Jennifer Van Laar Profile picture
Yes, I'm Dutch. 🇳🇱 🇺🇲 5th gen CA #BoyMom #GirlGramie Mg Editor/investigative journo @redstate. Sports s**t talk=block @bualumni #TarHeels #GKG #CauseChaos
Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture Tony Lima Profile picture Diana Roby Profile picture burdagus Profile picture CBStrike27 Profile picture 11 subscribed
Jul 25 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵The Order to Show Cause from Judge Scarsi in Hunter Biden's CA case just scorches the defense

They filed a motion to dismiss based on Judge Cannon's ruling in Trump classified docs case, but lied - claiming Weiss didn't file any charges until AFTER Special Counsel appointmentImage Scarsi points out that Weiss brought both gun and tax charges in DE under his authority as US Attorney (a position requiring Senate confirmation, which also distinguishes Weiss from Jack Smith) - and that the CA tax charges were originally brought in DE

and that counsel admitted that in a prior motion!Image
Jul 22 6 tweets 3 min read
Here is a list of @KamalaHarris' worst hits as I've covered them at @RedState - this list will be updated over the next few days

1. When SCOTUS told AG Kamala CA's jails were so overcrowded it constituted cruel and unusual punishment she fought the order b/c she used inmates as cheap labor.… 2. As San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala refused to turn over San Francisco Archdiocese files in her office’s possession that “contain details of how the church dealt internally with alleged pedophile priests going back as far as 80 years.”…
Jul 11 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵Wanna get to know the REAL Gavin Newsom? He's not the "born with a silver spoon" dude many think he is, and he's a massive hypocrite who uses the power of the state to retaliate against anyone and everyone.

Here are my stories on him going back to 2019.…Image Here's a selection of the headlines; to read more, go to…
Jul 8 9 tweets 7 min read
Here's the Republican platform for 2024, as passed by the RNC Platform Committee:

1. Seal the border
2. Carry out largest deportation op in US history
3. End inflation
4. Make US dominant energy producer
5. Stop outsourcing manufacturing
6. Large tax cuts for workers, no tax on tips
7. Defend the Constitution and fundamental freedoms
8. Prevent WW3
9. End weaponization of gov't
10. Stop migrant crime epidemic
11. Rebuild US cities, make them safe, clean again
12. Strengthen/modernize military
13. Keep US $$ as reserve currency
14. Protect SS and Medicare
15. Cancel EV mandate
16. Cut funding for schools pushing gender ideology
17. Keep men out of women's sports
18. Deport pro-Hamas radicals, esp from colleges
19. Secure elections: voter ID, paper ballots, proof of citizenship
20. Unite our country by bringing it to record levels of successImage
I'm a little annoyed by the wording in the RNC's email this AM announcing the Platform committee's vote. It states, "Read the 2024 Platform, as passed by Committee, below" then has 8 paragraphs, the 20 bullet points, then a closing paragraph. It's evident that there is *some* language missing, signified by the ellipses, but ...

It turns out that the document is 16 pages and has other bullet point lists. A few ellipses doesn't mean the reader should anticipate another dozen pages of platform language. Huge unforced error, RNC.

Here's the email from the RNC to pressImage
Jun 30 4 tweets 2 min read
Here's Jennifer Siebel Newsom's full e.e. cummings-style attack on Ruby Rippey-Tourk, the woman who was an at-will employee of Gavin Newsom and the wife of his best friend/campaign manager when he boinked her back in 2005 - and JSN says the sex happened when Ruby showed up passed out outside Gavin's door.

Oh and he was married to Kim Guilfoyle when the affair occurred.

JSN asked Harvey Weinstein, who she now claims had r*ped her BEFORE this, for help addressing the scandal - but obviously it didn't work because...

