Assoc Prof & Chair of Politics @Occidental. Co-editor @PGI_WPSA. Writing on women & gender in #politics #LatinAmerica & #COVID19 recovery... Failed ballerina.
Nov 1, 2020 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
So much media chatter about #WomenVoters in #Election2020. Except, if (white, non-college educated) women vote in large numbers for #Biden, doesn't that mean the story is really about why (some) men still love Trump? A Sunday 🧵on gender & the vote. ⤵️ 1/9
To begin, @kdittmar gets it right in this @nytimes piece: "To characterize the women’s vote as if it stands for a single ideology or agenda would be too simplistic...We would rarely make the same characterization for men.” (Follow her.) 2/9…
Oct 25, 2020 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
📢Today #Chile votes in a once-in-a-lifetime referendum that could make history for women & indigenous peoples, among other groups. A quick thread on why you should care & what you need to know, focusing on why #PlebiscitoChile matters for ♀️. ⤵️ 1/8
Today's ballot has Chileans three Qs: should the country hold a convention to write a new constitution? If so, should it be #ConvencionMixta, where the authors are half citizens + half members of Congress, or a #ConvencionConstituyente, where the authors are all citizens? 2/8
Jul 21, 2020 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
The Wall of Moms in Portland joins a long history of women activists using their maternal identities to shame and goad authoritarians. We can compare to #latinamerica. 1/5…
In #Argentina, for ex, authoritarian dictators claimed to defend the trad order, incl the family. When men security forces attacked women protesters, the activists revealed the regime's hypocrisy: they had attacked that which they claimed to defend. @labaldez@sufranceschet 2/5
Understanding the situation in Bolivia will require grappling with some serious contradictions that won't fit easy white & black narratives. 1/4
Evo Morales came to power in 2005 and ushered in series of reforms that truly benefited indigenous peoples. He was also a populist who modified the Constitution to stay in power after two terms. 2/4