Joe Kennedy III Profile picture
Former Congressman from MA. Tired & lucky dad. Founder @GroundworkProj. Managing Director @CitizensEnergyC. Advising @EmCollective + @WoodwellClimate + more.
Becky Werner Profile picture KEEP Kelly Monaco Sam FIRE Frank Valentini Profile picture The Lady Red- the night is dark and full of terror Profile picture Denise #WearTheDamnMask #BlackLivesMatter Profile picture Steve Woodall Profile picture 5 subscribed
Dec 26, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
At @GroundworkProj we’re investing in hyperlocal organizers and organizations in Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma and West Virginia – civic and political dollars flowing into states that have suffered from profound, progressive underinvestment for generations. 🧵 @GroundworkProj In Alabama, they took the powerful agents of voter suppression and racial gerrymandering all the way to the Supreme Court – and won, creating a second near-Black majority congressional district in the heart of the Black Belt.
Sep 23, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Take politics out of the equation and we should all be able to agree that two things are true: 1) What's happening at the border is horrific and 2) the President has the ability to make it better. (1/9) Let's look at the facts. The right to seek asylum is protected in the US not only under international law through the 1951 Refugee Convention, but also domestic law. Congress codified this when it passed the Refugee Act of 1980. (2/9)
Jan 27, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Good morning! I'm so excited to finally share Groundwork Project with you. The premise of Groundwork is simple: We invest in community organizing. Why? Because it's the single highest priority for the Democratic Party today. PACs like this often focus on giving to candidates. But @GroundworkProj is doing something different. We're going to offer direct support to LOCAL advocates, activists, and organizations - in Mass and nationwide - who are organizing year-round, not just during election season.
Jul 18, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Today our nation lost a giant. John Lewis didn’t just change this country, he changed the world. With unbending optimism and unyielding faith in our better angels, he spent his life fighting to make this nation kinder, stronger and more just than he found it. And beyond any doubt, that’s exactly what he did during his time on this earth. Not just for Black Americans, but for all who believed that none of us will be free until we are all free.
May 10, 2020 23 tweets 9 min read
Ok, Twitter. Let’s talk about Civil Gideon.

Buckle up. (1/23) Rightfully, much of the justice reform conversation in this country centers on criminal justice.

This is a reckoning that is needed and overdue. (2/23)
May 8, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Not a single American family should be forced to fight for their home against big banks without a lawyer by their side. Not a single worker should be forced to fight for their earned wages against corporations without a lawyer by their side.
Mar 27, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Today’s CARES Act was an overdue and necessary step in the right direction. We fought for many critical policies and programs protecting the most vulnerable populations including: $100 billion to help hospitals, health care providers and testing centers like MA’s @broadinstitute make up for this Administration’s failure to prepare us for this pandemic.
Feb 5, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
President Donald Trump attempted to extort a critical ally and undermine our democratic process for his own political survival. In the process, he abused the power of his office and obstructed Congress, a co-equal branch of this government. (1/5) Senate and House Republicans decided that this President and all presidents who will follow him are above our nation’s laws. (2/5)
Feb 5, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Working Americans struggle to make ends meet, vulnerable neighborhoods pay the price of a changing climate, desperate patients crowd source medical bills and communities of color battle systemic and overt racism, yet this President chooses self-adoration over solutions. (1/5) In his three years in office, he has relentlessly pursued policies that punish working families and marginalized communities, while rewarding corporate interests. (2/5)
Dec 19, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Impeaching this President is more than an indictment of one man’s actions, it is a protective shield around the most powerful democratic office on earth. (1/6) This is not a moment to celebrate. But it is a moment to be grateful that our system worked as it should, flexing muscle against those who sought to corrupt and abuse it for personal gain. (2/6)
Jul 1, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Spent the morning in TX at Clint and El Paso detention facilities. Big takeaways -- 1) @CBP was very resistant to Congressional oversight. They tried to restrict what we saw, take our phones, block photos and video. Atmosphere was contentious and uncooperative. @CBP 2) Facilities are wholly inadequate. Cells maxed to capacity, concrete floors...It felt jail-like. No way to keep a child or innocent human being. Group of 13 women from Cuba were in tears when we spoke with them.
Mar 26, 2019 23 tweets 6 min read
Last week, @morethanmySLE & I asked you to tell us what it would mean for you if @realDonaldTrump succeeded in gutting preexisting conditions. This thread highlights a few of them. Please read & keep them coming! #ProtectOurCare
Dec 6, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Weaponizing critical worker benefits to gain contract concessions has become a too common and toxic corporate practice. National Grid chose to lock out their workers, at great expense to the impacted employees, their families, and our entire Commonwealth. (1/4) While that choice is theirs to make, they should be held financially accountable for its impact. (2/4)
Nov 16, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
You want to talk about facts, let’s do it. Over 90% of student survivors don’t report sexual assault. Nearly 1 in 4 female students are sexually assaulted as undergrads. By backing away from these protections, you are sending a clear message to survivors. (1/4) But it doesn’t stop there. 59% of trans students have been denied access to the bathroom consistent with their identity. 3 out of 4 trans students feel unsafe at school. This Admin abandoned those students. #BeBest (2/4)
Oct 30, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
The statistics are staggering and speak for themselves. Today, 45% of births are covered under Medicaid. From 2014-2016, infant mortality rates declined in Medicaid expansion states + increased in states that refused to expand Medicaid coverage. #MaternalJustice Addressing the gaps starts with protecting gains made. 9.5 million previously uninsured women gained health care coverage under the ACA, growing the coverage rate for women of color to 2x the rate of women overall in 2013-2015. #MaternalJustice