Jyoti Kapur Das 🇮🇳 Profile picture
RTs not endorsements. FTII Pune. WriterDirector #Chutney #PlusMinus #GoodMorning #TumAayeHoToh #MoreToCome
Vishal Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 15, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1/n Have noticed something disturbing lately, say, in the last decade or so. Within my extended family, 3, and among friends 2 young respectful men, good-natured, gainfully-employed, good families, got married (some love, some arranged) & the wives turn out to be Toxic AH. 2/n These are all youngsters I've known since long, some since they were infants. I know their families. None of them have behaved badly with the wife, neither have their parents. On the contrary, the women are pampered with expensive gifts & live apart from the parents in law.
Sep 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/3 In my professional life, I trust ppl, I get cheated. I think I'll be smarter but make mistakes in judgement repeatedly, take ppl at face value, assume everyone is honest, till shockingly, someone hurts me again. Despite that, my own goodwill & reputation remains unbesmirched. 2/3 So I won't blame any political party for trusting people who turn out to be Trojan Horses for the worst kind of greedy, morally-corrupt, ideologically-dead 'leaders'. The ones who got cheated, assumed the new entrants wanted the same change they did. They got played. It's OK.
May 12, 2021 11 tweets 7 min read
1/n #VaccineHesitancy Recieved something from a friend that has really shocked me. Would appreciate corrections if any or all of this is untrue. 🙏🏻 "Some thoughts below are from my colleague at IIT and the figures he quoted herein are copied from other sources. 2/n When India decided to adopt the CovishieId & Covaxin, the intelligentsia, non-BJP pol parties, NGOs, all started speaking in the media alleging insufficient data on it’s efficacy, it's fake, we will not take it. The media also launched a movement against the Indian vaccine.
Apr 5, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
1/n Had the most amazing, moving experience just now. Got an auto and as soon as I sat in, noticed the driver's uniform. He was on a call at the signal & when he got done, I struck up a conversation. My first question is always, 'Kaun gaon, bhai?' 2/n When he said Benaras, I congratulated him on being from Kashi nagri! We started talking & he told me he had been wearing the embroidered uniform since pre-2014. Everytime someone sits in his auto, they first say Jai Shri Ram, then ask if he is RSS, Bajrang Dal, BJP!
Mar 23, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
1/n Little fearful of getting trolled with this thread, but I really want to share this for an insight into 'Bollywood' which everyone is interested in, regardless of whether they praise or abuse it! So, my siblings & I attended this very fancy school, Bombay Scottish, Mahim. 2/n Tons of film family kids studief here. Mr. @SrBachchan 's kids too, were there. In fact, my kid brother was his daughter's classmate. And, in the years they were in my school, before they left to study elsewhere, every single day, Mrs.B would be there at 3pm to pick them up.
Nov 21, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
1/n Unpopular opinion: Most Indians know NOTHING about how the entertainer industry works. They see 'celebs' & 'stars' & judge the rest 95% as having the same lifestyle. Also, a recent interaction revealed, there is a LOT of frustration & envy from those who can't come to Bbay. 2/n Either they have practical issues/ have tried, failed & returned, but there is so much envy at the glam lives of stars. So when someone gets into trouble, there is much glee & feeling superior. Then, all the 'Bollywood ppl are ___!' tweets come out, lumping EVERYONE in 1 tub.
Sep 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Can someone explain that if I've chosen a FLOATING ROI anyway, when taking the home loan, why do I need to pay conversion fees everytime I'm changing to a lower ROI? 🤔 #GenuinelyPerplexed @HomeLoansByHDFC A kind pal DMed me an explanation: The thing is when you take a loan bank calculates based on your profile how much MCLR (their internal benchmark) + spread they want to give your profile. Eg 7 percent may be MCLR & for self employed with your profile they may add .35 (Contd.)
Sep 4, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
#MovieNight was revisiting #OyeLuckyLuckyOye & this film is STILL MAGIC! I remember thinking even back then, as the end titles scrolled, 1 more & @DibakarBanerjee will have a hat-trick! For a film to still appeal to teenagers today, is a barometer of superb story-telling! 1/n ImageImageImageImage 2/2 So proud of the other pals associated with this gem! @iammanurishi #urmi @Neetu_Chandra What debuts @RichaChadha @OyeManjot 👌🏻 And, @SirPareshRawal 🙏🏻🙌🏼 SIR! All the cameos sparkled! Thanks, Producers @PriyaSreedharan @RonnieScrewvala #SidRoyKapur of @roykapurfilms 🔥 5⭐ ImageImageImage
Jun 14, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Unsolicited Advice for any youngster who dreams of being a 'Bollywood Star', from a technician who has been here since 1995. ONLY venture here if you can take constant rejection, backstabbing, unfair practices. You wont find this everywhere (unless you are THAT unlucky!) 1/n 2/n BUT- be prepared for this. Remember, NOTHING IS PERSONAL. You may get rejected for reasons UNRELATED to any of the following: your looks, talent, attitude, people who've recommended you or bitched you out. Most of it is Luck by Chance.
Oct 7, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
There is no one like the Sikh community when it comes to taking the initiative for solutions. In Mumbai, PMC (PUNJAB AND MAHARASHTRA BANK), the mouthpiece of Sikh community in the banking sector in Mumbai, has gone bankrupt. It had branches all over India. country. 1/n 2/n Bank was primarily managed by affluent Sikhs. It was a cooperative bank. In advances, they had given more than 10,000 crores to bogus parties without any securities. Thousands of people, who had kept faith in them, had lost.