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Jun 26, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
@DavidVStewart 1/ An aside, the phrase "pro-choice" is manipulative.

In the natural, a woman has no "choice" to speak of, no autonomy to unmake her baby, after conception.

It is a straight pipeline from conception to birth. A woman has no inherent, natural faculty to unmake a baby at will @DavidVStewart 2/ To have an abortion, a woman must apply an artificial, external force to remove her baby.

The right to abortion is an entitlement for a woman to receive an artificial, external facility, without which she could not naturally abort
Apr 22, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
@third_eldest @AuronMacintyre It's powerfully manipulative because it's terribly dishonest and painfully dissonant. /1 @third_eldest @AuronMacintyre On the one hand, when progressives argue that [negative trend] is not happening or overblown, they are trying to accuse the right of dishonest fear-mongering. /2
Nov 30, 2021 22 tweets 8 min read
@DavidVStewart A true analysis. Your use of the term "State Cult" gave me an idea. I believe it is possible to distinguish between a "State Cult" and the Death Cult.

The Death Cult is well known to us. Inherently satanic and with its firm but disguised core of man-seeking "values"

@DavidVStewart There is also a distinct "State Cult". Unlike the Death Cult, the "values" pushed by the State Cult are not anchored in one substantive ideology or "cult". The "cult" of the State Cult is the State itself. I.e. the existence and preservation of the State as an end in itself. 2/x