John-Luke Roberts Profile picture
Writer, Comedian, Artist, Public Intellectual, CEO @SoundHeapInc, Winner BBC Audio Drama Award for Best Sketch Comedy Forever in our hearts.
Nov 23, 2020 16 tweets 5 min read
@SaimaFerdows There are too many names for fruits which are basically all satsumas @SaimaFerdows There should be one escalator in every station which is for walkers only
Jul 29, 2020 509 tweets >60 min read
1 like = 1 Made-Up Podcast 1. My Favourite Bird Calls. Clyte Deminest and Jess Plarting talk for an hour about whatever, then spend 30 minutes talking about the best bird calls they've heard. For copyright reasons, the bird calls are not included.
Jun 10, 2020 58 tweets 5 min read
[1033] A world just like out own, but history is recorded on plinths; all historical events, all historical figures, etc. Everything that ever happened is represented on a plinth. (1/3) Occasionally people have said “can we stop this practice of recording our history on plinths, it’s making it very hard to go anywhere or do anything because there’s countless plinths in the way” but they were told no, because that would be disrespecting history. (2/3)
Mar 30, 2020 1035 tweets >60 min read
OK 1 like = 1 alternative dystopia A world just like our own, but they never invented biscuits so people dunk any old stuff in their tea. Toast, boiled potatoes, cheese, meat.