How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Hedonism (1.0) sought to resolve the tension between our biblical duty to do everything to the glory of God with our unavoidable desire to be happy. It did so in Piper’s famous phrase: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him., I’ve tackled this subject from multiple rhetorical angles. Yes, I’ve used “sin of empathy.” But I’ve criticized the same dynamics under “Dangerous Compassion” and “the passion of pity” (following Lewis). I’ve gotten specific by using the phrase “untethered empathy” (a variation of Alastair’s “disordered empathy.”) another way, today’s Sexual Pharisees would put forward the woman caught in adultery, not to condemn her, but to applaud her bravery in defying traditional marital norms (and demand that others bake her a cake in celebration). claim—that I believe that it would be lawful for me (or anyone) to own another human being today, provided I (or we) treated slaves the way Paul commanded—is false. I don’t believe that, nor did I say that, nor is it an accurate summary or paraphrase of what I did say. It's an opportunity to obey Jesus by rejoicing when people slander and misrepresent you.