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Sep 17 47 tweets 18 min read
😳 Now that Roe is gone, the religious right wants SCOTUS to reverse the 1947 Everson case, which held that the Establishment clause requires a “wall of separation between church & state” & that it applies to the states via the incorporation doctrine. 1/…
Image 2/ The article in post 1 was written by attorney Timon Cline, the chief editor of American Reformer. Here’s a clip of Timon Cline calling for Everson’s reversal during NatCon. This was transcribed in the American Reformer piece.
Sep 16 14 tweets 5 min read
🥵 Trump ally Michael Farris has filed a complaint challenging the Johnson Amendment, which precludes churches from making campaign contributions. If successful, this wld enable dark money donors to funnel campaign contributions thru churches, while receiving tax deductions. 1/ 2/ Farris filed his complaint in his capacity as general counsel for National Religious Broadcasters. Until recently, Farris was the CEO of the Alliance Defending Freedom, which helped overturn Roe v Wade.…
Sep 16 28 tweets 7 min read
Dear Trump supporters: your virtue signaling won’t work bc the internet is forever. 1/ Image 2/ Video.
Sep 13 6 tweets 2 min read
😳 Michael Anton, a former Trump national security official, said in 2022 that “it was now his ‘goal in life’ to ‘convince a thousand conservative intellectuals to think seriously about the conditions under which they would engage in armed revolution against the government.’ (He insisted that he himself was not advocating for such a revolution at this time.)” 1/…Image 2/ Image
Sep 12 10 tweets 3 min read
Dear Media: Laura Loomer literally calls Roger Stone her “mentor” and “bestie”. Stone, in turn, has been a Trump confidante for decades. Stone was also a chief architect of “Stop the Steal”. This is why Loomer is now parading around with Trump. She’s Stone’s protege. 1/
2/ Loomer and Stone are two peas in a pod. Image
Sep 12 13 tweets 4 min read
In case you were wondering how Laura Loomer worked her way into Trump’s inner circle, she’s is a protege of Roger Stone, a key architect of the so-called “Stop the Steal” movement. Remember that? 1/
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Sep 9 12 tweets 3 min read
Yes, @yhazony. I’m honestly trying to convey your position accurately. In the meantime, I would appreciate an apology from you for screwing around w/ my country’s political system & boosting people like Stephen Wolfe and Doug Wilson. I mean you literally blurbed Stephen’s book & platformed Jack “1488”Posobiec. You are giving me nightmares. 1/Image 2/
Sep 9 8 tweets 3 min read
JD Vance & Peter Thiel are closely tied to NatCon, a “nationalism” movement founded by Yoram Hazony who says “there is nothing moral about refusing to wield power to maintain one’s purity.” In the US, he uses Israeli nationalism to justify & advance Christian Nationalism. 1/ Image 2/ Yoram Hazony’s former research fellow, Brad Littlejohn, wrote this.…
Sep 7 37 tweets 12 min read
JD Vance & Peter Thiel are closely tied to “NatCon”, which advocates a world of ethnically & religiously “pure” nation states. In the US, NatCon founder Yoram Hazony wants far right Christian control bc he thinks it’s best 4 Israel. His former “fellow” wrote this: … 👇 1/…Image 2/ Image
Sep 7 40 tweets 11 min read
😳 Germany’s far right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), won about 1/3 of the vote in the German states of Thuringia and Saxony in last Sunday’s elections - 9/5/24
Image 2/ The AfD’s leader in Thuringia, Germany, Bjorn Hocke, has been fined twice for allegedly using Nazi slogans in public (which is against German law). Last year, he was invited to speak during NatCon, which was founded by Israeli Orthodox Jewish scholar Yoram Hazony. Image
Sep 5 9 tweets 3 min read
Uh, no. I’m pretty sure the American people are the victims. 1/ Image 2/ Note that Dave Rubin has repeatedly boosted the international “National Conservatism” led by Yoram Hazony (an Israeli nationalist) who employs Newsweek editor Josh Hammer via the Edmund Burke Foundation. Image
