Jeff Fulgham Profile picture
Sergeant First Class (Ret) Army National Guard - U.S. Navy veteran - Historian & author of The Bluffton Expedition and Dr. Henry Woodward's Carolina Frontier
16 subscribers
Mar 5 4 tweets 4 min read
⚠️Chairman of Georgia State Election Board (SEB) who refused to acknowledge evidence of 2020 fraud- Had previously made 9 trips to Ukraine to work with Ukrainian officials:

Former U.S. District Judge William Duffey was appointed by Governor Brian Kemp in June 2022 to serve as Chairman of the SEB. According to the governor's office (link below) Duffey had already traveled to Ukraine at least 9 times prior to 2022.

Duffey's appointment to the SEB came at a critical time: only months after private citizen Joe Rossi filed an SEB complaint showing fake duplicate entries in the Fulton hand count. Rossi, an engineer, calculated that the fake entries gave Biden a fake net gain of around 4,000 votes in Fulton alone. Rossi was proven correct in that these were indeed duplicate (fake) entries when a consent decree settled SEB case 2021-181 in June 2023. But the GASOS and GAAG refused to identify the numbers of fake votes in the settlement. They only mention duplicate batches. In other words fake.

In October 2022, prior to the settlement of SEB 2021-181, I (Jeff Fulgham) had submitted evidence to GAAG Chris Carr showing the duplicates identified by Rossi had been intentionally altered in name. My evidence of intent was ignored. I then submitted this evidence to the GAIG and to Brian Kemp. They also ignored the evidence.

Then in May 2023 Kevin Moncla and Joe Rossi's complaint (SEB 2023-025) claiming thousands of fake double scanned ballots in Fulton was confirmed accurate by the GASOS. The analyst who identified the 3,000+ fake double scanned duplicates in Fulton eventually identified over 8,000 statewide- from less than half of the counties because most electronic records were prematurely destroyed.

Judge William Duffey has a lot of questions to answer. What U.S. agency funded his trips to Ukraine? How much was he paid for his work as a judicial advisor to Ukrainian officials? Did his foreign relations influence his opinions as Chairman of the Georgia State Election Board?Image
Jan 12 4 tweets 2 min read
2020 video by Coffee County, Georgia election supervisor shows Dominion Voting Machine feature which allows users to adjudicate (manipulate) ballots.

Now in 2024 analyst Phillip Davis aka @mad_liberals has identified a case of significant manipulation using the adjudication feature.

Remember Democrats and RINO Republicans attacked this lady for exposing this Dominion feature on YouTube. Her video was presented as evidence in one of my formal written complaints to officials concerning the 2020 election.

Video link:…

@mad_liberals 2024 findings 👇Image
Jan 10 4 tweets 4 min read
Several thousand fake net Biden votes were included in the Fulton County GA 2020 hand count. The evidence of intent was covered up.

This is the legal consent order signed by Fulton County GA that acknowledged "duplicate audit batch sheet data" meaning fake duplicate batches of ballots were included in the official hand count totals. President Trump was briefed on this case in 2023 and mentioned it in a video.

Here is how @BrianKempGA, @GaSecofState, and @Georgia_AG covered up evidence of intent and deceptively worded the findings in order to downplay the magnitude of the case.

1) They chose to settle with a consent order vs an evidentiary hearing because I (Jeff Fulgham) had submitted evidence to the AG suggesting the duplicate batches were intentional. The case was filed by Joe Rossi but I filed a separate complaint with supporting evidence of intent showing the duplicate batch names were altered. They didn't want me to present this evidence.

2) They describe the amount of fake votes as "36 inconsistencies". In reality the 36 refers to the number of batches. But the batches contained around 6,500 fake duplicate votes providing Biden with a fake net gain of around 4,000. These numbers are in the official complaint by Rossi. Although the @ajc Atlanta Journal Constitution estimate was low, even they published an article after the case was settled acknowledging around 3,000 fake net votes for Biden.

3) In the initial SEB hearing in March 2022 GASOS attorney Ryan Germany withheld information from the board that his boss, Raffensperger, had previously acknowledged that the Fulton hand count was off by "several thousand" because ballots had been scanned twice in the first machine count. Germany told the board the hand count was within 634 votes of the first machine count. In reality is was off by thousands.

For the record the fake duplicate batches were originally discovered in early April 2021 by David Cross @GAballots and then he shared the evidence with Rossi and myself. Rossi analyzed the numerical totals, I analyzed whether or not they were intentional.

