I'm me, my circumstances, and my Internet connection.
In Mastodon as @jgbarah@floss.social
También tuiteo en español como @jgbarah2
Jul 19, 2020 • 29 tweets • 16 min read
I've collected links to free, open source software apps used in several countries for COVID contact tracking jgbarah.github.io/Notes/foss-cov… Including links to source code *and* Cauldron.io metrics visualization, because transparency matters. Thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️
OpenTrace (Singapore) was maybe the first one to be released. To some extent it is more an upstream for others to borrow than the actual app. It was more like dumped than developed in the open, and seems stagnant since May cauldron.io/dashboard/1566…
Oct 4, 2019 • 36 tweets • 19 min read
Firefox is enabling DoH (DNS over HTTPS) by default for US users, and likely in other countries blog.mozilla.org/futurereleases… There are similar plans for Chrome. This is a game-changer for all of us: know the details, and judge by yourself.
Short thread ahead.
Let's start with the basics. For many years, every device connected to Internet had at least one IP address of the form (a four-byte number). Those are IPv4 addresses en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4#Addr… They were (are) used to route traffic.
Sep 27, 2019 • 24 tweets • 20 min read
HTTP/3 is being deployed in production for all of us, and that could be important for you and me and the Internet.
(Short) thread ahead
HTTP is this protocol that makes the web work en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext… It was first described (and implemented) in 1989 (you know: @timberners_lee and his team and the @CERN and all that), but it was first formally specified as HTTP/0.9 in 1991.