This was her attempt to rehab herself AFTER she told a SF Chronicle reporter that Ruby was the "culprit" in the affair, whatever that means. In addition to revealing her terrible crisis communication skills, this screed reveals a LOT about JSN's character. She cannot be allowed anywhere near the White House.Image Read a lot more detail here - a story I wrote in November 2023:

"Here Are Jennifer Newsom's Disgusting Comments About the Employee Gavin Had an Affair With While SF Mayor"…
Jun 26 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨 🧵The arrest warrant for Diana Teran, George Gascón's "ethics" deputy who was arrested for numerous felonies, has been unsealed... And OMG.

She accessed and copied info from protected personnel files, investigative grand jury docs, internal emails for 1600 (!!) LASD deputies Image She then used that information, at least some of which was rumor and unverified, to try to build out the LADAs Brady database Image
Jun 18 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵So, let's break down this email thread between @GavinNewsom's chief of staff and #FixProp47's Greg Totten. It starts on Friday 6/14 with Totten outlining the problems with Newsom's "compromise" designed to get the group to withdraw the ballot initiative Image Williamson replies saying they should meet instead of emailing due to the time constraints (bills needed to be amended by today), and Totten asks for their proposal in writing... knowing that Team Newsom likely wants to get them into an in-person struggle session Image
Jun 3 4 tweets 1 min read
In his opening statement, ranking member Dr. Raul Ruiz incredibly claims that Fauci never lied about funding gain-of-function research or the research occurring at Wuhan Institute of Virology, and claims that Fauci did not orchestrate any efforts to play down the lab leak theory.

It looks like Ruiz and the Democrats are going to throw Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance chief) and Fauci's former Senior Advisor David Morens under the bus; Ruiz spent time talking about Daszak's avoidance of reporting requirements for EHA and Morens' avoidance of FOIA compliance and didn't claim those were lies. In Democrat-speak, that means it's foreshadowing for future blame of Morens and Daszak for things Fauci should be accountable for. Oh yay, Ruiz gave the rest of his time to Jamie Raskin
Apr 29 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵Sneak preview of some of the info in my next story on Diana Teran/George Gascón/Max Huntsman scandal. This case has the potential to completely topple the power structure in LA County. I'm not saying that it absolutely will, but... read on!

SUMMARY(expand the photo):Image On Friday, @AlexVilanueva33 was on @JohnKobyltRadio discussing all of the ramifications and gave some interesting details - think through how this touches so many things in LA County. Image
Apr 25 4 tweets 1 min read
🔴SCOOP🔴 Sources w/knowledge of the investigation tell @RedState the charges relate to a plot by Teran and LA County Inspector General Max Huntsman starting in June 2018 to pilfer the personnel files of then-candidate Alex Villanueva and any LASD deputies who supported him. They say thousands of personnel files were illegally procured.

Full story coming shortly at RedState @RedState Gascon gave a statement to @BillMelugin_ at @FoxNews:
Apr 8 5 tweets 4 min read
🚨FIRST at @RedState: Student expelled from Vanderbilt organized harassment campaigns of FL school board members over "book banning" and walkouts over DeSantis' "Don't Say Gay" bill, had at least 4 White House visits. No, this isn't an organic movement.…
Image @RedState More receipts showing @jack_petocz's WH/DNC connections and activism, which previously centered on LGBTQ issues