I'm convinced to this day that the fake duplicate batches were intentionally altered and added to the hand count totals to force the hand count to match the machine count. This SEB case 2021-181 was in reality just the tip of the iceberg for the Georgia 2020 evidence that indicated to us that something major had occurred. This was a massive cover up that continues to this day.

Full consent order and link below with an example screenshot of one of the fake duplicate batches that were clearly altered. 👇Image Image
Dec 16, 2024 7 tweets 5 min read
Major General (Ret) John King, who serves as Georgia's Insurance Commissioner, was working behind the scenes with @BrianKempGA and @Georgia_AG to counter our election integrity efforts that were being supported by @realDonaldTrump.

While posing with @realDonaldTrump in photos, @JohnKingGA was literally working against Dr. Janice Johnston and other Election Board members who had the courage and integrity to listen to our evidence of fraud. While we the Patriots were volunteering and working for free to expose the evidence of fraud, John King was working against us, while collecting a salary of $160,000 per year thanks to Brian Kemp who appointed King as Insurance Commissioner.

Specifics: State Election Board case 2021-181 filed by Joe Rossi proved that the Fulton hand count (Risk Limiting Audit) contained over 6,000 fake votes in fake duplicate batches, giving Biden a fake net gain of several thousand in just one county. This Risk Limiting Audit was technically a 100% hand count. Case 2021-181 was settled in June 2023 when the GA AG and @GaSecofState were forced to acknowledge the fake duplicate batches of ballots discovered by private citizens. But they ignored my evidence of intent that I provided to the GA AG as supporting evidence in the case. My evidence shows the fake duplicate batches were intentionally altered.

Despite this, John King, working with Kemp and Carr, wrote an opinion article in July 2024 claiming that Georgia was a "national leader in election integrity." King even went so far as to say that Georgia's Risk Limiting Audit was "the gold standard of election audits" despite the fact that the RLA was manipulated in the thousands. John King's article also expressed approval of AG Carr's opposition to the efforts of our courageous Election Board members. (Article link below)

It appears that John King is now considering a run for U.S. Senate if Kemp doesn't run. They are clearly working together to protect their interests.

John King should immediately answer the following questions:

1) Why did you tell the people of Georgia that the Risk Limiting Audit was the "gold standard of election audits" when you knew that it was manipulated with fake duplicate batches that just so happened to force the hand count to match the machine count?

2) Why are you, Kemp, Raffensperger, and Carr suppressing evidence of fraud to include the intentional double scanning of 4,000 fake duplicate ballots in Fulton? This evidence was provided by Joe Rossi, @KevinMoncla, and Phillip Davis @mad_liberals in SEB case 2023-025, with an updated filing showing these ballots were intentionally scanned twice. The GASOS has acknowledged more than 3,000 fake double scanned ballots, but again, they're suppressing evidence of intent.

It's obvious that Kemp's Executive Branch officers are all working to suppress the truth behind 2020. The Insurance Commissioner is one of 8 powerful state executive officers that include the governor, lieutenant governor, GASOS, GA AG, etc.

As a retired Sergeant First Class in the Army National Guard and a Navy veteran, this post is disturbing to me. While myself and other Patriots were working for free to defend the integrity of our elections, this General and former police officer, was literally colluding with Brian Kemp against us while being paid $160,000 per year as Georgia's Insurance Commissioner.Image
Oct 13, 2024 6 tweets 6 min read
New: The Ongoing Cover Up of GA 2020 Fraud.

Dear Governor @BrianKempGA,

Your office now has my report on GA 2020 fraud, with attachments to include my complaint to the Georgia IG proving that the @GaSecofState Office covered up 2020 evidence. I now bring to your attention that GASOS investigator Gilbert Humes provided false and misleading information to the GA State Election Board at the May 2024 SEB hearing for case 2023-025.

Beginning at 5:31:00 when asked by board member John Fervier if there was any evidence of consistent manipulation in all 3 vote tallies, Gilbert Humes responds with, "No sir."

Mr. Humes concealed the fact that there is evidence of manipulation in all 3 vote tallies.

Tally #1
Shows evidence of over 500 double scanned ballots plus 5,800 suspicious "stray" ballots. And GASOS Raffensperger admitted in February 2022 that "several thousand" Fulton ballots were counted twice in this tally. We know they were counted twice because Raffensperger admitted that this caused the hand count to be off by "several thousands." This means there were thousands of fake digital votes in Tally #1 with no corresponding physical ballot. This was concealed by Fulton County.

Tally #2 Hand Count
Shows fake duplicate batches with around 6,000 fake votes inserted into the official hand count spreadsheet report. This provided a fake net gain to Biden of several thousand. All confirmed in SEB 2021-181. And you are now aware, governor Kemp, of my report to @Georgia_AG in 2022 with evidence showing these fake duplicate batches were intentionally altered.

