John Deeth 🐢 Profile picture
The extreme anti-caucus element of Iowa Dems. Слава Україні
Feb 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"Deeth (is) done standing up for the caucuses."

"The first thing that we tell [voters] to do is stand in line for 45 minutes, then go stand in the corner for three hours so that you can vote. They come out of there with a terribly negative impression of the local party." The only thing I will stand up for: I dispute the characterization that the caucuses had a "Meltdown." The RESULTS process had a meltdown, not the caucuses themselves. The volunteers worked hard and did the very best they could under a fatally flawed set of rules.
Sep 25, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Gaming out the Grassley non-retirement, and I might as well make my choice while I’m at it: Chuck Grassley used to run up to 20 points ahead of the rest of the state GOP ticket, peaking around 70% in 1992 & 2004. That's declined the last two cycles as politics in Iowa and the nation have become more polarized and as Grassley has lost the independent image he once had.
Sep 21, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
My bet is Map 3 "Amended" is either already drawn or in the process of being vetted by individual legislators.
more Iowa legislative Republicans are very good at playing their cards close to the vest and keeping their mouths shut until it's time to spring the Last Minute Surprise (see: labor, election, and abortion law, 2017 to present)
Jul 7, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Finally looking at some 2020 Iowa caucus attendance numbers and while I want to turn it into a full fledged blog post, there are some numbers that I just want to get out there to illustrate the overcrowding problem. When we learn statistics we learn basics of mode (most commonnly occurring total), median (the number in the middle of the set), and mean (add them all up, divide by number of items).
Sep 6, 2019 15 tweets 5 min read
No one wants the Iowa Democratic caucuses to have an absentee process.

Iowa Democratic leadership doesn't want it because they're scared about First.

Bill Gardner doesn't want it because First. (thread) The DNC doesn't really want Iowa absentees, despite lip service to the new requirement for caucus states to have absentees, because they are actually more concerned about the longer standing fight to preserve the calendar.