Jacob Ngarivhume Profile picture
Zimbabwean Politician | Transform Zimbabwe President | Christian | Father | Believer in equality and justice| Positive thinker
Jul 18, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
1.For the past 48hrs I have not been feeling very good but am slowly on the mend. My attempts to get much needed rest were disrupted by increased state surveillance and intimidation requiring me to find an alternate resting place. 2. Being sick at this time reminds me of the seriousness of CoVID 19 and makes me appreciate the sacrifice made by so many who have pledged to come out on #31July
Jul 11, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
1. We need to get real about the situation in our country. We are faced with the total collapse of our economy in the midst of a global pandemic. The government has proven to be woefully incapable of doing what needs to  done to save Zimbabwe. False promises and lip service will not cut it for a country that's collapsing. We need international assistance to fight COVID 19,reboot the economy and feed millions in need of food.
Jun 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
31 July is a day for your voice to be heard. Zimbabwe has been plundered by selfish, self serving politicans who do not care how many lives they destroy in their quest for money and power. Image Our work leading up to that day starts now. Our brothers and sisters in the police and army have been weaponized against us for too long. We must challenge them now to consider the facts and see that those in power have committed serious crimes against Zimbabwe.