Union Organizer | Anti-imperialist, Transnational Feminist | Member of @af3irm @af3irmla | MSW | Mama | Bookworm | All views my own
May 29, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Been watching a lot of debate between radical feminists & marxist feminists. As an organizer in the women’s movement for 20 years and in predominantly-women unions (education, nurses) for 18yrs, I’m asserting that it’s important to study all strands of feminism, esp these 2 (🧵)
Radical feminism has the best texts on rape, misogyny, & alongside socialist feminism, has shaped my understanding of women as a political class. So many of us wouldn’t have survived without the concrete gains won by radical feminists — we wouldn’t be alive or remotely safe (2/?)
Mar 29, 2021 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Some farmworker movement history for #CesarChavezDay: In 1955 Filipino Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee went on strike. 8 days later, the Latino National Farmworkers Association voted to join the strike (led to UFW)
The UFW strike was broad, not simply about 1 leader 🧵
Unionists like Larry Itliong & Philip Vera Cruz were socialists. They knew in order to win the strike, they had to break the bosses’ division of workers across racial groups - unite around class. Their leadership w/Dolores Huerta & Cesar Chavez broke decades of boss tactics #UFW
Mar 5, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Lots of folks call everything they do for social change “organizing.” Let’s unpack this. There are actually different avenues for change. Which model are you actually using???
(🧵 based on @rsgexp’s book ‘No Shortcuts’)
1) ADVOCACY - litigation, lots of money on ads, polling, paid media
Ex: Think a small group of folks engaging legal strategies & paid media to force a car company to change to safer seatbelts on their products
Jan 9, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
✅ Hundreds of Twitter employees successfully petition & shut down 45’s Twitter account
✅ Flight attendants’ union successfully put the 1/6 white supremacists on “no fly” list