I just want to put this out there. My autistic experience. Maybe no one else's.
For awhile? I was misdiagnosed bipolar II. Which led to unfortunate meds… and side effects. Permanent.
#ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #Bipolar
See… I tested with a gifted IQ. But because of my spiky cognitive profile? I definitely perform at a subnormal level.
Here’s the deal…
During periods of clarity, I can indeed do some things that amaze me. I founded and ran an award-winning magazine at 30.
Mar 18 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
an autistic meltdown is fight flight freeze & appease all at once.
even when it comes out as "fuck You fuck You fuck you."
it's a tiger seagull deer cringing dog all smashed into the same moment. like if a qubit could scream.
despite my spiritual ... pretensions... this has been my truth. sunce 1953.
My mileage may vary.
Mar 12 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I'm an autistic writer and podcaster. I chose the "stage name" of Johnny Profane Âû.
why? I wanted to say what I really needed to say... without masking.
#ActuallyAutistic #Neurodivergent #ADHD
ironically I couldn't begin to do that without the fig leaf of internal cosplay.
i wasn't saying these things. Johnny Profane was.
cool thing? in time i wasn't listening to him any more
i was listening to me. then just speaking the truth.
Mar 10 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
We sure blew past that goal! On Day $4!
Thanks to
Bernard Grant,
David Perlmutter,
Tony V in LV,
Sam Farmer,
Ian Lawton,
Krishna Sadhana,
Kara Mace!
I hope you can forgive me... I'm leaving the 7-day fund raiser up.
THEN, the tens of thousands who read/listen. Silently.
Feb 23 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
@perplexity_ai? Most useful AI app I've used to date… & keeps improving at a fast rate.
Deep research,
brainstorming creative writing,
project organizing via Spaces,
AI assistant to keep me on track,
+ instant search for tech support or any casual thing.
Perplexity offers a whole lotta executive functioning help for this #autistic + #ADHD.
Feb 22 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I'm #autistic. I've re-read the Dune series... maybe a dozen times since 1965.
How about you?
Are you #Neurodivergent? Do you re-experience your faves?
I love re-reading. LOVE it.
I relive memories. I'm back in the moment. Like that, I re-experience the depth of emotion, insight, beauty each re-visit of a book or movie.
It becomes a deeply nuanced experience. Layers of feeling & sensations from various ages I re-read.
Feb 19 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Trump administration identifying #Autism, #ADHD as "direct threats to the American people."
Underlying many of Trump's policies?
Eugenics. Against all disability.
Libertarian survival of the fittest.
Find me as johnnyprofane1 on most text, image, video platforms via
#ActuallyAutistic #AutismAtWork #ADHD #Neurodiversity
More good Karma with me, my friend, @char_boa !
Feb 2 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Start now. As a democracy, we the people are responsible for what our chosen leaders do.
As the economic impact of retaliatory tariffs hit American people, call your representatives.
Whether your state is red or blue.
As things get worse, impeachment is realistic.
We need only a dozen or so Republicans to join Democrats in House and Senate to take back our country.
Jan 2 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
$400 billion.
If you spent 1 million dollars a day...
It'd take you 1,095 years to blow it all.
Now, if you spent a million bucks an HOUR... It would only take 46 years.
A million an hour, 24 million a day, 9 billion a year.
Ya know, we bust up corporate monopolies...
Basically cuz if they get too big, they become black holes sucking up all the money in a market.
At some point, the owner of this platform will control so much wealth...
He becomes a black hole of wealth... and power... sucking up every living thing on this planet...
Dec 23, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Content Note: trauma, sexual assault, self-harm, rage, transformative therapy moments + experiences & opinions of one #autistic voice…71.
The Body Abides
"Like I told you
Nothing really happened
Can't sleep is all…."
He repeats his view,
#ActuallyAutistic #Poem #Trauma
"The body watches.
The body ALWAYS
Fucking watches."
"Yeah, he kissed me
Fathers do that.
Yeah, it was weird but…."
He whispers me,
"Your body, your witness.
And this witness ALWAYS
Fucking watches."
Dec 20, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
I'm an #autistic imagistic thinker. In my 70s. But never realized it til recently.
Are you too? Maybe, like me... without realizing it?
Let’s talk thinking in pictures…
Do you find yourself gesturing at invisible objects while talking, as if others can see what you see?
Do you struggle to explain things linearly, because you get concepts all at once? Like puzzle pieces suddenly snapping into place?
#Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
Dec 5, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I have strengths.
Not one is my superpower.
I have challenges.
Not one is my kryptonite.
I love cosplay.
But I don’t have to fly
Wear a mask
Or sport a cape
To be autistic.
I get to be the hero
of my own life.
Slight tweak. I needed to adjust the reality balance...
I have strengths.
Not one is my superpower.
I have challenges.
Not one is my kryptonite.
I love cosplay.
But I don’t have to fly
Wear a mask
Or sport a cape
To be autistic.
I get to be the hero
Or bald evil genius
of my own life.
Dec 2, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Cyber Monday Gifts... #Neurodivergent style!
Give a bright, wide-open Neurodivergent future this year! Buy a poster… give your kid, employyee, student pride, recognition, acceptance…
Plus a FREE 6-month premium subscription to #AutisticAF Outloud! johnnyprofaneknapp.substack.com/p/images-and-p…
Buy a poster… give your kid, employyee, student pride, recognition, acceptance…
I'm very excited... after a LONG absence... to be relaunching our weekly newsletter!
In this issue... Schools, Police, Institutions, Action Items...
#ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #AuDHD #Disability
1/ perplexity.ai/page/recent-ab…
• Colorado school bus aide arrested for physically abusing three non-verbal autistic children
• Federal investigation launched into Littleton Public Schools and The Joshua School
I'm very excited... after a LONG absence... to be relaunching our weekly newsletter!
In this issue... Schools, Police, Institutions, Action Items...
#ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #AuDHD #Disabilityperplexity.ai/page/new?newFr…
• Colorado school bus aide arrested for physically abusing three non-verbal autistic children
• Federal investigation launched into Littleton Public Schools and The Joshua School
Nov 6, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
@I_FredericLewis @ashleyann_atx Oh my friend I so freaking get it.
I don't have answers... except my own. I hope that makes sense.
I was diagnosed 8 years ago. There was immediate relief. But the learning curve was steep for some years.
I need to write on this i don't think I hit the nail on the head yet.
@I_FredericLewis @ashleyann_atx Short version, which I need desperately to expand...
I found my wife. First Neurodivergent -tolerant in my life. As was her family.
After 6 decades of chaos and trauma I had lived... I had enough comfort & control to look at my life.