Feb 17 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨 🧵SCOOP w/audio: @lapublichealth under Barbara Ferrer didn't abide by its own COVID guidelines, leading to worker illnesses and deaths and possibly spreading disease throughout LA as inspectors were denied COVID leave and co-workers weren't properly notified when one tested positive. "I want to be clear... the protocols that were being enforced, that we were given, were not even being practiced within our office. And then the outcome was what? Just sick, people getting COVID..."
Feb 12 6 tweets 5 min read
🚨 Workplace bullying and retaliation led to the suicide of Heather Hughes, an LA County Department of Public Health Employee, on Thursday. According to sources, Heather left a note on her desk referencing Liza Frias, Brenda Lopez, and Scott Abbott. Heather's requests for FMLA and reasonable accommodation were rejected, and sadly she saw no other way out. She put on her Public Health jacket and went to the top of the 18-story building at Metroplex Wilshire and jumped.Image
LA County DPH head Barbara Ferrer has known of the major issues in the Environmental Health Division for YEARS. In August 2021, despite the possibility of retaliation, more than 1/3 of the union members in the office participated in a Vote of No Confidence against Frias and her deputies, and noted that they'd brought up the issues over and over to HR reps and management and their concerns were dismissed out of hand.Image
Feb 7 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Timeline to Ronna McDaniel's resignation ... Here is the first in-depth analysis that RedState - and ONLY RedState - did on RNC finances, in December 2022.

EXCLUSIVE Analysis Shows RNC Spent Millions Spent on Private Jets, Limos, Luxury Retreats, Broadway Shows… Ronna's people hit back hard, including Susie Wiles, claiming that my reporting was off-base, not complete, blah blah blah. But, they were wrong. Here, I debunked them.…
Feb 2 23 tweets 14 min read
🧵 Here we go. Memo sent by Christine Toretti, Chair of the RNC's Standing Budget Committee, to the 168 members of the RNC regarding my story. It's inaccurate and defamatory and I wasn't going to share it but since others who aren't in the 168 have shared parts of it, I am going to defend myself. First, they never sent me FEC filings, and they didn't try to "reason" with me. They tried to bully and gaslight me and have me chasing squirrels to distract from publishing - to buy time. It worked for about, ah, 12 hours, until I satisfied myself that they weren't acting in good faith. (P.S. there is some new info in this thread too)Image 1st, check out what’s completely missing from the RNC's rebuttal memo: GOTV texting! Wonder why. 🤔
Jan 4 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵Not making any promises here... just posting screenshots of things I think are interesting as I go through the unsealed docs in Giuffre v. Maxwell. So far the documents added are all from the Boies Schiller firm. #EpsteinClientList

"Clinton likes them young"Image Maxwell kept pictures of underage girls (Epstein's "masseuses") performing sexual acts, sometimes on each other, at the Palm Beach house and on her computer, according to a former household employee who Maxwell later threatened to try to keep quiet
Dec 21, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵 As I go through @GOP's financials since my exclusive report last year... @GOPChairwoman why are you still spending so much on limo services? We've only got $7 million on hand, yet you spent $256,635 on limos since 10/21/22??? Image And about those floral arrangements - these are NOT marked as being part of any fundraiser events. Just floral arrangements. More than $70,000. WHY? Image
Dec 1, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
🧵Are y'all ready? It's almost debate time! I'll be live-tweeting my observations and fact-checking Newsom (as best I can in realtime) in this thread. #NEWSOMVSDeSANTIS Heeere we go....
Nov 17, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
🚨 From press conference about #PaulKessler death - nine search warrants approved so far, 60 (?) plus witnesses interviewed

(Thread will continue) Ventura County DA Nasarenko said that criminal charges weren't a foregone conclusion but they went where the evidence led
Nov 16, 2023 24 tweets 8 min read
🧵I'm not sick yet of being right, but I'm sick of my work being ignored. Reading the 42-page Reedley biolab report right now and, like I said from DAY ONE it is connected to the CCP. AND the M.O. is the SAME as the M.O. in the Peter Kuo story AND the Chinese prostitution ring story.

As I read through the report I'll be hitting the highlights in this thread.

Image In case you didn't see the Peter Kuo story... I'll get into it more later, but here's the link. He operates tech incubators that steal U.S. intellectual property for China and takes entrepreneurs on business trips where he tries to get them in compromising positions
Nov 8, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Here's the man who killed Paul Kessler, walking across Westlake Boulevard with the murder weapon - about 5 minutes before using it. Image Here is the man who pulled a gun on Kessler and his friend Jonathan Oswaks the week before. Image