Jason Lengstorf Profile picture
I make tv for developers not really on this platform anymore email: info@codetv.dev
Mar 8, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
I’ve said this in a few different places now, but I agree: I think we’re going to see a big shift in what “devrel” means

so… thread, I guess? (1/?) we seem to be in the “lay off devrel because there’s no attributable ROI” phase

we also seen to be in the “lay off marketing because they’re not getting the results we want” phase
Jul 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Don’t ask, “Would you buy X if I made it?”

1. People are notoriously bad at predicting their own behavior
2. Your friends want to support you, so they’ll say “yes” (but they won’t actually buy)

There are far better questions to ask that give you much better signal:

[1/4] ❓How do you do X today?

This helps you gauge how much people need X, and how much they know about it. If no one cares about X, you’ll find out fast.

Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
A quick reminder as folks are glorifying absurd hours again:

1. Sustained crunch mode leads to net negative productivity vs. 40 hr/wk

2. Working sleep deprived leaves you as mentally impaired as being drunk

Working longer *feels* productive but it makes you worse at your job. I learned this the hard way: by trying to grind my way through problems until my beard started falling out in clumps.
Jul 17, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
More than 7 billion people globally use butts every day.

But most people don’t know their full power.

Here are 6 uses for a butt so you can get the most value from yours: 🧵 🍑 sittin’

Feeling tired? Feet hurt?

Put that caboose to good use!

1. Find a flat surface that’s roughly knee-height
2. Place your butt on it
3. Remove pressure from your feet A person sitting in a chair.
May 30, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I'm working on a new talk & I built an example of personalization with zero client-side JS.

➡️ By default products are in a mixed order
➡️ As you view products your interest "score" for each category increases (in a cookie)
➡️ Home page products reorder by interest You can try it yourself here: no-js-personalization.netlify.app

Source code is up on GitHub: github.com/jlengstorf/no-…
Sep 3, 2021 20 tweets 5 min read
meetings on remote teams are hard. we get caught between two conflicting feelings:

1. “I don’t like meetings”
2. “I feel disconnected from my team”

I’m increasingly convinced that many (most?) remote teams are having on the wrong kind of meetings

(a meetings thread, I guess) Boardroom suggestion meme. Boss: “Remote workers hate meet the old joke is that “this meeting could have been a Slack message”

for remote teams, the default meeting I see is a check-in / status call — which should absolutely be a Slack message

writing a list of updates & taking turns reading them to our coworkers is a terrible meeting
Jun 25, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
since we’re talking about SQL today:

I interviewed for a frontend role at a FAANG company once, and the interview was

1. write a sorting algorithm in PHP
2. write various SQL joins

I was never asked about anything frontend related

…I definitely did not pass that interview 😅 I still think about that interview sometimes — it was so bizarre that I’m still half convinced the interviewer wasn’t aware what role I was applying for 💀💀
Feb 21, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
I like to code

I’m not passionate about coding

I would stop showing up to work if the paychecks stopping coming

a job is a job. if a company tries to convince you that it’s more than that (a “family”; a “calling”) that’s a red flag — that gets used to get you to donate time I like working with people who enjoy their jobs, but there’s a HUGE difference between “I am well compensated for my work and take pride in doing a good job” and “I derive my value as a person from my code”
Jan 14, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
⭐ I’m a frontend dev. I work mainly w/HTML, CSS, & JS

last year I built stuff that doesn’t sound like frontend work:

- custom APIs and DBs (both GraphQL & REST)
- user dashboards
- video manipulation

but it all *felt* comfortable & within my skillset

how? a thread: 🧵 Jamstack Explorers user dashboard showing video watch data ascreenshot of a video from Jamstack Explorers playing on the I do all sorts of demos and "hello world" projects, but I want to focus on real-world apps only in this thread. specifically, I'll talk about this production project:

✨ Jamstack Explorers 👩‍🚀

this is a load-bearing app that a lot of people depend on screenshot of the homepage of Jamstack Explorers
Oct 7, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
This is a Good Tweet™. I’ve seen a tendency to only count certain parts of our jobs as “real work”, which leads to trying to do the rest outside of business hours so we can really “make the work hours count”.

That’s not how work works. There are subcategories of work for tech workers (let’s use a hypothetical developer):

First, there’s writing code, which is the part we usually call “real work”. If a developer goes through a whole work day and doesn’t write any code, the instinct is to call that day a waste.
May 1, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
I’ve had a few conversations about work stress lately & I’ve seen a common thread that’s really heartbreaking: It’s so, SO easy for someone to feel like any mistake will be the end of their career. And I think a lot of this fear comes from poor leadership and management. <thread> A huge problem I hear in a lot of these stories is that people don’t get feedback unless it‘s negative.

If we, as leaders and managers, don’t take the time to remind our teams that we value them, we’re letting people’s imaginations fill in the gaps. That’s a recipe for stress.
Jun 20, 2018 18 tweets 2 min read
I can take a crack at a list. (Though most of what the original list says is applicable in web dev, too.) How are you measuring things? Who's doing that work? (Every measured interaction requires a bit of custom coding and testing.)