Beginning at 5:32:00 investigator Gilbert Humes is asked if there was any evidence of duplicate counting in the hand count. His answer was "not that was reported to us." Gilbert Humes concealed from the board and the people of Georgia that thousands of duplicate votes were included in the fake duplicate batches in the hand count. This is an obvious cover up and Gilbert Humes should be immediately placed under investigation.

Tally #3
Shows 4,000 double scanned ballots as confirmed in SEB case 2023-025. This represents an Exploited Vulnerability in the Dominion System.

We've now identified over 8,000 fake double scanned 2020 ballots statewide. And as I provided in Fulgham v Ware County, some of these ballots were scanned for the second time after the election was over and certified. This is according to publicly available ballot scan time data. Now you understand why they destroyed most of the 2020 records. Most county records were prematurely destroyed or not made available.

Governor Kemp I believe we are in a State of Emergency status regarding our election system and the directly related corruption at the @GaSecofState Office. We are calling on you to halt the use of the Dominion System and ARLO hand auditing software until we can determine who is responsible for the fraud. An independent investigation of the GASOS Office should be launched immediately. We the People of Georgia deserve truth and transparency in regards to our elections.

Video link:

Video link:…Image GASOS Investigator Gilbert Humes also led the investigation of the Ruby Freeman video issue. He worked with both the FBI and GBI in this effort. I personally never made accusations with respect to this incident. My focus was always on the voting machine electronic jamming issues in general that was reported in multiple counties. For example I conducted the investigation into double scanned ballots in Ware County. The chairman of the board of elections told myself and a witness in a documented interview that the machine electronically jammed which resulted in double scanned ballots. He clearly blamed this specific incident on the machine. I find it interesting that the GASOS investigation regarding the Ruby Freeman case never inquired, to my knowledge, into the suspiciously high jamming rate of the machines. Or at least they didn't discuss it publicly. But it seems they lured people into making accusations against individuals, then used defamation lawfare to defend the election system itself. It's apparent that GASOS attorneys are defending the election system, rather than pursuing evidence of election fraud. We must regain sovereign control of our elections from the Deep State linked corporations who control the GASOS.

For the record I've provided evidence of intentional GA 2020 fraud to both state and federal agencies.Image
Sep 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
New Video: Georgia State Capitol press conference concerning 23 page report submitted to @BrianKempGA which shows the Governor had evidence of massive GA 2020 election fraud in his possession in 2021.
Video link:…
Image Here's an explanation of the specific evidence the governor's office had in their possession in 2021. This report to Governor Kemp was the culmination of several years of reports to state and federal agencies.

Sep 20, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
This is me today at the Georgia Capitol after I hand delivered a 23 page report to Governor @BrianKempGA's Office outlining massive 2020 fraud. The report proves the Governor had possession of evidence of fraud in 2021, but his attorneys described it as "inconsistencies" and "errors." It was actually intentionally altered and duplicated batches of ballots on the Fulton hand count which inserted roughly 6K fake votes and forced the hand count to match the first machine count, which covered up fraud in the first machine count. The fake votes gave Biden a roughly 4K net gain in only one county. I provided this evidence to @Georgia_AG in 2022 and he covered up my evidence that showed intent, but they did confirm the batches were fake duplicates in SEB case 2021-181. My report includes 18 pages of attachments of reports to CISA, FBI, GA AG, GA SEB, @GaSecofState, and GA IG. The report documents fake duplicate ballots scanned for a second time after certification, falsified hand counts, etc. Our investigation was limited because the records of over half of GA counties were either prematurely destroyed in part or all, or never made available to Open Records Requests.

I shared this information at a press conference today and I'll post the video soon. We will continue to work to mitigate fraud and regain sovereign control of our elections from Deep State corporations. Today the SEB passed a new rule to count ballots at the precinct level on election day to confirm that the physical ballots match the machine totals. We need a massive Trump voter turnout in November, while simultaneously working to mitigate fraud. It's time to regain sovereign control of our nation from the Deep State, and bring people to justice for election crimes.
🇺🇸Image This is just one example of a fake duplicated batch inserted into the official Fulton hand count spreadsheet that @BrianKempGA's staff had in his possession in 2021. The spreadsheet screenshot is from the official Fulton hand count. The spreadsheet with written descriptions is from Governor Kemp's staff. They called these errors. My reports showed evidence that the batches were intentionally altered. The AG ignored my submitted evidence. In the example below they simply changed the capital B in Batch to a lower b. As simple as this was, it successfully concealed the fake duplicate batch.Image
Aug 9, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
Update: My complaint filed with the Georgia Inspector General against @GaSecofState Brad Raffensperger with evidence proving he covered up evidence of massive election fraud.

