Jesse von Doom Profile picture
Product stuff @glitch (@fastly). @ShuttleworthFdn fellow. Formerly @cashmusic, @Mozilla. Also: (maybe?) Ⓥ
Mar 18, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
A lot of people have asked me about @SubstationHQ and if it's right for them. Each time I feel weird saying "it only supports paid newsletters right now" because I didn't build it to encourage paid newsletters. I built it to help avoid the scam of paid newsletter platforms. Here's how you test if it's a scam:

"Can I transfer the recurring paid relationship with 'my' subscribers off of your platform?"
Dec 5, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Seriously: stop calling elected Republicans cowards for not recognizing the results of the election. They aren't cowards, they're traitors and an active part of eroding democracy and trying to install autocratic rule.

Calling them spineless or cowards gives them cover. They NEED that cover right now because the plan is simple:

Hope like hell that confusion and pandemic stress leads to a successful coup. They'll only get away with it if they can claim they were cowardly victims of a mean idiot president. Stop helping them.
Dec 4, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
When the girls were young there were a lot of days I missed meals, but SNAP made sure they didn't have to.

This is some evil shit. You know what? Fuck this. The idea that food stamps should be some kind of shame is utter bullshit peddled by irredeemable people. If someone doesn't have enough to eat we should help them eat. That's basic humanity.