joe handrick Profile picture
Jan 26 10 tweets 3 min read
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This is an actual district from one of the Democratic “fair” maps presented to the state Supreme Court.

It is placed side by side with the original gerrymander from 1812. (This picture is taken from one of the briefs recently filed with the Court.) Image 2 of 10

As you know, DEMs in WI are hyper-concentrated in big cities and is the reason their statewide results do not translate into an equal number of districts.

I predicted that the DEM “solution” to what they view as gerrymandering would be to engage in gerrymandering.
Aug 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
You must get about 2/3 of the way into the article before you find the key sentence:

"In 1992, a federal judicial panel considering a Wisconsin redistricting lawsuit essentially endorsed detached legislative districts."

1 of 7… From article: "Republican plans proposed districts with literal contiguity, but the judges opted for a Democratic approach that did not."

In Wisconsin there are some municipalities not entirely contiguous, and the federal court wanted to maintain municipal boundaries.

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Jul 17, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The Governor's "non-partisan" redistricting commission is a sham.

One of the "independent" judges in charge teamed with DEMs in '02 and submitted a DEM gerrymander in federal court.

Below is an example from their map. Snakes into downtown Kenosha to make it "fair".

1 of 8 Another of the “independent” judges is a former liberal Dane Cty judge appointed to the bench by Democratic Governor Jim Doyle.

At least 7 of the 9 members of the commission are active in liberal politics – including multiple members who signed the Walker recall.

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Jul 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

The final 2-party vote last night was 55-45% in favor of Republican William Penterman. In 2020 Trump won the district by 10 pts.

The vote distribution between the 2 parties came as expected. The Democrat won Dane Cty and Columbus, the GOP nearly won everything else. Final turnout was 6,805 (6,917 if you include the independent candidate). The distribution across counties generally followed the typical pattern. Image
Oct 17, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
thread 1 of 14

Trump can win Wisconsin, but I believe his path is uphill. This is not based on polls, but rather on turnout. It’s not enough to simply get people who voted for him in ’16 to do so again. This thread will examine that path. 2 of 14
Let’s start with review of what happened in ’16. The “Trump effect” was big increase in rural areas and big drop in suburban areas. Here is an example:
Feb 29, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Many Republicans seem to think defeating Bernie would be a slam dunk. Some are even talking about Trump winning 40 states.

Three reasons this is incorrect:
1) Bernie will draw millions of non-regular voters to the polls (like Trump did)
2) While Trumps 46% is locked in... is the 46% against him. The DEMs can nominate a person named "Corona Virus" and it would still be a tight election
3) Democrats mostly like Bernie and will rally around him if he's the nominee. The party has moved so far to the left that they don't view Bernie as extreme.