I just received a text message from a Forsyth County resident indicating there has been a large number of citizens calling Governor @BrianKempGA's Office requesting he step in and investigate my Inspector General's complaint against the GASOS. I was told around 100 citizens called the governor's office from Forsyth County alone. I also spoke by phone with the governor's staff last week and discussed the IG complaint. This public pressure is our only hope for 2020 justice, and for securing 2024.

My IG complaint # is 71933C143F filed in October 2023. It contains Irrefutable evidence that the AG and GASOS covered up evidence of fraud, withheld evidence from the GASEB, and provided false information to the Congressional J6 Committee.

In December 2021 I filed the first complaint/report with DHS (then spoke with the FBI) which alleged that the evidence from Fulton County indicated intentional election fraud. Among other things, the evidence concerned duplicate (fake) batches (pictured) included in the Fulton hand count which gave Biden a 4,000 fake net gain. These duplicate batches were originally discovered by David Cross @GAballots. Joe Rossi proved in SEB case 2021-181 that they were indeed fake duplicates, but my analysis/complaint was suppressed by the @Georgia_AG because I concluded they were intentional.

Now SEB case 2023-025 has been forwarded by the SEB to the AG. But my IG complaint proves the AG has already covered up evidence of intent once before. We must put massive public pressure on Governor Kemp to obtain justice for 2020, and to secure 2024. Please contact the governor's office and respectfully request that Kemp investigate Jeff Fulgham's IG complaint # 71933C143F.

Pictured is a screenshot from Fulton County's official hand count results showing duplicate (fake) batches. This was from evidence in SEB case 2021-181. The AG/GASOS investigators concluded they were fake duplicates, but they suppressed my complaint alleging intent. I analyzed this for 6 months and concluded they were intentionally altered and duplicated to force the hand count to match the machine count. Biden received a fake net gain of 4,000 votes from this.

We've lost sovereign control of our elections to Deep State corporations and shady organizations who are influencing county and state officials. We must fight to regain control of our nation.

Jeff Fulgham
SFC (Ret) Army National Guard
U.S. Navy veteranImage It's possible to win in 2024. It will require:

1) A massive turnout of citizens who vote Republican to save the country from liberal insanity.

2) An organized effort by Republican officials to place observers in key positions to mitigate vote manipulation. I've been in communications with Georgia Republican officials about this.

3) An organized effort to reduce the amount of ghost voters/ballot harvesting.

It is my opinion that the ghost voter/ ballot harvesting efforts were not enough to give Biden the win in GA 2020. I believe it required some manipulation to give them a safe enough margin of victory. The evidence in my timeline is what I'm referring to.

Pictured is an image of an original ballot with it's fake duplicate that was scanned for the second time 5 days after certification in Ware County GA. This was part of the evidence provided in Fulgham v Ware County Board of Elections. Evidence also provided to the Ware County Sheriff.Image
Jul 29, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Georgia 2020 Fraud

Today by phone I contacted the office of Governor @BrianKempGA and spoke in detail with a member of his staff concerning the cover-up of 2020 evidence by the office of @GaSecofState. Georgia Inspector General Nigel Lange has refused to inform myself or my State Representative, John Corbett, on the status of my IG complaint against @GaSecofState filed in October 2023.

My IG complaint # is 71933C143F and it includes evidence that proves GASOS investigators provided false information to the State Election Board in March 2022 when they told them the Fulton hand count was 634 votes off from the first machine count. It was actually off by thousands, not hundreds. I provided evidence which proves Brad Raffensperger knew that it was off by "several thousand" because ballots had been scanned twice. My evidence proves Raffensperger knew this prior to the March 2022 hearing but his investigators misled the State Election Board and withheld evidence concerning the fact that they knew thousands of ballots had been scanned twice.

My complaint also shows that I had submitted supporting evidence to GASOS/GAAG for Joe Rossi's SEB 2021-181. My evidence suggested the fake duplicate batches (now confirmed) on the Fulton hand count had been intentionally altered and then duplicated in an effort to force the hand count to match the machine count. My evidence and analysis of the altered batch names was also submitted to the Atlanta Field Office of the FBI in late 2021/2022.

Now, thanks to the work of @mad_liberals, @KevinMoncla, Joe Rossi and others, it was recently confirmed in SEB case 2023-025 in May 2024 that over 3,000 ballots were scanned twice in the machine recount. @mad_liberals has now identified over 8,000 fake double scanned ballots statewide.

