JodiJacobson 🇺🇦 🩸🦷 Profile picture
Current: ED @HCABorders. Past @Rewire_news, @UNFoundation, @AJWS, @SRHRforAll. When fascism is at the door, you must choose sides. #WarrenDemocrat
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Oct 7, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Today, courts handed down two major rulings completely antithetical to public health, medical evidence, and the lives of pregnant people. The U.S. Supreme Court allowed Texas's TOTAL BAN an on life-saving abortion care to stand. This means more deaths because we already have evidence of a dramatic rise in pregnancy related deaths in Texas.…
Jan 17, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
In response to many fair critiques, people continue to ask: But what did you want Biden to do?

Here are some things: Stop fetishizing bipartisanship w/ a group of fascists complicit in growing harm to the country and the planet. Stop negotiating with/making excuses for racists. Start your presidency off with *the* single most important thing--voting rights--and campaign from DAY ONE like our lives depend on protecting those rights, because they do.
Jan 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Imagine if @POTUS has started his speeches and pressure campaign on voting rights last February. Imagine if he'd relentlessly called on Manchin, Sinema, and every silent Dem for the moral courage to do what was right; called on their constituents to understand what is at stake? Imagine if he relentlessly highlighted every anti-democratic vote-suppressing bill being passed throughout the country as they were starting out, and relentlessly educated citizens about the supremacist roots of the filibuster, creating a nat'l campaign to save this democracy?
Sep 1, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
In 25 years of policy & advocacy work on reproductive/ sexual health and rights, and ten running an online publication on same, I have learned several things.

1) Elected Dems never *really* fought for repro or sexual rights. The majority could barely say "abortion" w/o cringing. 2) Billions of dollars were invested in pro-choice efforts that were never really integrated into and with other critical issues. We talked intersectionality, but we didn't live it. We fought in courts, but not as movements. We were far, far too close to establishment Dems.
Sep 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Here are some Democrats you can blame for the Injustices of the Supreme Court.

@SenatorBennet helped facilitate Neil Gorsuch, because, you know, he's a standup white guy from the same law school circles. .@ChrisCoons went to bat for Brett Kavanaugh, because he didn't want poor Brett to actually suffer the inconvenience of an actual investigation. And because Chris Coons is part of The Family, so he wants to ban abortion anyway.
Aug 31, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I grew up in a political environment in which you focused on your state, whether it was your Senator, your House member, your governor, city council... you get it. Now, every election in every state is national: When the GA GOP passes voting rights restrictions, they export those to Florida, Texas, and Wisconsin. When the Mississippi or the Missouri legislature passes abortion restrictions, they export those to other states.
Aug 30, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
*How* you end a war is as important as ending it.

I am shocked and disappointed that so many in my own community have failed to either grasp how many people have been left vulnerable or press the administration to do better. We did not prepare to effectively evacuate thousands of ppl who qualify for SIVs, P1/P2 visas, or their family members nor to get their paperwork through. We just left them there. We had no plan for evacuating them safely.
Feb 27, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I am going to say what I am not supposed to say. I opened my email this morning to an email from @BernieSanders with the subject line: "It's Us Against Everyone." Is it really? How am I, someone who WANTS a progressive president supposed to absorb this? How do people run around talking about love and Kingian values and non-violence, but perpetuate what can only be called a Trumpian statement?
Dec 13, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
.@PeteButtigieg last year my brother died of lymphoma. My parents are dead. We are not rich. I cared for him for 5 years of treatment while working more than full time and raising two kids. I had to fight insurance companies tooth and nail, all the time. Several times, unacceptable delays and runarounds and rigamarole meant he did not get timely treatment, so his cancer advanced and advanced when timely treatment might have made a difference. Let’s not even talk about home care for someone debilitated by cancer.
Dec 13, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Can we not miss all the signs in front of us? For over a year, @GOP fascists have been talking about Trump being ordained by God. Now they are talking about a "third term." This is not about a third term. It's about the permanent installation of a white supremacist dictatorship. Just put the threads together, please. Trump talks to and befriends only murderous dictators; he keeps no notes of his meetings; he's hollowing out the government so there are no more Vindmann's, people with courage and conviction, to expose him and the @GOP.
Oct 1, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Message to @HouseDemocrats & @SenateDems: Please get a competent communications strategist.

You have before you the SIMPLEST to explain of innumerable crimes committed by this president & this administration and yet STILL you are screwing it up.

It is astounding.

Some tips: 1) Trump should be impeached because he CONFESSED TO A CRIME. Stop beating around the "we need to get the facts, we need to see the evidence. FFS he CONFESSED. SAY THAT. Sure. You will lay it out for the public so they can see all the evidence, but YOU HAVE A CONFESSION,
Aug 22, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Oath of Disloyalty, by Irwin Keller, 2019

I am a disloyal Jew.
I am not loyal to a political party.
Nor will I be loyal to dictators and mad kings.
I am not loyal to walls or cages.
I am not loyal to taunts or tweets. I am not loyal to hatred, to Jew-baiting, to the gloating connivings of white supremacy.

I am a disloyal Jew.
I am not loyal to any foreign power.
Nor to abuse of power at home.
I am not loyal to a legacy of conquest, erasure and exploitation.
Jan 20, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
So I watched the “unedited” version of the video which is not the same video but I did it so you don’t have to. Here’s what happened. Four Black men peacefully exercising their freedom of speech whatever they were saying or whether you agree. A literal mob of these boys starts to gather on the steps of the Lincoln memorial....
Nov 10, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
Folks: Few states count provisional ballots, early ballots, or overseas ballots quickly; usually they do not have to do so because the numbers don't require it... there is a big enough margin for these not to have any effect. In #Florida and #Georgia you have several issues. 1/ @ScottforFlorida has been governor for two terms/8 years. During this time he has underfunded election security and election processes, did not replace Ms. Snipes who he now berates. Why? So he could underfund the election machinery in that county and then blame her for problems?
Oct 13, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
These are the photos of greed and stupidity, of people who have been complacent, of politicians who have not only failed to act, but pretended like they didn't have to. These are the photos of our lives after politicians and leaders of oil & coal industries, having extracted... ...every last ounce of of fossil fuels and taken trillions in profits--and paid little to the people who did the work--will ignore as they cordon themselves off from the destruction of decades of lies, obfuscation and denial leaving us all with a mortally wounded planet.
Dec 2, 2017 7 tweets 5 min read
Every single journalist, every single media outlet that has over past 10 years or more allowed @GOP to lie through their teeth in interviews and on camera, and presented it as a "point of view" is responsible for what is happening in this country right now. every single one 1/ Every single journalist and media outlet that built up @GOP and @SenateMajLdr and called @SpeakerRyan a "wonder boy" is at fault for where we are now. Every single on of those who built up @realDonaldTrump for ratings and money over 30 years is at fault. 2/