David Mendez Profile picture
Digital Reporter, @SpecNews1SoCal, @Suns fan.🌵➡️ 🏖 (he/him)
Diana Roby Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
“This was their piece of California dream...Today, we are here to restore that land to the Bruce family,” said Asm. Al Muratsuchi, a co-author of SB 796. “I know that there are good people (in Manhattan Beach) like Mayor Pro Tem Hildy Stern, who was fighting for an apology,” Muratsuchi said.

He gave a shoutout to activists like Kavon Ward, from Justice for Bruce’s Beach.
Apr 7, 2021 105 tweets 16 min read
Hey all, tonight the Manhattan Beach City Council will discuss whether or not to offer an apology regarding Bruce's Beach, the Black resort that MB condemned and seized via eminent domain nearly 100 years ago.
I'll be live-tweeting the proceedings — but let's pregame, shall we? Background: In the 1910s, Willa and Charles Bruce opened up one of the few Black-friendly resorts in LA County, drawing a handful of Black families and quite a few Black visitors.
Residents didn't like that, leading to harassment, then a petition and eminent domain proceedings.
Oct 16, 2019 50 tweets 8 min read
We're LIVE IN PROGRESS at the Redondo Beach City Council meeting, where the Council will look at A LOT OF THINGS—but the headline item is a discussion to move nearly $120,000 from the pension reserve fund to help arrange a memorandum of understanding with the Police Association. Other notable items:
•A first-year report from the Tourism Management District
•A report on the first year of the leaf blower ban
•A resident project to build a K9 training facility

...and so much more!
Jun 19, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Hey folks, apologies for the post-Council radio silence; last night got a bit wooly as they wound down, so let's get into how the CDBG item shook out. First, to recap, CDBG funding is federal grant funding, made available by HUD. Qualifying cities can disburse up to 15 % of their total CDBG money to programs that — boiling it down — help low- and moderate-income folks. (Other CDBG cash goes to sidewalks/housing/curbs, etc.)
Aug 22, 2018 14 tweets 5 min read
A late start tweeting the #RedondoBeach #CityCouncil meeting, but let's get caught up.

First things, approval of the consent calendar didn't finish until an hour into the meeting. As @BillBrandRB noted, it usually only takes five minutes. At a glance... Beyond the standard approval of payroll and paychecks, RBCC approved work donations by prospective Eagle Scouts. There was also an item a feasibility report for installing solar energy at the @RedondoBeachPAC (I did miss that for the sake of coffee. My fault there.)