Greeshma Kuthar Profile picture
neutral journalism = oxymoron = BS
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Sep 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
There is nothing misleading about questioning why TT Haokip was denied bail in the context of the 5 armed Meiteis charged under UAPA being granted bail - I mean it's a question of common sense really - the whole case against TTH is that he instigated two others to threaten vendors at Tribal Market in New Checkon on 22nd May - after this, police visited New Lambulane which was fortified by then with 30 odd people inside - here they confiscated guns from TTH's house (which I was told were licensed guns by people from NLL, even bail application says
Aug 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So this 'misunderstanding' is the reason for your advisor MLA Vungzagin Valte almost being beaten to death, and three months down, not one person arrested? Imagine the impunity to be right in the middle of this, say bullshit and GET AWAY WITH IT… Videos and photos of Mr Valte in the condition he is in have been shared for months now. He is a BJP leader. BJP rules Manipur. BJP rules India. And yet, this party doesn't care that they've not made ONE arrest in the 3+ months that have gone by 👏🏾👏🏾 How is it that it has been so
Aug 4, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
Here are excerpts from my report where I delve into how Meitei Militia's such as Arambai Tenggol represent themselves to gain legitimacy from common people but the contradiction of this is evident from what/who their leaders represent:

"THE ALLEGATIONS of Kukis encroaching on forest land and participating in the drug trade are among the various methods that the Biren Singh government and local media outlets, most of which are owned by Meiteis, have employed to create a sense of victimhood among the majority community.
Jul 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Women leaders from the Kuki-Zo community flag everything that is wrong with the way in which sexual assualt cases have been covered, from photos video of survivors being shared to failing to address the root of the sexual assualt - ethnic violence… and they say how it's unfortunate that while they've to figure out all the legal problems that comes with prosecuting a case where survivors are in the hills and cases registered in the valley, they are stuck with trying to protect the victims from getting re-traumatised. Here is
Jul 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I did this episode in the morning yesterday about how all of last week armed Meitei groups have been trying to breach the buffer zone at Phaileng. Late in the evening, they did breach the buffer zone in Torbung of Churachandpur to set a Kuki-owned school… on fire following which atleast 5 abandoned Meitei houses were burnt down by Kukis. All night yesterday there was firing and chaos and what not accross the buffer zone region between Churachandpur and Bishnupur. Even international attention hasn't made Biren Singh put an end to
Jul 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm a little confused by this narrative of 'revenge rape' that is being mainstreamed. Yes there was fake news which might have caused the early cases of sexual assualt but I've also spoken to Kuki-Zo women who've been assaulted as late as mid-May in Imphal. People were hunting down those left in Imphal. A minor I spoke to was abducted by a group of men and subject to assault by them and by mobs of Meira Phaibis. She managed to escape. Hango Donggaihching was shot dead on July 3. Why is the narrative only being centered on the 'alleged' reasons for why
Jul 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Two tribal women, both over 50, have been shot dead this month publicly in Manipur's capital city of Imphal, one of them with an intellectual disability. When Hangzo Donggaihching was shot dead on July 6, a video was circulated where her body is lying on the road as people stop their vehicles, look, talk to each other like nothing has happened. Then some Meira Phaibi walk around like thugs shooing people away. Fake news about her was circulated from Imphal and then the issue just died. Now a second woman Lucy
Jul 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
~'Let's capture him alive': India state in grip of ethnic violence~

My report for @AJEnglish on the brutality that went down in Langza of Churachandpur last week, the killing of David Thiek and how the ethnic violence continues unabated in Manipur Photos from Langza when I visited on July 4:

