Jim Robottom Profile picture
Rights, wrongs & Talking Heads songs. Barrister @matrixchambers, phd @KCL_Law Views mine, not a burning building’s.
2 subscribers
May 23, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
I wondered whether I would do this, when the time came. But there don’t seem to be many tales of him as a person going round. And, for reasons that will become apparent, I’ll always be grateful. So anyway here it is:

A 🧵on the personal kindness of @Keir_Starmer When I was in my early 20s at bar school in 2002, after coming home from a death row internship in Jamaica, I started to get sick. Having never been ill, I developed full blown ME/CFS and had to drop out and return to live with my parents. It lasted over 7 years.
Jan 9, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
I spent 2 years in the 00s doing voluntary work in Jamaican prisons on these cases + feel qualified to respond to this. So here goes 🧵

I saw a lot of volunteers come + go. One I won't forget. Let’s call her ‘Harriet Cole’. Harri saw the world in simplistic, black and white way Talking once on the bus on the way back from seeing a murderer in prison she stopped me short

"What? You don't think he's guilty do you?"

My jaw hit the bus floor. I said

"I mean of course he's guilty. Have you read the appeal transcript? The evidence was overwhelming."
Jan 10, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
John Robin Robottom was born on 30 April 1947 in Torbay hospital to Jean and Henry Malcolm Robottom, an Anglo-Indian couple who had recently immigrated to England from Mumbai in the months immediately prior to Partition. J's elder sisters Sue + Pauline had both been born in India Bovey Tracey must have seemed parochial in comparison to Bombay, where Jean had been a musician + Malcolm represented Anglo India at various sports, but through his work as an electrical engineer they continued to travel throughout the Asian subcontinent.
Apr 29, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
Some thoughts on the Art 2 right to life claims (only) in the Gardner Div Court judgment on protection of care home residents during the early pandemic.

The claim suceeded on narrow rationality grounds but A2 was dismissed, imo too readily... /1

judiciary.uk/wp-content/upl… Art 2 imposes two substantive positive duties on the state to protect life

1. Systemic

2. Operational, to protect identified persons in certain circs where there is a real + immediate risk to their life the state knew or ought to have know of /2