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Founder of Sojourners, Author, Teacher, Speaker, Dad first. CHRIST IN CRISIS? now available in paperback: https://t.co/gpbPU0cP9z
Nov 2, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
I always tell Christians they must not be partisan but principled in their voting. And until this election year, I have never endorsed a candidate for President; even while advising, when asked, candidates and presidents of both parties. This time is different. Candidates and parties are always imperfect, but sometimes, the moral choices are so clear and the consequences so grave—like in this presidential election between @realDonaldTrump and @JoeBiden . This year the integrity of faith itself is at stake in an election.
Feb 6, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
What Northam SHOULD be saying (THREAD):
"This incident around my yearbook page has revealed to me, and to the whole country, how oblivious and utterly clueless so many of us white people are when it comes to the hateful, violent, and sinful history of racism in our country." 1/ What Northam should be saying (cont.): "I will indeed resign, but that is no longer enough. I first need to repent of the sin of racism, on behalf of myself and on behalf of the state of Virginia of which I am the elected governor." 2/