julie k. brown Profile picture
Investigative journalist. Philly girl always. Author, "Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story."
14 subscribers
Oct 31, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Breaking News: The homicide arrest of a prominent Miami real estate broker in the boat crash death of a 17-year-old girl comes after a witness surfaced in response to a series of articles about the case in @miamiherald.
"That witness spoke out after the Miami Herald published a series of articles detailing how boaters who were immediately on the scene after the crash were never contacted by state investigators."
The reason the story stayed alive is because reporters at the Miami Herald never let go of it. #localnews

Read more at: miamiherald.com/news/local/cri… whttps://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article294626294.html Image
Jul 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The Miami Herald published Perversion of Justice, a three-part series about the sweetheart plea deal given to sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein:
miamiherald.com/news/local/art… Part 2: How prosecutors undermined their own case
Jun 3, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Big Food, Big Profits, Big Lies levernews.com/big-food-big-p… "While blaming inflation for rising prices, the country’s biggest food and restaurant companies are raking in billions and showering shareholders with payouts."
Jul 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: (warning: explicit content) Woman files lawsuit against Leon Black, alleging she was trafficked to him by Epstein and Maxwell when she was 16. The woman, who has Autism and a form of Down Syndrome, says she was severely beaten and raped by the former CEO. (more) Image The woman, now in her late 30s, says that Epstein and Maxwell trafficked her to other powerful older men in the early 2000s, and that they were assisted by others who recruited her at a cheerleading camp. The lawsuit comes as the Senate Finance Committee opens a probe into (more)
Jun 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There is nothing in these records that dispel anything about Epstein's death. In fact, the BOP records don't even say how they found his body. They tried to "wake" him up when they found him unconscious. Who does that to a hanging man? apnews.com/article/jeffre… adding: it's the wording of "waking" him up. You would use that word if they found him laying on the floor or in bed, not hanging. Since they also don't include any interviews with the guards who found him, or any inmates, who knows what happened in that cell.
May 31, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
NEW: My new project: A collaboration between Temple University's Logan Center for Investigative Reporting and The Philadelphia Inquirer -- "Unexcused: The Absentee Crisis in Philadelphia Schools." (More) inquirer.com/education/inq2… “There’s really something about Philly that makes you think you can’t do anything outside of this,” said Bowens, who was living in the back room of a bakery when she was 16. “..this is where you’re just bound to stay. Especially if you’re in the streets.” (more)
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This story misses a very important aspect to Epstein’s crimes: federal prosecutors (with the help of Epstein’s lawyers) covered up the scope of his crimes — Epstein was charged and served time for solicitation of a single girl — therefore enabling him to(1 wsj.com/articles/jeffr… 2. This allowed Epstein to tell all these wealthy and politically connected people that he simply made one mistake. — and that he paid for it. (More)
Apr 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Today I’m joining my Miami Herald colleagues in a one-day work stoppage as we demand a fair contract from @McClatchy. We need to protect local journalism.
I support My colleagues’ requests for fair pay, maternity leave and reimbursement for the high costs of equipment & travel. It’s well past time for corporate executives to support the rank & file journalists who sacrifice so much of their lives to put out a newspaper that they can be proud of. I for one spent years making ends meet by using check cashing stores. I drove a car with no windows. 2
Feb 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Important journalism alert. I suspect that This is happening in every women’s prison in America. It has been rampant in … apnews.com/article/corona… 2) Florida’s Lowell CI for more than a decade. And Florida and the Dept of Justice do nothing to reform it. (More) media.miamiherald.com/static/media/p…
Apr 22, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Anytime 11 female college players leave (in other words, practically the whole team!) some tough questions should be asked. | Sports Illustrated Syracuse Orange News, Analysis and More si.com/college/syracu… Will add one other suggestion: Don’t cover this like a “sports” story.
Mar 10, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Having spent 6.5 hours waiting at a Florida FEMA Covid site at Miami-Dade College, here's what I've found wrong: First, the site is not run by FEMA (the feds); it's run by a combo of state and local agencies who apparently don't talk to each other. (1) miamiherald.com/news/coronavir… 2. The traffic is run by Miami-Dade police, and they do nothing to let motorists know where they are supposed to go, nor do they provide any signage ANYWHERE along the route, telling drivers to stay right, for example. This literally causes chaos in & around the college. more
Jan 19, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Tucker Carlson now doing a long sermon saying that the military’s heightened scrutiny of white nationalists, proud boys and white supremacy amounts to collective punishment against all white people. 😠 Now Tucker Carlson saying the poor guy wearing the horns who stormed the Capitol and threatened our democracy faces more time in prison than murderers & rapists.
Jan 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Seems a good time to repost this about the latest "medal of freedom" award winner. see other clips below washingtonpost.com/politics/jim-j… nbcnews.com/news/us-news/r…
Jan 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
There are some great cops in America, don’t forget that. ❤️ usatoday.com/story/news/nat… Cops do this all the time but they don’t get credit for it.
Aug 12, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Hello, NYPost "Decider"....I am sorry, but you need to be called out on a horrific error you just published online about "Takeaways" in the Epstein case. I rarely comment on these errors, but his one is so egregious that it hurts every victim in this story....(1)
@decider 2. Palm Beach Police were the ONLY people to fight for these victims from the beginning. REPEAT. The Chief, the detective, all FOUGHT like hell for these victims. For you to say the chief didn't believe them is a total, complete lie. Please get it right.
Jul 31, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I haven't made it through all the documents yet but it strikes me as odd that names of some of those involved with Epstein and Maxwell have been redacted in this round, when there were not redactions before. Also, Ghislaine's depositions are still apparently being kept secret... In a depositionVirginia Guiffre (who was nicknamed Jenna) provided details the orgies at Epstein's island, and how Maxwell was sexually involved with many, many, many girls and women. She claims that Maxwell, for ex. picked up a redheaded girl to have sex with...
Jun 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: Judge in Jeffrey Epstein who has refused to release grand jury records has ties to those with a stake in keeping them secret. #perversionofjustice miamiherald.com/news/state/flo… The judge's daughter works for Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg, her son works for Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and she herself worked for ex-state attorney Barry Krischer, who did not want to charge Epstein with child-sex offenses.
Apr 14, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Despite calling the Jeffrey Epstein case "a national disgrace," a federal appeals court has ruled against Epstein's victims, saying that his plea deal, which included immunity for his co-conspirators, was legally executed. 1) 2. The court in a 2-1 decision, said that the rights of crime victims do not attach to a case until a defendant, in this case, Epstein, is indicted. The deal was negotiated before any indictment happened.
Jan 23, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Perfect chilly night in Florida for butternut squash soup, toasted pumpkin seeds & thyme (and a Malbec). #floridawinternights Comfort food after dating disaster number (lost count) but it was clear he wanted to talk politics and how he loves Trump. I said probably not good idea to talk politics on first date but...he kept bringing it up...I kept smiling graciously...changing the subject to art, music >>
Jan 21, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
My sister and I going thru some stuff tonight. There is this thing in our family “the infant of Prague” — we put our loved wishes under the statue.
Jan 2, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
@caseyfrank1 deserves a lot of credit for that story. I was v involved in another !!! Important story. And Casey came to me and told me to drop everything. 1) Back then, few journalists were covering prisons. I honestly thought no one would care about Darren (at least not in Fla where they kill inmates! ) but ...2)