Jennifer Doleac Profile picture
Economist. EVP of Criminal Justice, @Arnold_Ventures. Host, @ProbCausation. Author of The Science of Second Chances, coming in 2026 from Holt. Opinions my own.
6 subscribers
Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Another day, another highly-touted matched comparison group study with completely implausible and misleading “causal” findings. 🙄😫

It’s research malpractice, y’all. Should I make this a thread of “what not to do” papers?

I’m gonna make this a thread. Please share it with your students as a cautionary tale: matching isn’t magic.
Jul 6, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
This NYT article tackles an important problem, but presents a cliched & outdated view on how to solve it.

This is *extremely frustrating* to someone like me who works on research/policy aimed at putting people w criminal records on a better track.… Yes, employment rates for people with criminal records are extremely low. But this group was employed at low rates *even before* they were convicted of a crime.…

Mar 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I promised myself when I got my PhD that I was done paying my dues, and that from then on I would do work I found interesting and fulfilling. We invest for years in building skills & credentials but life is short - at some point you have to cash in and live the life you want. I spent my 1st year as an asst prof making friends in my new city & building a strong support network. Spent my pre-tenure sabbatical year at a think tank learning how to write op-eds (& had fun in DC). Throughout, I was loud in faculty meetings & stood up for what I believed in.
Nov 22, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
#SEA2022 was very fun, but it was also a chance for many people to pull me aside and tell me stories about times they have been harassed or assaulted by fellow economists, or to ask me advice about what friends of theirs who were recently victimized can do. #EconMeToo Two things:

1. It might seem that the public momentum for change has died down but I assure you there are lots of powerful people working behind the scenes right now to make change happen. I am in close contact w many of them. Send us your creative/crazy ideas! #EconMeToo
Nov 14, 2022 11 tweets 13 min read
I'm excited to see many of you in sunny Fort Lauderdale later this week! #SEA2022

You'll find me at the following sessions/events: "Crime and Justice" - a @AEACSWEP session

Saturday, Nov 19
BYOB 🍻 Image
Oct 30, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
False and defamatory claims about the AEA DeAngelo investigation are being circulated online by anonymous accounts.
If our institutions aren’t going to protect us, we have to protect ourselves. Time to set the record straight. There was a Title IX complaint filed at CGU before the AEA complaint. This is the AEA investigative report’s summary of that Title IX complaint:
Oct 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Some info about Dan Houser, from a GMU PhD student who (for obvious reasons) asked not to be named. Image cc: @MeganTStevenson
Oct 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm planning to be completely offline this weekend so please get your #EconMeToo allegations in by Friday. 🙃 More seriously, I've spent the past few days basically running a giant switchboard, putting victims & witnesses in touch with interested reporters. If you have a story to share, no need to tell me any details, just email/DM me asking for the journalists' contact info.
Oct 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Another problem w the AEA process (in addition to those in this thread): It makes clear to all parties that the final report from the investigation is confidential and should not be shared, to protect the accused. This sounds reasonable in theory but is harmful in practice. /1 It sets us up so that the perpetrator can selectively quote from the report in their defense, while those on the complainant/victim side feel we risk sanctions if we share the full report or highlight other, more incriminating sections. /2
Oct 21, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@APeichl @VfS_econ I greatly appreciate that you’re taking this seriously but want to offer a word of caution based on experience w an AEA investigation. This lack of investigative power is a real constraint. /1 @APeichl @VfS_econ The AEA similarly has no power to subpoena information, etc, and so their year-long investigation into a serial predator turned up little - not bc there was little to be found (more soon!) but bc they couldn’t compel the release of documents. /2
Oct 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Recent allegations of sexual harassment and worse against Armin Falk & Philip Dybvig are super troubling, not least because the economics profession & academia more broadly have demonstrated *zero* ability to hold people accountable for such behavior. What gives me hope is that women are not tolerating this bullshit anymore. Social media + the press are our friends, in a world where our employers & professional associations keep letting us down. More on this soon. 🔥
Oct 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Talked with two separate CJ practitioners yesterday who were excited to tell me they were paying academics big $$ to do impact evaluations for them.


Practitioners: You should *never* pay academics to do research. Our currency is publications, so we'll work for data. If you don't know who to talk to, email me or the fine folks at @JPAL_NA and we'll help match you w scholars who might be a good fit.
Oct 14, 2022 303 tweets >60 min read
It's my favorite time of year! 🥳

Women on the 2022-23 econ job market, in no particular order:

/begin{verylongthread} Eilidh Geddes

JMP: "The Effects of Price Regulation in Markets with Strategic Entry: Evidence from Health Insurance Markets"

Website: Image
Sep 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is a BFD. Very big police depts self-insure (read: pay legal settlements from your tax $) but smaller depts need insurance in case they get sued. And insurers have an incentive to make sure the officers they cover aren't acting recklessly.

Markets are amazing, y'all. h/t @JohnFPfaff
Aug 7, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Have heard from a lot of women academics lately about how gross they think it is when male colleagues are married to their former students. Not sure men realize how strong a (negative) signal it sends to women faculty & students when a department is totally cool w this. /1 This isn't the hill I will die on (there are so many other, more urgent hills!), but I suspect there are men out there who try to be allies but have never thought about this. This tweet is for them. /2
Feb 10, 2022 18 tweets 7 min read
🎉 New working paper! 🎉

“Registering Returning Citizens to Vote”

This is joint work with an amazing interdisciplinary team: @l_eckhouse @kindlyplease @AlliPatter @hlw_phd @ArielRWhite…

\begin{thread} @l_eckhouse @kindlyplease @AlliPatter @hlw_phd @ArielRWhite There’s been lots of recent interest in restoring voting rights for people with felony convictions, in states where their conviction bars them from voting. But simply changing those laws won’t automatically convert those citizens into voters.
Jan 12, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I had such a wonderful time at #CeMENT2022! I told a non-econ friend last night that this program is the one thing the econ profession does right, and I was only partly kidding. 😉 It was especially wonderful to spend these three days with the women in my group: my amazing co-mentor @ikuziemko, and our mentees @emilycleslie @soyoonahn73 @KOFFIMARLNE1 & Shalise Ayromloo. Keep an eye out for these ladies & their research!
Dec 28, 2021 15 tweets 11 min read
Some things I made & wrote in 2021: Op-ed for @bopinion on DNA databases & crime:…
Dec 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I can’t even imagine this. Free research idea: send the same research protocol to IRBs at schools across the country. Track time to decision, revisions requested, final decision, final protocol allowed in each case.

Bonus research idea: randomly vary gender, race, seniority of the PI who submits it.
Nov 25, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
More evidence that incarceration has protective/beneficial effects for mental health (due to better access to treatment) -- contrary to conventional wisdom based on correlational evidence. See this episode of @ProbCausation for more:…
Nov 6, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Urgent request: We need a *development economist* to mentor at our PhD mentoring workshop in Houston, Nov 19 (day before SEAs).

Should be woman/nonbinary, preferably pre-tenure.

More info on the workshop is…

Pls lmk if you're available! cc: @JCMecon @danilaserra_eco @JavaeriaQureshi