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May 31 9 tweets 4 min read
In sum, the jury found that Trump falsified business records to aid or conceal an effort to help him win the 2016 election by “unlawful means” (under NY law). The “unlawful means” involved covering up a hush money payment to a porn star b4 the election. 1/…
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May 31 15 tweets 5 min read
In sum, Trump rigged the 2016 election by illegally falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star. Trump’s behavior defrauded voters, but Trump & MAGAs falsely claim that TRUMP is the victim. 1/…
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May 29 11 tweets 4 min read
Rep. Thomas Massie has introduced a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve. (You can see the co-sponsors in post 2.) Project 2025 has teased this as a possibility as well. Massie apparently hopes to move the Overton window. 5/17/24 h/t @MomsSol
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May 29 9 tweets 3 min read
Hungary is the apparent model for Project 2025 (spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation), which will go into effect if Trump wins. About that…4/8/24
Image 2/ “According to BNP Paribas, a bank, ‘Hungary has one of the worst performing economies in the region.’” Image
May 29 9 tweets 3 min read
😳 Project 2025 wld “increase the risk of financial crises, undermining confidence in the U.S. banking system & its financial markets” bc it calls for the next [GOP] president to reduce the power of the Federal Reserve, limiting its ability to serve as a so-called lender of last resort for banks & other financial institutions facing cash crunches.” 1/…Image 2/ “Trump has also proposed a 10 percent tariff on all imported goods, which would amount to the declaration of a global trade war, with other countries almost certainly retaliating with their own tariffs.
Together, these protectionist policies would drive up the cost of goods, create sweeping supply-chain issues and quite possibly cause hyperinflation.”
May 28 11 tweets 4 min read
😳 The Trump campaign has chosen Schlafly Eagles president Ed Martin—Roger Stone’s good friend who co-led “Stop the Steal” w/ Ali Alexander—to co-lead the RNC’s Platform Committee. (Martin blew off his Jan 6 Committee subpoena. He also runs “America’s Future” w/ Mike Flynn,) 1/ Image 2/ About America’s Future.…
May 28 21 tweets 5 min read
“Claremont Institute Associates Glorify Deceased Dictator Francisco Franco [who was supported by Hitler] & Promote Deceased Nazi Scholar Carl Schmitt” (Claremont is an advisor of Project 2025) By @jennycohn1 5/25/24 #StopProject2025 1/…
Image 2/ From my article: Image
May 27 16 tweets 5 min read
If u want to know where the Christian Right wants to take America, watch “Shiny Happy People,” a documentary about the Duggars. Below is Michael Farris with the Duggars. Until last year, Farris led the ADF, which was “silent co-council” in the case that overturned Roe. 1/ Image 2/ Michael Farris practically invented the phrase “parental rights.” He’s also a co-founder of the Convention of States, a project to amend the Constitution. He’s hardcore evangelical & on the Board of Governors of the CNP, the Christian Right’s umbrella organization.
