Jen Vermet Profile picture
curious gal living with intention 🌺 student of life 💓 grateful ✍️ most likely found journaling 💌 writing weekly letters:
Nov 15, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
One of my favorite things to do Monday evening is yoga under the palms.

Is it a ritual, habit or routine?

They're all similar but not the same.

Here's the difference between them all: What is a habit?

A habit is an automatic urge to do something, often triggered by a cue. The stronger the connection between the trigger and the habit, the more ingrained the habit.

Sunlight –> get out of bed
Wash face –> apply sunscreen
Nov 15, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
About a year ago, How to Live by @sivers arrived at my doorstep.

I couldn't put it down and read it that day til completion. I've never done that before with a book.

I've read it countless times since. I've lost track.

Here are my favorite 13 ways to live and some takeaways: 1. Create

"Die empty. Get every idea out of your head and into reality. Calling yourself creative doesn't make it true. All that matters is what you've launched. Make finishing your top priority."

✔️Shipping something is better than waiting for perfection.
May 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I tuned into a fireside chat today of @Bazzaruto interviewing @Nicolascole77 and @dickiebush. It was quite the treat 🔥

There were a gazillion insights I found valuable around audience creation and writing online.

Here are my top 5 takeaways I found most helpful ⬇️ 1/ Deadlines are key.

No matter the length of the piece. Whether short-form or long-form, have a date a in mind to publish. How do you know how to kept accountable to stay on track, if there is no track?