Jazz & Classical records and reviews. Music & Audio contributing writer for https://t.co/n1W7DDGjjF. Boxing 🥊 fan
Sep 1, 2024 • 21 tweets • 8 min read
La 7ma de #Mahler breve introducción…
Hay muchas razones para que la Séptima sinfonía sea mi favorita de Mahler: es incómoda, desbalanceada, tétrica, y carnavalesca. El último movimiento me recuerda a los circos que mis padres nunca me llevaron (malditos),
pero sabía de los silbidos, el estruendo, los gritos de niños, estímulos sensoriales de todas partes, luces, animales, sombreros, gimnastas, esto es el Rondo de la 7ma., pero me estoy adelantando. La Séptima fue completada en 1905.
Dec 4, 2023 • 36 tweets • 13 min read
A brief introduction thread to Gustav Mahler’s Fifth Symphony.
For this thread, I decided to write less about the history and background of this symphony, and opted to describe more about the goings-on in the music, in each movement. My focus is to pause a bit with this Mahler composition, and for you to follow the work.
Nov 13, 2023 • 31 tweets • 11 min read
Breve hilo introductorio a la Novena Sinfonía de Gustav #Mahler. El hilo en esta ocasión es en Español, disculpen los errores gramaticales y traducción, y espero convencerlos a escuchar esta sinfonía, para mí, la más bella y desoladora composición de Mahler.
Mahler nos presenta su experiencia en los últimos años de su vida. Sus biógrafos la definen como una creación de los golpes de vida al Austríaco en 1907: la muerte de su hija y el diagnóstico de su enfermedad cardíaca, y la terminación de su vinculo con la Ópera de Viena.
Apr 1, 2023 • 24 tweets • 9 min read
Illness or disease, sexuality or desire, and morality or being. This can be said are the focus of both Opera and Psychoanalysis. Dramatic narrative, complex music, subjective discourse, a conductor/analyst and a singer/analysand, play a part in these two crafts.
The visual and the auditory, free association and musical bliss. The individual, the social and the cultural represents opera, and again, I believe psychoanalysis.
Nov 20, 2022 • 20 tweets • 7 min read
Continued thread on Psychoanalysis/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
Lastly, a few words on how analysis helps. If you are asking yourself how talking cures, I’d say in many ways, first, analysis helps you to learn how to think the unthinkable.
You learn how to process and think about emotions differently, so you develop self-agency and not be paralyzed by what you feel, for example by fear, guilt, or sadness.
Nov 13, 2022 • 21 tweets • 8 min read
What can we expect from starting Psychoanalytic psychotherapy or Psychoanalysis? There’s debate about their differences, but I won’t get into that today, since they rest on most of the same principles and goals for patients. 1 of 2 threads 🧵
My main goals here are: 1. Describe in a very general way, the reasons one might be inclined to start treatment. 2. Comment on how an analyst works (though there are several Schools of thought regarding theory and technique).
Jul 7, 2022 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
Happy birthday Gustav #Mahler (Kalist, now Czech Republic, 1860). Few, if any will say he’s the best or the most important conductor, but that really that doesn’t matter, he is my favorite conductor and there are many reasons for this, I’ll mention a few in this short thread.
He wrote symphonies and Lieder, beautiful, breathtaking ones. His sensibility developed from early life, listening to marching bands near his home, soldiers singing with gusto and above all, the sounds of nature that echoed his own inner life experience.
Feb 20, 2022 • 24 tweets • 9 min read
#Mahler Introductory thread of #DasLied (DLvdE) The first three songs are briefly analyzed. I included streaming options, the poems have links on each of them as well, so you can read as you listen.
Hope you enjoy it!
Mahler completed Das Lied von der Erde in September 1908. It was his intent not numbering it a ‘Ninth Symphony’ for the superstitious belief that ‘no great composer lives to create after his Ninth’.
Feb 14, 2022 • 23 tweets • 8 min read
This is a brief introduction to Gustav #Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde (DLvdE). This is Part 1 of 3. The next two parts will be up next week. A six song symphonic composition by the Austrian giant. In many ways DLvdE reiterates the expressive range of Mahler’s creativity.
During a turbulent time in his life Mahler worked to compose a song cycle from ancient Chinese poetry, he also incorporated the anhemitonic pentatonic scale system, that gave the composition a new feel and engagement with its listeners.
Jul 26, 2021 • 23 tweets • 10 min read
Otto Klemperer’s #Mahler thread.
Recently I received a Mahler Second Symphony program, from 1935 (video clip from it and one from 1967, here as well). So I decided to make a list of his Mahler recordings (and a few from other composers) Hope you enjoy it.
In 1933 he fled Nazi Germany and started a six-year tenure with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, until 1939 (year of his brain surgery). Sadly he suffered paralysis because of it.He also struggled with his mood disorder the same year.
Here’s Mozart 35 (1938)
Jul 24, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Bringing in the heavy artillery today people 😎 Bernstein #Mahler#Vinyl @nyphil@londonsymphony
Specially interested in the 4th and the Reri Grist performance.
Jul 7, 2021 • 24 tweets • 7 min read
Gustav #Mahler born on this day in 1860. Brief introductory thread.
The difficulty with starting a voyage into Mahler’s work, is that Gustav the man, is rarely separated from Mahler the Composer (or Conductor). And this, in the beginning makes it difficult to explore his oeuvre.
When you listen to his Kindertotenlieder or his Adagietto, his crazy Seventh or emotionally draining Ninth, context is important. Although this is fundamental in a historical sense, in many if not all composers, in Mahler it takes a life of its own.