Sep 1 39 tweets 13 min read
😳 In 2018, Catholic “integralist” Adrian Vermeule defended the 1858 kidnapping of a secretly baptized Jewish boy by the Catholic Church in a since-deleted tweet. Trump later named him to the agency tasked w/ improving how federal agencies protect & determine the rights of private citizens. 1/…Image 2/ Image
Aug 31 4 tweets 1 min read
Catholic hardliners JD Vance & Kevin Roberts (of Project 2025) are close w/ illiberal Catholic philosopher Patrick Deneen whose so-called “common good conservatism” aims to impose a fundamentalist “vision of the common good on all Americans thru govt.” 1/…
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Aug 23 17 tweets 5 min read
In case u were wondering why many on the far right support Israel: “For more than a century, prominent European and American xenophobes have embraced Zionism because it offered Jews—who they didn’t want in their own countries—somewhere else to go.” 1/…
Image 2/ “Zionist leaders grasped this from the outset. In his 1882 manifesto Auto-Emancipation, often described as one of Zionism’s founding texts, …activist Leon Pinsker explained that ‘the struggle of the Jews for national unity & independence’ is ‘calculated to win the support of the people by whom we are now unwanted.’”Image
Aug 23 10 tweets 3 min read
Elon Musk’s UK “civil war” tweet was in response to a tweet by Ashley St. Clair, a close associate of Roger Stone protege Jack Posobiec. They were together inside Roger Stone’s tent on 1/5/21. 1/
Aug 23 4 tweets 2 min read
“Elon Musk suggested that ‘civil war’ was inevitable in response to false claims about the recent UK riots,” sparking a “diplomatic firestorm.” The British government has “condemned his actions, with one official complaining that Musk was ‘accountable to no one.’” 8/8/24
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Aug 22 5 tweets 2 min read
NatCon panelist Timon Cline wants SCOTUS to reverse Everson, which held that the Establishment Clause applies to the states. He says that, in the past (which he apparently prefers), states cld & often did limit full civil participation to Protestants & had “Christian religious tests for office” & robust blasphemy & obscenity laws. 1/ 2/
Aug 21 14 tweets 5 min read
Um, right wingers want SCOTUS to overrule the 1947 SCOTUS decision in Everson, which has prevented states from establishing & enforcing an official state religion (SCOTUS puppet master Leonard Leo co-chairs the Federalist Society.) 7/3/24 1/…
Image 2/ Human Events employs Jack Posobiec.…
Aug 20 12 tweets 4 min read
NatCon’s 2022 Statement of Principles—signed by Peter Thiel, Project 2025 leader Russ Vought, William Wolfe, & many others—harmonizes w/ Joel Webbon’s remarks. It was also signed by NatCon founder Yoram Hazony who has said that Jews shld live in Israel. 1/…
Aug 20 43 tweets 16 min read
The Baptist Press “acknowledges in detail the allegations against [Paul] Pressler regarding sexual abuse of boys & young men. That abuse allegedly happened all the time he was leading the campaign for the ‘conservative resurgence’ in the SBC.” (You know who was really close w/ the late Paul Pressler? Rod Martin, a “gold circle” member of the Council for National Policy [CNP] where Pressler was once president. The CNP = the Christian Right’s MOTHER SHIP.) 3/11/24
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Aug 18 14 tweets 4 min read
New Founding (founded by Claremont alums Nate Fischer & Matt Peterson) RTd this post. Pliego & Clemans work at New Founding & graduated from New Saint Andrews (founded by Doug Wilson). New Founding, Claremont, Thiel, Vance, & Wilson have something important in common: NatCon. 1/ Image 2/ NatCon is a far right international movement against internationalism. It was started by Israeli extremist Yoram Hazony, a former advisor to Netanyahu.