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Husband/Dad | Headhunter | CPA| Clemson Alum| Business Owner | AI Art - gallery in link below
Jan 21, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
A defender of DeSantis messaged me the other day - after I said I had written him off. We had an interesting exchange. This is a smart guy and some body many of you would likely know. I am lucky to know a lot of smart people across the ideological spectrum. And I’m not going to identity him and I will be paraphrasing him. The following is what he told me:
Jan 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Buckhead has had enough & they are looking to secede.

From Atlanta.… I don’t blame them. Sometimes you have to take steps to take care of your people - if the city won’t.
Jan 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
It's weird how hostile Slate is toward Biden who has spent his entire life fighting for many of the same initiatives that Slate has been fighting for. Reading @Millicentsomer- you would think she was talking about Ted Cruz's older bigger asshole brother.… @Millicentsomer Of course I am not entirely unfamiliar with this phenomena. I was a republican for most of my life and I remember when I started seeing the articles showing up condemning moderates like me. You could hear spit leave lips when people screamed about Rino's.
Jan 16, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
A long time friend (and Republican) and I had a little back and forth on Facebook yesterday. The exchange we had, I think, really gets to the core of the dispute (on Trump) between folks like me (NeverTrumpers) and reluctant but faithful Trump voters. /1 His big grievance relates to how reluctant Trump voters, like himself, have been characterized negatively as a result of their association with Trump. He feels they are basically “lumped in with Trump”. He sees this as unfair and not very accurate. /2
Aug 30, 2019 23 tweets 6 min read
Ok - I had to pause my live tweeting when they sat us down behind Joe and told us to put up our phones. But here is what I would have tweeted - in the moment - if I could have. The place was packed. The venue was essentially a church gym and it was full. All the seats filled and people standing against the walls about 2 or 3 deep.
Mar 20, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
In some ways Trump is a simple-minded dumbass and in other ways he is a freaking genius. The dumbass part is easy to recognize. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t understand the world. He doesn’t understand intricacies. He doesn’t appreciate nuance or the comprehend the complications of situations that can’t be sketched out in a page or two of a children’s book.