The evidence from myself and several others clearly shows intentional election fraud in GA 2020. The initial offensive manipulation occurred in Tally #1. Then there was an intentional effort to manipulate Tally #2 and Tally #3 to match Tally #1.

Now @BrianKempGA must take responsibility and address the cover-up of 2020 evidence by GASOS. Georgia citizens please contact the governor's office and respectfully request that he force the GA Inspector General to investigate my complaint # 71933C143F filed in October 2023.

-Jeff Fulgham The only way to stop maladministration and fraud and regain sovereign control of our elections and our nation is to hold officials accountable. To do this you must submit formal written complaints and put public officials on notice. I've submitted 2020 evidence in formal complaints to DHS, FBI, GASOS, GASEB, GAAG, GAIG. Now I'm putting Governor @BrianKempGA on public notice. Government officials work for We the People. Both the U.S. and state constitutions confirm this. When I was in the military for 20 years I served the People and supported and defended the Constitution. It's time to remind these politicians and officials who they work for.Image
Jul 3, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
New: Prepare for a deceptively organized disinformation campaign targeting Georgia 2024, and other swing states. All states listed below.

It's called the Democracy Defense Project @DemoDefenseProj. After some research I discovered that It has links to an Obama inspired community activist named Hahrie Han.

The organization is linked to John Hopkins University just north of Washington in Baltimore. They've deceptively hidden Han and her Obama ties from the citizens of Georgia by recruiting familiar Georgia faces to push their propaganda, including former Senator @SaxbyChambliss, former @GovernorDeal, and former Governor Roy Barnes.

Their strategy follows the same Democrat/Uniparty Deep State playbook from 2020, which includes portraying themselves as defenders of democracy. Saxby Chambliss is now claiming there was no widespread irregularities in Georgia 2020! Not even irregularities!

Here are the states where this disinformation campaign will be operating from now until 2020:

Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin

Let's make them famous.

Let us know below:
How much they're paying these people?
Tax dollars?

When you have a chance please provide some additional insight. This is your area. Thanks.
Jul 1, 2024 4 tweets 5 min read
The FBI had evidence of Georgia 2020 fraud:

In addition to providing evidence of Georgia 2020 fraud to state officials, we also provided evidence to the FBI Atlanta Field Office. They not only failed to investigate, but I can personally confirm that someone was directing agents to steer evidence to the GASOS/SEB, who themselves covered up evidence. And the FBI had clear jurisdiction because, as you can see below, there were federal candidates on the related ballots.

This evidence we provided suggested that the fake duplicate batches included in the official Fulton hand count were intentionally altered so the auditing software known as ARLO (Voting Works) would not recognize a fake duplicate.

Keep in mind that SEB case 2021-181 later concluded in June 2023 that these were indeed duplicates (in other words fake). But they covered up any evidence suggesting intent. These duplicates added 6k gross fake votes (4k net Biden) to the Fulton hand count.

This isn't secondary source information. I provided this evidence to both state and federal agencies in several formal complaints. The evidence is solid as a rock. Now I've filed a lawsuit against the Ware County, GA Board of Elections (Fulgham v Ware) for answers explaining how nearly 1% of their ballots were scanned for the second time 5 days after certification! So far they have failed to explain how this happened. The evidence suggests there's a possibility that Ware election employees may not have done this. If not, who did this?

It is my assessment that we the people have lost sovereign control of our elections. There was fraud in 2020 and it was covered up. President Eisenhower warned us in his 1961 farewell address that the Washington Swamp (he used different terminology) was a threat to American Liberty. He was right.

In 2020 corrupt Washington officials at CISA (DHS) used the phrase "Whole of Nation Mission" to influence and interfere in the election. Now We the People must turn that strategy against the Swamp. To win in 2024 it will take a Whole of Nation effort to turn out a massive vote, while simultaneously mitigating fraud and disinformation efforts by the Deep State.
I've been warning Americans about the dangers of losing sovereign control of our government since at least as far back as 2008 regarding border sovereignty. Now we've lost sovereign control of our elections. As a historian I'm familiar with our state and federal constitutions.

The Georgia Constitution states that "Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people" and that "public officers are the trustees and servants of the people."

My lawsuit against Ware is an effort to reestablish sovereign control of our elections. In order to regain sovereign control we must hold officials accountable for their service to us. This includes the FBI. We must never be in fear of approaching a government agency when we have evidence of fraud. We must hold them all accountable. And we will.Image
Jun 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
New: Georgia Timeline of Election Case and Election Fraud Evidence by Holly Kesler @hmkesler

Very significant: This timeline created by Holly shows how events unfolded after Georgia 2020. It reveals that while citizen researchers and investigators were discovering evidence of fraud and filing formal complaints, Fulton County DA Fani Willis was going after @realDonaldTrump while coordinating with the @WhiteHouse.