Jul 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Leaders of Gwaltabi village in Saikul bordering Yaingangpokpi Imphal East released 5 Meiteis yesterday after they were found to be unarmed civilians who had lost their way and strayed into the Kuki village. The 5 Meiteis were handed over to the Jat regiment. Today, firing has been going on at Samulamlan Block, Churachandpur district, from early in the morning when the area was fired at from Bishnupur side. A person belonging to the Hmar (Kuki-Zo) tribe was found murdered in Langza Village.
Jun 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
EP11: In this episode, I spoke to Kim Neilhang, a final year LLM student from Manipur University & Elizabeth Nengneilhing MBBS student of Regional Institute of Medical Sciences about how Kuki-Zomi students faced violence in Imphal in their universities…
and now face apathy from their university and state government. Medical students told me that their classes have been resumed in Imphal and those who can't attend in person can opt for online classes. When there is no internet in Manipur!
Jun 30, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Rahul Gandhi in Manipur is the story, here's the main story:
Firing started yesterday at 5 30 AM in L Tangnaum which is at Kangpokpi border. Central forces came under attack from armed Meiteis here & soon after at L Munlai. Three Meiteis were killed in the crossfire. At noon, official sources told me that Bethel, a Kuki village situated at the border also came under attack. Most of Bethel was already burnt down by Meiteis early in June. In the crossfire, a Kuki police constable was shot dead. Most of the leftover houses of Kukis in Bethel have also
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is a prayer to bring peace and harmony. 1000s of people have lost their land, are homeless. We have faith, we hope God brings about a change in the hearts of the people, of the State and Central government.
-Boinu Sithlhou, a resident of Motbung. ImageImageImageImage We heard firing yesterday at the border of Kangpokpi from 12 am to 3 am. Firing took place between Meiteis and Indian Army's Jat Regiment in and around Leimakhong area, one officer was injured. He's stable now. Following this, early in the morning today, residents from the
Jun 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
EP09: Buffer Zones are being created at the borders (their effectiveness is still suspect) and one of them is at Phaileng by Assam Rifles. This area has seen repeated attacks, one of which was videographed. Arambai Thenggol cadre were seen running away… Image in the video. The village chief told me the state police officials had fired at the AR multiple times in May and early June within this 500 mtr buffer zone. Since, the AR has built up multiple checkpoints and bunkers in and around the buffer zone to secure this part
Jun 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
EP08: The number of displaced is growing but there seems to be no stop to the violence, with 11 Kuki villages burnt down in 3 days. Thangkhongam Touthang from Govajang told me he thought the GR would protect him as they had promised but they did nothing… Image when the mob reached Khamenlok. They were missing after the 12th, multiple residents from the burnt down villages told me, though the violence kept escalating. In fact, the mobs kept coming back in bigger numbers every day in spite of casualties. What does this mean?
Jun 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
EP07: In the last 3 days, 9 villages have been burnt down in Khamenlok. 2000+ displaced I was told, yet nobody wants to center the stories of these people who are now homeless. Listen to Lucy Chongloi of Khopibung speak about everything she has lost… Image and how she went back to see what's left of her village. Dongsum which is across the hill from Khamenlok, where most of the displaced first reached is so chaotic, people are just looking for family and trying to figure out what to do here on. Some of the elderly women were
Jun 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Reporting from the Hill Districts is so difficult. There is no internet in Saikul and I've had to travel for hours just to access network, forget internet. My friends outside Manipur are helping me tweet but how are journalists supposed to send reports without regular access to internet? I know there is hardly any reporting that is accepted from here but the Imphal dudes who are giving me sermons about bias XYZ, first can you talk to your CM and give this side also internet? This also you can't do and you want to have arguments on Twitter? Funny but
May 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Are we done discussing where Brahmins stood and where Shudras stood inside an 'RSS house'? Like we didn't know this charade already? Can we now focus on MANIPUR?


And the CM of the state is using the same language every political party in this country has used to cover up mass murder in regions which are made up of indigenous people. 'TERRORISM'. The Manipur death toll from the first two weeks of violence was already touching 80 and now in one day, 40 more? That is 120 people who've been killed
May 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Manipur BJP CM Biren Singh is gloating about the 'encounter deaths' of 40 people just in one day and is referring to them as 'Kuki terrorists'. 40 FUCKING PEOPLE. Reports are referring to deaths of civilians, farmers, residents here and there. How the fuck does the head of a state declare such deaths that too by the state with zero impunity? How is such a one sided narrative being driven in Manipur while there is NO fucking internet in the state, with shooting orders out there? There is hardly any information coming from there, other than from a
May 22, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
I'm traveling with @aisrao who is a person with locomotor disability. We checked into HHI Bhubaneswar becos they said they've a wheelchair accessible room with toilet. But it wasn't really. Instead when she tried to use the only toilet for PwD next to the lobby, this happened ImageImageImageImage Aish had gone in to use the bathroom and I was outside. When she tried to move from her wheelchair to the commode, the damn thing just gave away. She held on to what she could grab and called me. Luckily she didn't latch the bathroom. When I entered, I saw her in a state of Image