josie duffy rice Profile picture
write about prisons and prosecution. lawyer-ish. former president @theappeal. host of criminal justice podcasts. mom of two. atlanta forever.
10 subscribers
Nov 6, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
it is.....weird to see all these people who, 24 hours ago, were confident the VP would win in a landslide, now confidently explain why she didn't. not a single one of you totally understands what happened here! partially because you mostly talk to people aligned with you! that's fine, talk to who you want i guess! but this is not how to diagnose the problem or trace it back to its source. and while i'm at it -
Oct 11, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Here's the entire Trevor Noah/Ta-Nehisi Coates clip, much of which was conveniently left out. There's a bunch of people on here committed to making Ta-Nehisi seem like a violent anti-semite, and that's simply not the case.
Nov 2, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Ten years ago this year, I started my first job out of law school. My boss was basically my age and one of the smartest people I’d ever met. He was remarkably strategic, able to think big picture and get into the details, could do a week of work in a day. His name was Ady Barkan. At that point our office had like 10 employees. Ady was managing just one - me. It was the hardest job I’d ever had. We were trying to build @LocalProgress, a network of local elected officials. It was just the two of us doing everything, and him doing the hardest stuff.
Sep 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
My god. The chief medical officer at Rikers - the highest ranking doctor - has resorted to whistleblowing and going public about the crisis there. That’s how bad it is.… There are over 100 people sitting in intake pens who aren’t being processed going into the weekend, plus covid cases rising drastically out of proportion to the community. BUT positive patients aren’t being moved, because there aren’t officers to escort them. CLOSE THIS JAIL
Aug 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
the fact that cops don't solve murders is not just incidental. it's because the entire nature of american policing is harassing *certain* kinds of people for small infractions. it's not that police have somehow moved away from their goal. this was always the point of police. i'm not being rhetorical, either. american police were born out of slave patrols, which ostensibly began as a way to catch runaway slaves. but catching runaway slaves was hard and labor intensive. harassing slaves for, say, "loitering" in the town square was much easier.
Jun 19, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Have yet to talk to or hear of a single person who thinks we should teach all white children that they’re inherently evil and yet respected voices on the internet seem to think this is what black people want!!!! They are not respected by me but
May 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
i feel like there are not a ton of criminal justice newsletters? i love @JessPish's sheriff's one, but i don't think i'm subscribed to that many. what am i missing? to be clear, i mean like individual newsletters, not from CJ outlets - subscribed to all of those.
May 19, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
How many times a day do you feel flashes of embarrassment remembering something awkward you once did or said?????? I feel like my number is like 5. 5 cringes per day Am I gonna later have one of these moments remembering this tweet
Mar 29, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
some thoughts on the greenwald/USA today intern/"everyone should have a vigorous defense" controversy that we're seeing play out today. i have been specifically interested in the "everyone is entitled to a defense" comments, because i think, to some extent, it obscures part of the dynamic here.
Mar 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
hi its me its friday night and i'm still super focused on this article!!! it stresses me and confuses me!!!… this entire article is about how sad it is that this woman did all this to free this guy and he's not free, but it never tells you what would have to happen for him to....get free.
Mar 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Hooooly shit. This truly gave me heart palpitations I was one of four black people in my 80 person law school section. By the end of first semester we were down to 3. All year I was terrified of speaking up and asking questions, because I knew one misstep would perpetuate the idea that we weren’t REALLY good enough to be there.
Jun 8, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
I think for many people the talk about defunding is (completely understandably) overwhelming and hard to imagine. I really do get that. and what I also get is that many people know and/or have interacted with "good apples" and this answer seems extreme. so let's talk about that. for me, I am deeply deeply uninterested in categorizing police (or people more generally) into good and bad. Its not a useful binary for me, and it allows people to escape accountability. that's just a personal practice of mine. people are complicated. police included.