Simultaneously, the Georgia Secretary of State Office was covering up evidence of fraud, which included providing false information to the J6 Committee.

Click on and read the timeline. Holly's original post below.Image
Jun 12, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
Important Development: Fulgham v. Ware County Georgia Board of Elections concerning flipped votes and fake duplicate ballots

Ware BOE attorney Franklin T Coleman IV has come close to acknowledging that Absentee Batch 11 flipped and was scanned for a second time in Machine Count #1.

He made a mistake by trying to argue the evidence, which he does not fully understand. He assumed that because the image files do not indicate a flip in Machine Count #2 that the fake net Biden votes were reconciled back to Trump. But there was never a full reconciliation, only a partial one, if any at all. Because the partial reconciliation may be a correction for other flipped votes that I haven't yet identified. In addition there was more manipulation in Machine Count #2, including the addition of new ballot images not included in the initial image files. This should not occur.

In fact, this is why a filed the lawsuit, because there was not a full reconciliation of the votes stolen from Trump. To make my point, we identified flipped votes in Appling County, GA as well, but to my best interpretation of the evidence, these votes were reconciled back to Trump in the hand count and second machine count. Why? Because Appling County was honest and did not force the hand count and second machine count to match the first machine count, where the manipulation originally occurred. If they had forced a match, they would have covered up manipulation like many other counties, possibly without an understanding of what they were doing.

For the record keep in mind that I am only suing Ware BOE for an answer explaining how votes flipped on election day and were then scanned for the second time after the election was certified!!! I'm not accusing the board members of wrongdoing. We've provided evidence to Ware Superior Court and the Ware County Sheriff.

The purpose of my legal complaint is to expose this vulnerable and secretive election system that we have absolutely no sovereign control of. So I will continue to share developments with the People.

In order to win in 2024 we must expose what occurred in 2020, while simultaneously doing our best to prevent this in the future. Every citizen who loves this nation should register and turnout to vote in November 2024 to save America. 🇺🇸Image We provided evidence to Ware Superior Court showing around 150 fake net votes going to Biden as a result of flipped and duplicated votes in MC#1.

But as you can see here Trump was only reconciled around 80 votes. We're not 100% sure of the root cause of the reconciliation. But at the least there are still 70 fake net Biden votes in the official numbers. This is 0.5% of tiny Ware County's totals. If this ratio was statewide in 2020 it would have given Biden 25,000 fake net votes and flipped the entire state.Image
May 15, 2024 4 tweets 5 min read
Georgia 2020 Justice:

My recent call for @GabrielSterling to resign or be fired has gained a powerful following. That post now has 6.1K likes and I've received important phone calls in support.

Gabriel Sterling has deceived the people of Georgia and the nation, and along with GASOS has covered up evidence of thousands of fake, illegal votes.

1) Sterling told the nation and even testified before Congress that the Fulton hand count matched the machine count. SEB case 2021-181 proved that Fulton's hand count contained fake "duplicate" batches with around 6,000 fake votes, giving Biden a fake net gain of around 4,000 and forcing the hand count to match the machine count.

2) Sterling told the nation and Congress that no ballots were scanned and counted twice. SEB case 2023-025 confirmed that 3,000 ballots were scanned twice in only one county, Fulton. The analyst who discovered these fake double scanned ballots now confirmed by the GASOS office has identified around 8,000 statewide. Even GASOS Raffensperger admitted on FYNTV in February 2022 that the Fulton hand count was off by "several thousand" because ballots were scanned twice. But yet they provided false information to Congress several months later.

3) I have filed a lawsuit vs. Ware County Board of Elections (Fulgham v. Ware County BOE) and have presented evidence to Ware Superior Court and the Ware County Sheriff showing that Ware's fake double scanned ballots were "scanned" (or possibly digitally reproduced) 5 days after certification. The Ware BOE cannot explain how this happened or who did it.

4) According to @ajc and other reports Sterling was being paid $16,000 per month/$200,000 per year as a private contractor to implement the Dominion Voting System for Georgia in 2020, before returning to government employee status following the 2020 election.

5) In 2023 I filed a complaint with the State Inspector General agsinst the GASOS office. I'm giving @BrianKempGA time to consider the evidence and then I'll eventually follow up with a letter to the governor himself.

