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“A truth that's told with bad intent Beats all the lies you can invent.”
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Mar 11 25 tweets 7 min read
Folks it is wrong just to consider russia in the 2016 election interference

Israel, Saudis,and Emirates were all over that hot mess.

Lt Gen (ret) Flynn Bitch even got in trouble for trying to scuttle a 2016 vote in the United Nations against Israel Image Granted Ambassador Kislyak and Mike Flynn were besties texting each other back and forth too Image
Feb 17 22 tweets 7 min read
As everyone in press acts shocked that President Trump is calling for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza

we need to remember how Islamophobia was used to drive the MAGA agenda for over a decade

Do you remember the Ground Zero Mosque that was neither a Mosque nor at Ground Zero? Image The Story was first spread by Pamela Geller on her blog "Atlas Shrugged" in December 2009.

The "Ground Zero Mosque" would be the first astroturffed campaign funded by the Koch Network after Citizens United vs United States in 2010 Image
Nov 15, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
People keep asking what they can do.

How can they help

If you are a small business owner one of the best things you can do is make sure you have a good backup and recovery plan

Good back ups are the Victory Gardens of the 21st Century Image And if your business is considered critical infrastructure

or if you want your insurance to be worth the money you pay.

You need good backups, by demand of law and lawyers

And it means more than just hiring a Cloud Company.

You need to plan Image
Nov 14, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Key moments in Trump's Presidential history

July 1987 upon returning from Moscow he writes a scathing rebuke of NATO and Japan

In 1989, according to KGB "defectors" Trump would place the Central Park Five after some really easy ego stroking Image
Nov 9, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Some web history

Do you know the first Internet Bank in history?

It predates Netscape and was called the European Union Bank

Oddly it was established in money laundering HQ of the Caribbean, Antigua in July of 1994... Image The bank was backed by a million dollar investment from Mikhail Khodorovsky's Menatep Bank and was run by Alexander Konanikhine Image
Oct 20, 2024 39 tweets 14 min read
Kamala Harris worked for McDonalds.

Donald Trump worked for the Mafia.

That is the only comparison that should matter Image We can roll it all the way back to 1981 and Atlantic City.

Kamala Harris worked for McDonalds

Donald Trump worked for the Mafia

And knew it. Image
Oct 1, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
Seeing Eduard Benderskiy get a shout out from the Justice Department in a ransomware Sanctions case

Thought we should share some thing Justice been up to, as they been busy Like really busy:

Sep 17, 2024 42 tweets 12 min read
People always ask how did we get here with MAGA and QANON

Want to try and discover "Q" or figure out how Trump brainwashed so many MAGA

Have to go at least back to the turn of century and Nativist political ops that took advantage of 9/11 fear

Like the Minutemen Project Image The Minutemen Project was founded by Jeff Gilchrist and Chris Simocox

Gilchrist was deeply tied into the @GOP disinfo machine and would write a book on the border problem with russian asset Jerome Corsi

Sep 12, 2024 52 tweets 14 min read
How could folks push so many lies about Haiti?

Have you looked through back issues of the Resister, the Underground Special Forces Magazine of the 90s?

"The RESISTERs opposition to democracy is simply that democracy ultimately must, by definition, result in totalitarianism." Image The Resister editors weren't to keen on the US role in Haiti

Blames the Black Congressional Caucus Image
Sep 11, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
@gilduran76 We need to be asking more questions about Tony Lyons and Skyhorse Publishing Then you got Steven Barry and The Resistor if you wanna an old school throwback.

There was some mucking about in Haiti with some not so nice stories told by not so nice people.
Sep 6, 2024 35 tweets 10 min read
Let us continue our exploration with Birtherism and the rise of Donald Trump

-the rumor started in 2004
-took off in 2008
-Barack Obama told russia and the "Family" to STFU at the National Prayer Breakfast in 2010

Then came Donald Trump
Image Dondal Trump first brought up Birtherism in 2011 at CPAC, when he was first exploring a Presidential Run

Sep 4, 2024 49 tweets 14 min read
As the Department of Justice begins to look at the role of RT and russian state media in maligned activities.

I thought it best to roll back to the tape to the first time russia media and @realdonaldtrump collaborated.


