How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App WRT c(i) and f(t) is handled by TWFE. But that leaves u(i,t), the idiosyncratic, time-varying shocks. For that, we generally need IV along with TWFE. a bunch of equivalences that I've discovered over the past few years -- some recent. And I show that the regression-based "event study" approaches of Sun- Abraham/Callaway-Sant'Anna are the same when S-A includes covariates fully flexibly as with my ETWFE method. equivalent methods: never thought of BJS as trying to do a typical event study. As I showed in my TWFE-TWMundlak paper, without covariates, BJS is the same as what I called extended TWFE. ETWFE puts in only treatment dummies of the form Dg*fs, s >= g, where Dg is cohort, fs is calendar time. look at this recent WP by @TymonSloczynski, @sderyauysal, and me to use separate doubly robust estimates of the numerator and denominator. Can use logit outcome models for Y and D. isn't a trivial assumption b/c it requires that for and subset of the population as determined by values of x, there are some control units. However, if this isn't true, one can trim the sample -- as in the Crump et al. "Moving the Goalposts" work.