May 27 4 tweets 2 min read
Senator Joe McCarthy appointed Roy Cohn (Trump’s mentor) “as the chief counsel 4 his Senate … Subcommittee on Investigations,” which became “notorious for interrogations of alleged Communist Party members & LGBTQ individuals in the U.S. government.” 1/…
Image 2/ Those who fail to learn the lessons of history…
May 26 26 tweets 7 min read
Trump’s new strategy is to fear-monger about “Communism.” This is insane. “I have come to extend a hand of friendship to ask for your partnership to defeat Communism..” 1/ I sense a pattern. 2/
May 24 24 tweets 7 min read
The Claremont Institute’s “79 days” report war gamed the 2020 election aftermath, including a scenario where sheriffs might “deputize regular citizens,” such as “Proud Boys, 3%ers, & Oath Keepers”, who wld form “posses” to stop anti-Trump “lawlessness” 1/ (Article from 11/18/21)…Image 2/ The report was signed by Kevin Roberts (current president of the Heritage Foundation, a lead organizer of Project 2025). It was also signed by Claremont president Ryan Williams, Claremont funder Charles Haywood, & Peter Thiel pal Jeff Gisea who has funded white nationalists. Image
May 24 5 tweets 3 min read
The Claremont Institute has a Sheriffs Fellowship program. Alums of the program include Sheriff Mark Lamb and Sheriff Chad Bianco. 1/…
Image 2/ Sheriff Mark Lamb is reportedly tied to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Police Officers Association (CSPOA). The CSPOA was "founded by former Oath Keepers board member Richard Mack" and "claims sheriffs are the highest law of the land, superseding any federal or state authority. The movement arose from the far-right “Posse Comitatus” movement in the 1970s and ‘80s, and its legal claims have been thoroughly debunked by legal experts."…Image
May 24 4 tweets 2 min read
The Rockbridge Network is a “new group” of wealthy far right activists “planning to revamp the American right by investing … into new … MEDIA VENTURES, including ‘INFLUENCER PROGRAMS…’” Rockbridge features … [far right] billionaires like Peter Thiel & Rebekah Mercer.” 1/ 4/7/22…Image Rockbridge (Peter Thiel) has funded Tucker Carlson’s new media platform. 2/
May 23 22 tweets 6 min read
In case Trump tries to distance himself from the Claremont Institute, here he is with Claremont Institute president Ryan Williams in 2019. Williams was there to accept a "National Humanities Medal" on behalf of The Claremont Institute. The decision to award the medal to the Claremont Institute was made by Trump. 1/…Image 2/…
May 23 4 tweets 2 min read
"Here’s the Secret 'Sheriff Fellowship' Curriculum From the Country’s Most Prominent MAGA Think Tank," the Claremont Institute, By Jessica Pishko, 9/21/22 1/…
Image 2/ "While the Claremont Institute restricted public access to the [sheriffs] fellowship, a review of the fellowship’s previously unreported curriculum reveals a program that presented for the sheriffs two sets of people in America: those communities sheriffs should police as freely and brutally as they see fit, and those 'real' Americans who should be considered virtually above the law."
May 23 5 tweets 2 min read
Nate Fischer is an alum of the Claremont Institute, an official partner of Project 2025. Here, he says the quiet part out loud. #StopProject2025 h/t @DrJordanBCooper 1/ Image Nate Fischer belongs to the same far right “Christian” men’s “society” as Claremont president Ryan Williams- the one founded by Charles Haywood. 2/
May 23 34 tweets 10 min read
“Let’s talk about the Appeal to Heaven flag. Cuz a lot of you may know it from Dutch Sheets” who “had seen it in some visions and dreams that he had …” - Mercedes Sparks, assistant to New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) leader Lance Wallnau, 1/5/21 (Sheets is a NAR leader too.)
1/ 2/ From the same video.
May 23 14 tweets 4 min read
Ryan Williams is president of the Claremont Institute, a Project 2025 partner. The phrase on his mug is a reference to Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt who said that the friend/enemy distinction defines politics. He calls the mug “cheeky.” 1/ Image 2/ Image
May 22 17 tweets 5 min read
May 22 35 tweets 12 min read
Associates of the Claremont Institute (a Project 2025 partner) promote the late Carl Schmitt, a Nazi jurist who opposed checks & balances, said that politics is founded on the friend-enemy distinction, & endorsed Hitler’s anti-Jewish policies & murder of political adversaries 1/ Image 2/ Charles Haywood founded the Society for American Civic Renewal where Claremont Institute president Ryan Williams is a founding board member. Haywood is also a Contributor to Claremont’s magazine, American Mind. Here he promotes Carl Schmitt’s book.
May 21 6 tweets 2 min read
Project 2025 is part of a global Christian authoritarian movement. Leonard Leo ally Roger Severino—the Heritage VP who wrote the Project 2025 chapter re: withdrawing FDA approval of mifepristone —recently spoke at a far right conference in Spain w/ LePen, Orban, Meloni, etc. 1/ Image 2/ Link for post 1.…