A Thread- Requiring state testing during a pandemic is unconscionable, but the decision comes as more of a disappointment than a surprise for many educators. There are many factors at play here, so let’s take a minute to break it down. 1/18
Despite their jobs being turned upside down and reimagined, their workload doubled, the expectations changed daily at moments notice, and often not provided with basic precautions to keep themselves safe, teachers keep teaching. 2/18
Jul 14, 2020 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
A Thread (Part 2) Regarding the Reopening of Schools: It’s clear that NO plan is desirable. We are in a pandemic. Nothing will be easy. However, there ARE plans that do not include putting millions of children and adults at risk, so let’s talk about those. 1/13
Instead of wasting precious time planning for multiple models (when we know that we will all have to be going remote at multiple points anyway as entire classrooms/schools are forced to quarantine) let’s commit to remote learning NOW. 2/13
Jul 7, 2020 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
A Thread: America's teachers have a lot of questions regarding the push to reopen schools. Take our questions seriously, and do not try to shame to guilt us into compliance. Know that we WANT to be back in our classrooms with our students, but do not expect us to be martyrs. 1/20
Desks 6 ft apart (in some states 3 ft...what?!?) Many classrooms do not have desks, but have 5-6 tables where students sit shoulder to shoulder. How are we supposed to spread students out? Is someone buying desks? With what money? Schools are facing budget cuts & layoffs. 2/20