Jeremiah “Jasper” Thompson Profile picture
Private, Co. B, Malone’s 9th Alabama Cavalry, CSA. SCV #1524. Here to educate, entertain, or annoy. "History is a set of lies agreed upon." Napoleon Bonaparte
Jul 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Philadelphia, PA
May 25, 1787 – Sep 17, 1787

* Thursday, May 31, 1787 *

The last clause of the sixth Resolution, authorizing an exertion of the force of the whole against a delinquent State, came next into consideration.
#ushistory ImageImageImageImage This is very important information. Madison spoke up when it counted. He opposed federal military coercion against a State. What he stated elsewhere is irrelevant. What matters is what was in the Constitution. This ends the debate on coercion for secession. 1/2