internet entrepreneur • Investor • Founder of & advisor at @Yoast • Advisor @wordproofio • Husband of @mariekerakt • Father of 4 • 🇪🇺 • he/him
Nikos Kapsomenakis Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
@Kevin_Indig wrote an incredibly interesting article about the demise of amateur content. (Link follows later on).

I agree with it almost entirely and that got me thinking more about the implications. A thread: The idea is you need an expert to write content, not just a good copywriter. I think the biggest step here is that for lots of businesses, the business owner and/or “resident expert(s)” needs to take part in writing the copy.

You can’t just outsource it to an agency.
May 30, 2018 9 tweets 5 min read
I've been analyzing crawling by the major search engines and link research tools on @yoast together with @jonoalderson.

We store all our logs in Elastic, through Logstash, and analyze them in Kibana.

We have to talk about this. Some of these results are shocking. Let's start with @bing.

Over the last 30 days Bing crawled ~84,000 URLs on In return, we got ~3,200 visitors. Not only does that ratio simply not add up, from checking other sites, we're not even doing badly in @bing.