🌟 Joanna 🌟 Profile picture
Digital things, marketing bird. Head full of nonsense (& other). Includes inane TV chat, I warn you. All views my own, obvs. I wish you well
Aug 24, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Today the vet told me that since Covid, they’ve had to treat a number of cats with depression caused by irritation that their people are at home all day. Obviously it’s not really funny but… that’s the most Cat thing I’ve ever heard. Apparently dogs do not have the same problem. Turned 🔔s off this morning and now look 😲

Since you’re here, please help #operationark by letting @BWallaceMP @BorisJohnson @TomTugendhat know that you support getting @Nowzad’s 70 staff + 100 animals out of Kabul, on a plane that has been paid for (by donations). Thanks!