jen curran Profile picture
Perfect mom who has bone marrow cancer for no reason. she/her
eDo Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 4, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
It’s #WorldCancerDay which is something I never thought I’d care about. But then I was diagnosed w bone marrow cancer aka Multiple Myeloma this past summer. I was 38, had a 4 month old. Didn’t feel sick at all but I knew something was wrong. Here’s some stuff I want you to know: The first doctor I went to told me nothing was wrong and that I needed to lose weight. My second opinion doctor is the reason we discovered that my bone marrow was full of cancer. Always be the expert in your body. Advocate for yourself. Because these doctors are just people.
Dec 11, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Been getting chemo for 4 months now and I need to reiterate how disgusted I am seeing first hand the privilege and unlimited resources you need to treat a deadly illness in America. Short thread: You can’t really have a job unless it’s odd hours or super flexible because treatments take so long and happen during the workday, which is an insane oversight when you need a full time job to pay for the treatments. Almost everyone in my chemo ward is white & upper middle class.
Aug 12, 2019 42 tweets 6 min read
Wanna hear a crazy story? I’m a new mom & I had protein in my urine during and after pregnancy, which is bad. A doctor told me to “lose weight” & it would go away. Didn’t want me to see me back for months. So I got a second opinion. Turns out I have bone marrow cancer. THREAD: 1/ I’m 38 years old. My husband and I just had our first baby. A healthy beautiful girl named Rose. We‘re over the moon. She’s funny and determined. The dog adores her and the cats seem to like her too. She loves water and music... ANYWAY! 2/