Professor of Economics, @GVAGrad, @cepr_org. Growth, Trade, Productivity, Organization, Environment, South Asia
Sep 1, 2024 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
@thomas_chaney and I updated our working paper on "Trade and the End of Antiquity" (which recently got some airtime here). A short re-cap: 1/n
We use archaeological data on the flows of coins to study what happened around the Mediterranean between the 4th and 10th century, a time when economic activity shifted away from the Mediterranean (the "End of Antiquity").
Jul 13, 2020 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
To celebrate the publication of my JMP (started >9y ago!), Here's a one-minute summary:
Starting with Douglass North, economists have argued that institutions are key determinants of transaction costs. In this paper, I study one transaction cost: contracting frictions. 1/N
When contract enforcement is costly, hold-up problems may arise: suppliers underperform, or buyers may refuse to pay. Production becomes less efficient. But how much does that matter for macro outcomes? 2/N