Jeff Fluhr Profile picture
Entrepreneur, dad, student. GP at @craft_ventures
Deposed Californian President Sami Ahmed Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 1, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
20 years ago, the Original Apocalypse - the dotcom crash of 2000 - wiped out 90% of the value of most public tech companies and chilled tech investing for two years. For founders who didn’t experience this first-hand, it may be hard to imagine a reset more severe than the current one brought on by Covid.
May 8, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ LinkedIn is the New Craigslist: the same unbundling that happened to Craigslist is now about to happen to LinkedIn. Read more here: 2/ A herd of unicorns were created when entrepreneurs peeled off categories from Craigslist and built vertical product marketplaces (eg Airbnb, Stubhub, etc).
Mar 18, 2019 16 tweets 8 min read
1/ Baller move: Kudos to Jesse Cohn of Elliott Management and Peter Feld of Starboard Value for lighting a fire at @ebay. 2/ As a stand alone business, @StubHub will be able to innovate again.