6) What is most disturbing is that the GASOS/State Election Board has failed to defend our election system in Georgia. If not for private citizens, none of these facts or cases would have been exposed. And our research has been limited by funding and resources. Even more disturbing is that our evidence is based on limited records because most of Georgia's election records were prematurely destroyed, despite election codes that called for their preservation.

As a historian I'll say that it is completely accurate to describe Georgia's election system as a Deep State Controlled System. Our evidence reveals that many county election boards were not exercising operational control over the 2020 election. And if @GabrielSterling is not fired it will confirm our suspicions that We the People in Georgia have lost sovereign control of our elections to Washington controlled Deep State corporations and organizations.Image
These screenshots show:

1. @GabrielSterling claiming that the hand count proved "no votes were switched." (From the Dominion Voting System website)

2. Evidence from the official Fulton hand count spreadsheet showing that the hand count was manipulated with duplicate batches. In this example a batch is entered 3 times. Two entries are obviously fake duplicates with illegal votes.

Trump 96, Biden 392

The two fake duplicates provide Biden a net fake gain of 592 votes.

(2020 RLA audit GASOS website. This spreadsheet was evidence in SEB case 2021-181)Image
May 7, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Bombshells From Today's Georgia State Election Board Hearing Concerning Fulton County 2020 case #2023-025

My Key Points

Despite the GASOS Office's efforts to deceive and downplay the evidence, several bombshell findings were confirmed on record by investigators.

1) 17,000 ballot images are missing from Tally #3 records, despite the fact that election law required these images be retained as official election records.

2) 3,000 ballots were scanned twice and are included in official ballot image records for Tally #3. Most importantly, GASOS Office admitted they can NOT prove that these ballots were not counted! In other words they were likely counted! This is bombshell because Phillip Davis aka @mad_liberals, who identified these duplicates, has found 900 more in Fulton Tally #3 since this case was filed 2 years ago! And he's identified thousands more statewide!

3. These findings bolster my case Fulgham v. Ware County Board of Elections because Phillip Davis identified the fake duplicate images in Ware. In addition, there are flipped or manipulated votes in Ware County.

4. Thanks to Joe Rossi and Kevin Moncla for filing this complaint. And thanks to SEB board member Dr. Johnston for asking tough questions and forcing GASOS officials to admit disturbing facts on record.

5. In the end, election law violations were confirmed by investigators. But we knew GASOS investigators would downplay the evidence and claim these were human errors. Because, in my opinion, they're protecting this Deep State election system and they don't want you to know the truth behind Georgia 2020.
Apr 29, 2024 9 tweets 6 min read
The entire Nation should be watching Fulgham v. Ware County, GA Board of Elections right now.

Is this how Georgia was stolen? By adding fake votes after they calculated how many votes they needed to elect Biden? Is this why they locked everyone down during COVID and told us that vote tabulation would take longer than usual?

We not only have evidence of fake duplicate ballots, but these ballots were "scanned" (according to Ware records) 5 days after the election was certified, while the physical ballots were supposedly locked away.

In other words, either a human had access to ballots and was still creating fake votes by scanning them for a second time 5 days after certification, or these fake ballots were digitally reproduced from images.

I'm not speculating on how or who did this. I'm suing to find out. And Franklin T. Coleman IV, the attorney for Ware BOE, has apparently advised the Board of Elections to remain silent.

In fact, I have evidence that the Board of Elections had answered most of my Interrogatory legal questions before attorneys shut them down.

I've presented this evidence to the Superior Court and to the Ware County Sheriff. I'm now requesting a search warrant to examine the physical ballots, and requesting the court to force the board to hand over the completed questions.

This is what I want everyone to know. We have evidence of manipulation in multiple counties. But this evidence is limited to public records from only about half of Georgia 2020 counties. And even these counties did not provide complete records.

The evidence is absolutely alarming. And the national spotlight should be on Ware County. Because if they refuse to answer my Interrogatory questions, this will mean that We the People have no recourse or means of obtaining justice in the case of election fraud.

The loss of sovereign control of our borders and elections are related. We must regain control or we are finished as a free nation.Image
Very important: Until now I've provided evidence related to the Presidential race. But we're now looking at how the manipulation could have impacted the U.S. Senate race.

Perdue was forced into a runoff (which he supposedly lost) because he was only 0.27% shy of the 50% mark.

But in Ware County alone, the evidence submitted to the court in Fulgham v Ware County Board of Elections shows a fake net gain for Ossoff similar to the fake net gain for Biden. I'll share more details on the U.S. Senate race soon.