(unless you count Central Park Five)
There were so many players involved in Birtherism, names you :

Rush Limbaugh
Dick Morris
Glenn Beck
Sheriff Arpaio
Alan Keyes
Jerome Corsi

And lesser known names
Andy Martin
Ali Pahlavan
Orley Taitz
Alen Berg
Robert Schulz
Gary Kreep
Wiley Drake

Russian media all over it
Aug 29, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Did Katie Johnson lie about you raping her?
Did Valarie Guiffre lie about you raping children?
Did Tiffany Doe lie about you raping children?
Did Jane Doe #3 lie about you raping kids?
How did your ear heal so quickly?
Why did so many russian gangsters buy your properties? Why are you sharing so many QANON memes?
Do you think Roger Stone has sexual Kompromat on RFK JR? Do the russians?
Why did Rybolovlev over pay for your Palm Beach Mansion?
Why do you think DoJ put a picture of Val Broeksmit on top of their court filining?
Who is Felix Sater?
Aug 27, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
Hoseini, M., Melo, P., Benevenuto, F., Feldmann, A., & Zannettou, S. (2023, April). On the globalization of the QAnon conspiracy theory through Telegram. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 (pp. 75-85).

Telegram was used in a global wide narrative attackImage It's like Telegram became the main weapon to attack Democracies across the globe:

Jul 10, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
I deleted my #TrumpPedoFiles Thread because it was getting messy

Figure best to start Over.

There are three relevant sets of docs in the #TrumpPedoFiles

-Katie Johnson lawsuit
-Guiffre v. Maxell
-Palm Beach Grand Jury files

@alandersh negoitated the NPA in Balm Beach This is a link to Giuffre v. Maxwell

It is in this case where we find @alandersh and @cernovich mucking about during "Hillary Faint" and #PizzaGate

Jul 10, 2024 22 tweets 8 min read
Did you know Christopher Ruddy and Newsmax are OG disifno rags?

It goes back to the Clinton Days and trying to frame them for the death of Vincent Foster

All funded by the Ruchard Scaife Mellon Foundation

Ruddy and Newsmax are a threat to American democracy Christopher Ruddy has built his entire career around being a professional liar.

The story begins in Pittsburgh all funded by the Richard Scaife Mellon Foundation and Richard Scaife himself Image
Jul 9, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Dear Press,

way to spot russian Active Measures (or MAGA, samsies) is to see if they "prime the pump"

Even in times of KGB you "primed the pump" before attacking info space

What happened before the debate?

@cnn @abcnews @nbcbews @CBSNews @washingtonpost @PhillyInquirer Image So @cnn if the right wing media was lying about Biden's mental decline before the debate?

Doesn't it seem logical they are still lying after the debate? Image
Jul 9, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
@RonnyJacksonTX Will you tell us abotu @realDonaldTrump stoke first? Image @RonnyJacksonTX @realDonaldTrump Who was taking all the provigil @RonnyJacksonTX ? Image
Jul 8, 2024 29 tweets 9 min read
So someone asked for a quick walk down memory lane of Club for Growth

and their role in the Koch funded Dark Money empire that tried to deliver America to russia on behalf of Big Oil.

But who is Club for Growth? What is the history? Image Club For Growth was Started by Richard Gilder. He had started a group called "Political Club for Growth" and a company called Gilder Gagnon Howe & Company,

Gilder Gagnon Howe & Company would invest, and eventually bankrupt the Texas Rangers with George H Bush Image
Jul 8, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Good Morning

It is time for a daily Press stroll to answer the question:

"Is the Press reporting @realDonaldTrump is a child rapist?"

@ABCnews @cbsnews @nbcnews @smerconish @cnn @axios @nytimes @msnbc @washingtonpost @PhillyInquirer @usatoday @StarTribune

You be the judge Image Check out the @nytimes

Not a peep about Palm Beach Epstein files proving Bill Barr, Alexander Acosta, and @alandersh conspired to hide @realDonaldTrump and Epstein raped children.

Do get Biden campaign is failing. 10 days Biden has done eighteen events. Trump has done zero Image
Jul 7, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
I would have voted for Joe Biden but Hillary fainted

The OG Hillary feint

independent.co.uk/news/world/ame… I would have voted for Joe Biden but Hillary is gonna faint at the Debate

The OG faint feint