Apr 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Let me explain to this "scientist" how fraud occured in GA 2020, and was then covered up:

Machine Count #1:
Massive ballot manipulation occured, to include double counted ballots, deleted ballots, and some evidence of flipped votes. In February 2022 GASOS admitted in a FYNTV Interview that in Fulton alone "several thousand" ballots were scanned twice and counted, which later threw off the hand count. In Fulgham v Ware County BOE evidence of flipped votes has been submitted to the court. In Appling County there is evidence of deleted batches.

Hand Count:
Manipulated to cover up the MC#1 fraud by forcing it to match the MC#1. In Fulton alone the Rossi case (SEB 2021-181) proved approximately 3,500 fake net Biden votes added to the official hand count in duplicate (fake) batches. GASOS admitted on February 22, 2022 on FYNTV that the Fulton hand count was off by "several thousand" because ballots had been scanned twice in MC#1.

Machine Recount:
More ballot manipulation to cover the initial fraud by forcing a match with MC#1.
Phillip Davis, computer scientist/mathematician aka @mad_liberals has identified appropriately 6,000 fake duplicate ballots state wide. Over 3,000 Fulton fake duplicates were submitted in SEB case 2023-025 in July 2022. What's even more disturbing is what we call "stray" ballots that only appear in one machine count. Some of these strays may have never physically existed.

In summary:
If they're not covering something up, why did GASOS investigators tell the State Election Board in March 2022 that Fulton's hand count was off by 634 votes, when the GASOS himself had admitted one month prior to this hearing in a FYNTV Interview that Fulton's hand count was off by "several thousand" because ballots had been scanned twice? Myth Busted: It didn't take a massive statewide conspiracy to manipulate votes and cover it up. This is a centralized computer system. For example, in Ware County GA I've spoken with the Chairman of the BOE who was actually helping scan ballots. He had no idea there were flipped votes and fake duplicate ballots until I showed him the evidence. He's a Republican.

Disclaimer: I will not speculate on who may have done this. I'm only analyzing the evidence which is publicly available election results. My conclusion is that this was intentional.
Apr 5, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This is what I want people to understand about my case Fulgham v. Ware BOE concerning evidence of flipped votes & fake duplicate ballots. Like my buddies, I swore to defend the Constitution, which for me means defending the rights of the people. We have the right to demand answers and accountability from officials. This case is basically a declaration in which I'm telling the government that a citizen has that right. Our Georgia Secretary of State has not only failed to fully investigate evidence of fraud, he has covered up fraud. I'm no attorney and I've never desired to be one. I'm a Purple Heart wounded combat vet who fought in two wars. I'm also a historian who understands our Constitutional rights. One of the books I packed to Iraq in 2005 was a little paperback with our Constitution and other founding documents. Fulgham v. Ware BOE is a fight for our right to regain control of our elections in Georgia. This pic was taken on our way out of Iraq in 2006.Image On February 21, 2024 I submitted photographic evidence of 100 fake duplicate ballots and evidence of flipped votes to the Superior Court. The flipped votes and fake duplicate ballots equal just over 1% of Ware's total votes. And although this case concerns only Ware, there is evidence of the same pattern in multiple counties.Image
Mar 28, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
1) The Fight Against This Corrupt Election System:

Traditional law in general is just one of a thousand weapons in the modern Art of War. We should be law abiding and civil, but we should not restrict our strategy to conform to their corrupt guidelines.
2) Ware County GA attorneys are refusing my request for an explanation of these images we've presented to the Superior Court (100 fake duplicates in total). But Ware citizens can demand answers from the County Commission by calling/visiting them today. Be civil but persistent.
🇺🇸 Image
Mar 27, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1) Breaking: Ware Co. GA Flipped Votes and Fake Duplicate Ballot Case: Fulgham v Ware BOE

The Chairman of the BOE revealed to me he has no idea how to explain the evidence. He tried to get answers and attorneys shut him down!

Now BOE attorneys refuse to answer legal questions. Image 2) Ware BOE attorneys could not provide data or image evidence refuting my evidence which shows:

1. Side by side images of 200 identical ballots, 100 of which are fake.

2. Machine scan times showing these fake ballots were created 5 days after certification!
More 👇
Mar 26, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1) New: GA 2020 Fake Duplicate Ballot Lawsuit Update:

I have text message evidence from the Chairman of the Ware County BOE stating that he has no knowledge of ballots being tabulated on November 11, which was five days after certification! But look at the machine scan date.
2) Also Developing: The chairman of the Ware BOE was making an honest effort to find answers explaining why Ware records show 100 fake duplicate ballots and results show flipped votes, but guess what? The legal machine of this corrupt election system shut him down!